up to the minute official socialist news »dvertlseknj - f ... 14/new york ny... · local...

THE NEW ?0*K CA[ L—fUHDAY . - LEMBE* B, 1917, When TOO BUY from CALL advertisers tdljaten^liriiY UP TO THE MINUTE OFFICIAL SOCIALIST NEWS NEW YORK AND VICINITY POME N MEMBERS IN AGITATION AND ORGANIZATION DRIVE Extensive agitation among the women of their bor- oughs is planned by the women party members of Locals of New York and Kings county. At the last meetings oi the Women'* Committees ot these counties, plans were adopted to enlist all party mem- bers in this campaign to gain the women into the party and them become naturalized. help Committer If tun ten. Following are the minutes of the committee meetings: •AHlAffflX. The woman's <~ommittee met at party headquarter* November B. Those present were: Block, IJlienthal, Lang, Newman and Rainesa Anita Block was elected chairman and Mete Oite-nthat eirietery. The following plan ><t work was adopted: The committee of five in to be the executive board of the general woman's committee, to meet week- ly; general committee to meet twice a month. JDrery m«mber of executive board to be chairman of a wuh.-ommitteo on Hteraturr. publicity, public meeting*, etc. Ehnery delegate fro*n party braachee t-> be chairman of a lmal women's conwnlttee to be f<»rmed in her own branch. The woman organizer to work tinder the direction of executive hoard. Theresa i. Matllciel w««* unani- mously nominated for office of or- ganiser. The secretary was instructed to com- municate with Mrs. Mafeiel. It was decided that a letter shou'd be wnt at once to every party branch, asking f»»r the Immediate election of delegates to Hie woman's committee. The next meeting of this committee will be held at party headquarters De- META LI MENTHA!.,. Secretary. BROOKLYN. Th« Lot ganising the following nvmbcrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frailer. Mr*. Mina A a ha—I. Mifs Ray Ragozin. Miss Janet Halperin, Mian Jeanette Olassberg and afro. Bessie R. Scheff. The committee met and elected Mrs. Askanazi chairman and Miss j Halperin secretary of the committee. The following plans of action were and twenty children have regis- tered. Th«> wheel expects to have a staff Of I", teachers. The committee, composed of representatives from the 1st. 2d and 4th Assembly dis- tricts, has been working on the organization end of the school for the past two months, and it Is ex- pected that it will be the most successful school of its kind in Greater New York. All those interested in teaching in a Socialist Sunday school, or ar*> otherwise interested in helping the Sunday school movement, are requested to write to Samuel P. Kramer. Forward building, 175 East Broadway. 8th A. D. School. I^ast Sunday was the opening of the Socialist Sunday school in the Sth Assembly district In Hennlng- ton hall. 214 East 2d street. Then the school could accommodate only 4W children: now it has enlarged Its quarters and can easily accom- modate 896 children. The committee asks all citizens Of the 6th Assembly district to kindly send their children to the Socialist Sunday school. Miss Annie Berman is secretary of the Sunday school, and the branch headquarters are located at 106 A v e n u e C« *orlallata-F,lect and E*ee«tUe Com- mittee of «th A. D. Meet. An important Joint meeting of the (assemblymen- and aldermen-elect and ! the executive committee of the 6th ! Assembly district will be held tomor- Civics Clan* In l»th-20th A. O. Today, at 5:30 o'clock. P. G. Kaplin will give the first lesson in civics and American history at the headquarters of the lfcth-20th Assembly district. 1848 Lexinuton avenue. t3th-inth-2t»t A. D. The executive committee meets at adopted: L The committee shall hold a special meeting of the women of the branches and give them points in organizing their re- spective districts. 2. Instruct them to call neigh- borhood meetings. S. Help women to •ens. 4. Canvass wives Socialist voters. 5. Distribute literature to every houeewife. 6. Get in touch with women's organisations ; 2 o'clock this afternoon at headquar- ters, 195 Lenox avenue. The women organizers are requested to attend. become clti- of enrolled BRONX. Hu*liit»MK Meettna*. liettish Branch—371 Willis avenue. German Nightworkers* Branch—444 Willis avenue. Victory Celebration Today. A victory mass meeting will be held | by Jewish Rranch 3 this afternoon at j McKinley Suare casino, 169th street i and Boston road. The speakers will be August Ciaea- J^aejnd speakers to all meetings | Ja ^ ob Panken> A £ Shiplacoff. B. C. Vladek and the Bronx Socialists- elect. X. Winchevsky and Alexander Kahn also will speak. arranged for the women Mrs. Aakanazie was appointed to take charge of all speakers for branch and neighborhood meetings. JANET HALPERIN, Secretary. i Local Woman's Committee. The woman's committee will meet to- ln the Queens executive committee! morrow night at 1167 Boston road. minutes published in this column to- Every new and old delegate is requested day there is mention of similar plans to attend. adopted by the local to aid the women ' members of the party. Branch 7 entertainment committee will meet tomorrow night at Friedman's The women's committee of Local ! h o m e " 20{ * 2 Bath P at * avenue Bronx Is working along this line a t : . ~~ present and news from the Bronx ' F » ronx members are asked to keep women partv members may be ex- i Januar >" Hi *M* open, as Branch 5 pected shortly. I ,s arranging a victory dance in Mc- j Kinley Square casino. Xew Clan* at Branch 'J-4. The ola-m |a Socialism now being or- ganized by the id Assembly district la almost complete. There is room for a few more who desire to take advantage of the opportunity to learn the fun- damentals of the Socialist philosophy under expert guidance. All those who desire to take this course must send their names immediately to Benj Barish. 456 East 171st street. The class will be called in session in about a week and will meet j n the vicinity of the territory of Branch 2-4. AH mattsr for the Socialist News Column must hereafter be at The kvening Call office not later than 5 o'clock on the day preceding publi- cation. Announcements for the Monday edition should be in by 5 o'clock on the preceding Saturday. TODAY'S MEETINGS. *t%*HATTAX. Hnsiuess Meeting. Lettish Branch 2, i\»is Amsterdam avenue. ««•«« Italian Conference Today. r-HL U * f, ? rn l , ©n tner " W *H be a con- ference of delegates of the Italian branches of Greater New York at the 1 eopte's house. 7 East l'th street, to aiontMS and decide upon the organiza- tion and propaganda work to be done among the Italian workers of the city »ad to discuss ihe matter of monthly due* as decided by the recent congress of the Italian Federation held at Buf- fnl... The conference will open at ,1 o clock. Harlem Italian Branch. The Harlem Its Han branch will meet 10 a. m.. at the headquarters ."r>« Hast lWth sti-eer. with an Important order of business. AH members are requested to attend. Htirleni JenUti Hrnurh Every Sundav at : p. ni.. at the head- tiaarters. 16 Kast tt*th street, there will be the lecturer on "Capital." Ad- miasfon will be free and all interested are Invited. The branch regular meetings will be beid every Friday night. In conjunc- tion with these meetings, able speak- er* will lecture on timely subjects. Members and friends of the* branch arc welcome. Atgeraoa lee «•» "Capitalist Im- perialism anil World Polities." Alderman-elect Algernon Lee will lecture under the direction of Local New York at the Star casino. M*7th •treat and Park avenue on "Capitalist Imperialism and World Politics/* this afternoon. Lee, as educational director *^f the Hand school, la well known as an au- thority on political economy and master of his subject. A_musieal program will precede the •KOOKLYx, Bimlnt'M Meetinaa. 18th A. D., Branch 3—1542 Fulton street. Lithuanian Branch—27 Hudson ave- nue. i!3d A. I). Branches Meet Tonlsht. A joint meeting of all branches of the 23d Assembly district will be held tonight «t the Brownsville labor lycoum. The campaign com- mittee will report, important busi- ness will be transacted. Assemblyman Shiplacoff and Al- der-man-elect Wolff will be present and speak on their proposed future work, i Study Class Opens In Brown** tile Today. There will be a class in Socialism at 2:30 today in the Brownsville Labor Lvceum under the direction of Henry ' .lagerr This* is for those who wish to I learn the fundamentals of Socialism > and who IHes in Brooklyn. East New j York and Brownsville. A fine room in the lyceum with handv | desks and ebatrs has been reserved for thss class and those interested are asked to take advantage of the oppor- t»tn A. IJ. entertainment Tonlarht. I The ISth Assembly district. Branch 2l, w, J I ' n r J n Its members and (friends tonight at Albany hall, 1542 Fulton street. An tntereaalng must. cal and dramatic program has been arranged. AH members and their i friends ar© Invited. *tady i taws In \MI!l.m.ha r « Karl Dannenherg will conduct a claas in Marxian Socialism every Sunday night at 8:45 at the headquar- ters of the 4th-Hth Assembly district. ? South 5th street. An ail ill I selils, fee of irt cents will be charged to each student at every session of the class, or »i.50 for the :*0 sessions of the en- tire course. ftaaday Schools. Beginning today a Sunday school M'rs. Rosa, and Miss Gioun. It will start at 10 o'clock this morning. Manila r Afternoon Dance* at the I. yeen m. The Brownsivllle La,bor 'Lyceum association and the ^3d Assembly district branches will hold after- noon dances every Sunday at the Labor lyceum, 219 Sackman street, near Liberty avenue. Admission will be 15 cents and will include wardrobe. December 7 will be the opening day. On Wednesday, December 5. the *th Assembly district will held a theater benefit performance at Tomaahefsky's theater. "Yente Talabenda," the play, built about the dearly beloved Yente of Forwards fame, will be presented. win be delivered by Miss Ragozln. The subject will be announced. All are wel- come. This evening Circle 3 wiii make final arrangement;? for the cntertalnn ettt and dance to be given at the Educa- tional Alliance Building, 76 Throop ave- nue, on Sunday evening. December 9. Tickets are now on sale at 18 Cook •tract. The literary program will include a pi in© solo hv Mi ss Rva Cohen, a recita- tion by discuss To Me." ANNOUNCEMENT. ten of Forama Lectarea. Marcel Seherer. and an Opfsl TMT E R N A T I O N AL OUT- mk on "What Socialism Means? Ai * *• LOOK r^PIME NEED OF I »rgan;jser Murry Wotae demands the presenro of the educational, entertain- ment, and l—WJblialltj) committees at f ' at9 _: ,r 3 o'clock this afternoon at IS Cool treat. lar. Tickets can he had at the branch headquarters, 187 Tompkins avenue, or at Tomashefsky's theater. The entire psicaodb will go to the 6th Assembly distinct. On Tuesday. December 4. the 6th As- sembly district will held a special meet- ing to discuss the benefit and to make plans for going in a body. The pro- gram for the evening will be a general I discussion on "Mow Socialism Affects My fob" It wH be led by Bert Wolfe. a former teacher at the Boys' high school, who will give a timelv talk on how Socialism affects a school teacher's Job. All are invited. Hail, QIEEXS. Bnilnfiw Mrrtine*. Branch Woodhaven—Weir's Union Course, 3 pm. Executive Committee MJnutea. Th» rxecutive romriittee met Tu«s'1ay, November 2n. at headquarters. Members pr*s«-nt srsrs Sim-lair, Preaoott. W"*nz. Bn«<hl and Ijotise. Absent with excuse, Mioden- kapp Twenty applicants wore admitted: also one transfer. Th* report of the aatOgate to the city rsjm p.Dw'ri i.iimmittee was ac<:epte<I. and. sinre th«* ronubtttsa had not disbanded, it was de- cided to c<-aunu« Sinclair as delegate until the ne*t central committee meeting- The followintr program was outlined as the one which the ex><rutive commitf-n will present to tho horough meeting for adop- tion: 1. That the local be reorganized along Assembly district lines, mem- bers to be transferred to respective Assembly district branches. 2. To facilitate this move a list of party members should be made, with their Assembly and election districts specified, and the branches to which they will be transferred, as well as the one to which they belong. 3. Branches should be known by their respective Assembly districts, and the various brandies within an Assembly district should be numbered as 2d A. P., Branch 1; 2d A. D.. Branch t 4. Branches should appoint orelect election district captains. « man and a woman for eaeh district wherever possible. These should be responsible for the district or- ganization. 5. Election district captains should be enrolled voters and party mem- bers. 6. E a c h branch, wherever there are more than one in an Assembly district, shall he allotted a certain number of election districts to cover in order to avoid conflict be- tween the branches. 7. New branches are to be or- ganized w-herever necessary and expedient. On the- aubjeet of woman propaganda. It wu decided that the woman's committee whould make an effort to get Into the vari- ous women's clubs in existence, such a* the Mothers' clubs, etc.. and try to get Socialist speakers at their meetings: house-to-hou.se canvassing to he carried on and a drlvi* made to- get the women into the IPaW, literature on the woman onestion to M dis- tributed, and. as soon as practicable, a large mass meeting to be irriing»d. Tt w a s further decided to get In touch with the various branch organiaera and get from them a list of their women voters and P ar ^> The failure to attend »ffl mean a •trlom set back in the affair? of 'he OircI*\ The recommendations of *he central and executive committees will be discussed. Circle t Meetlna Tonight. Do not attend the Circle 1 meeting tonight, at 620 Sutter avenue tin ->ss you are certain that vour ehoroi tor can stand the test of an inewothj*t on. Sherita will expound the theories of physiognomical study with relation to character. An excellent program has been ar- nuasod. Dancing: will foHow. All tre invited. , nillinnmhur^ Junior*. The Juniors of Williamsburg mee* at 2 o'clock today at 7« Throop avenue. Important business will be traawstrnsd. PUUIa ro help the building of a V il- liamsbursr labor lyceum will bt formed The study of i'nterman's "Marx an Economics" will be started. All >e- tween th<> age* of 14 and 16 are eleg ble for memhership. A Williamsburg interclub liter r>" league has been formed. T h e p u r p >se of this league is to betto r the speak ng abilities of the youths of Williamsburg All communications must be sent to Paul Ross, I Varet street, Brooqlyn. Sunday morninfr lecture forum. Mt Morrio Baptist caurclv Fifth avenue, between 12lth and 12ith street. 1 o:<*> a, m., subject. "The Place of Turkey in World Democracy;" apeaker, Abram I. Elkus, United States Ambassador t > Turkey. University Settlement forum. IM Eld- ridgc street, 8.00 p. m., subject. "Jus- tice and the Criminal, speaker, Isaac Franklin Hu—I. Public Forura of the Church of the Ascension. Fifth avenue and l^th street, 8:IM p. m., subject, *L*lx>r Ke- \M O P T n TODAY SAYS construed on as a Result of the War;*' W O K Is- V I UUA Y , D A x o speaker Jonn R An ,, WWR secretary of American Association for the Advance- ment of Intern Legislation. Harlem Forum for the Dissemination of Jewish Knowledge. Wadleigh high school, H5th street near Seventh ave- nue. 10:45 a. nv, subject, Jewish Prophecv in the Light of Recent Events;' speaker. Dr. Ellas T„ Solo- mon; sahOln Wat He:on Helms, vio- linist and Israel .Joseph, pianist. Cooper union. HM p. m., subject, "The I W. W.;" speaker. Andre Tridon. CLASSIFIED »DVERTlSE Knj Al «dv.rt,»e m#ntt 8 ^ , , » headmg. 2 cent. f OP t *J??L.% is w\ 9 ro:. typ# - * ,tH i**^* PROF. IN RAND LECTURE. "It is high time we ceased to regard literature from the purely national point of view and began to study it Internationally." said Prof. H. W. L. Dana, in his lecture on Greek litera- ture and Homer's "Odyssey" at the Rand school la*t evening. "The international mind is particu- Mcl^ean, on "*"Eeo- RAND SCHOOL CALENDAR FOR THE CURRENT WEEK The Brooklyn Philosophical asso- • ciation will have the program for larly needed in America at present. S5~2JJ\rt^ia LOttf Island Rusi- The misunderstandings which lead to j negis co ji eso> South 6th street between war are possible only when nations do j Bedford and Driggs avenues. Brook- rv>t know and understand one another, lyn as ^ ^ ^ ^ If are knew each vtber better, we cnuld not hate each other." The lecture was the first in fbe "re- peat" course which Dana is giving on Saturday evenings on account »f the large number of people unable to find room at his Friday course. He will give the second lecture, on Latin lit- erature and Virgil's "Aeneid," at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Only course tickets can be accepted at the Friday lectures, but sing'e ad- EXTRA Urg>. ligju. aJrr rsanTT'^^^. ana- *»nt-snes. *«Jotw R »kL^Walt rS4 Stshbins ST*.. g Sg* S g i i ^ JLgU^jgg i i S MIl.l^tK Jf a *n*VS2 U, ?«»» * I*'itK.r Re»»f nu &T+*Sto? v *J^>ILu an <>p*ntn« 'or sa exparlsaesfsVnS!**•*. with m!li«to:"» nm raij^y TT?hMs&M *id*>r!y raan rrafwr^. Call uTff nil* or phona. Farragut 9777. * aS PATthruWTEIH S^bavtoc la the go.4« j ^ ^ w Mi a*c4 ua y^or c u t I 4 H C 5?^A totsrs. Rscist«r«<l ^\*\\ZL2**$ f. WAKO TCMTSQ. PIANOS—rirst-slsas taaisatCaT" toff. tecalstlBC, voielsg •WmX ' j E Df.s. tse w Mtk ,t. tilr editor, Brooklyn Citizens, nomic Aspects of the War;" ( > • £ * » * ' o m Ott VIPO M t seMt «^*T ber 9: Joseph F. Rinn. ex-president , B r.i improvements; fur«H lw \. t - •Brooatlyn Philosophical, on "After » mahed. Apply to Dr. Horwtt*. m f thA War, What? Polygamy, L a t e r a l i -^'•'•• N ^ ' Marriage or Feminism; December i 16: Prof. George W. Kirchwey, on , "Crime and Punishment;" Dei-ember 2S: Winter Russel on "World De- > mocracy;" December 3*1; Debate on •Has the Socialist Party Adopted the Right Attitude Toward the War?" Affirmative. Harry Waton; negative, Henry L. Slobodin. Admission at these lectures is free mission tickets at 25 cents each Wfiljajtd every person over IS years of age be on sale this afternoon and for the ' of cither sex is invited. Saturdav lectures. Unused coupons | <"omrao> Res*. r»prewntltia th*> s\i<1itin* committee, presented the committee report ot a system of hooKkeeptnie tor the l"ca' was k«M»pin 1018. It wa* reoommenrted that the local Sa away wtth the so-called teOtsa' stasssa a"'! U* 1 "* only the regular stump for hoth ^exes; this not in interfere with the dual stamp for hus- Eaafl and wife. KREH jmiKHI., Recording Se< ret srj . Today—lft a.m., Russian. Nina Sa- m<»rodin: UM am.. Socialism. Da id •3erenberg; 2:30 p.m., teachers' tr;* n- ing class in civics. 1. M, Sackin; pub- lic speaking. section A. Aug ist Claessens; literary criticism, sect on B, David Berenberg; 3:00 p.m.. pul lie. lecture on Latin literature, by H. W. L. Dana. Tomorrow—fi:3rt p.m., conference to organize teachers' training course in Socialism; 7:15 p.m.. elementary Eiig- lish, section A. Avis Hotchkiss; n- termediate English, section A, Alma Krieger. and section A, Mary Forbes; 8:10 p.m., civics and politics, I. M. Sackin; 8:15 p.m., seminar in social legislation;- 8:20 p.m., elements of economics, Algernon Lee; 8:40 p.m., elementary English, section B, A- is Hotchkiss; intermediate English, s»*c- tion B, Mary Forbes; advanced Ei g- lish, section A, Alma Krieger. At the Finnish Workers' house, I r»6 Fifth avenue—Elementary Engli h, Mary Schonberg, sections A. and B. at 7:45 a n d 9:15 p.m.; advanced Eng- lish. Rose Gittes. sections A and B, at 7:45 and 9:15 p.m. Tuesday—2:30 p.m., modern gene al history, Algernon Lee; 7:15 p.m., ele- mentary English, Mary Forbes; ad- vanced English, section B, Alma Krieger; 8:10 p.m.. Socialism, Joshua Wanhope; 8:30 p.m., recent Europe-m literature, Dorothy Brewster; I 40 p.m., intermediate English, section B. Alma Krieger. Wednesday—4 p.m.. logic and comt o- from the Nearing lectures also will, be accepted 'today. This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock I. M. Sackin will begin his training course for developing teachers of civi* s and naturalization to aid the Socialist party in the work of organizing the new voters, particularly among the women. All those who are willing to take part in this work are urged to attend the first meeting of the class this afternoon. "The time is now here when the So- cialist party, in order to grow r and meet its obligations, must have a large corps of well-trained teachers." says "Darwinian Theory and Social Prog- ress—A Study of Force as a Factor in Human Relations." is the subject of a lecture to be delivered this evening, X o'clock, by Prof. George W. Nae- myth. Ph. D.. of Boston, in pubih- school 84, Glenmoro and Stone ave- nues, Brooklyn. The lecture will he preceded by a song recital t«» be given by Mme. Marie Louise Wagner. Dr. Joseph Krimsky will preside. Secret Diplomacy Revealed by Russia Allies' Territorial Offers to Greece and Bulgaria at War Indaoa. ments Publiihei The association for constituent as- sembly will hold its weekly meeting a t 12.*» W e s t 21st s t r e e t , t h i s eftomoee at 4:30 o'clock. The speaker will be Mrs. Bertha H. Maillv, in a statement j Bouek White. His topic: "Can San- issued last evening concerning the new course. "The Rand school can render no greater service to the movement at this time than to help ih the work of training such teachers." A number of announcements of in- terest to Socialists were made by the school yesterday. The Sunday night open forum, to be conducted by the school in the audi- torium of the People's house, will open next Sunday evening with a discussion of the Russian revolution. Tomorrow evening Dr. Benjamin C. Gruenberg. assistant principal of the Julia Rlchman high school, w'll ad- dress the seminar in social legisla- tion organized by the school last week. Gruenberg's theme will be the public school system of New York as affected by the legislation enacted last year. An extension course in Socialism un- der the direction of the school will hold its first session tomorrow evening In the new headquarters of the 14th- listh-lfith Assembly district branch of the Socialist -party at 227 E a s t 84th ity and Social gether?" Revolution tin To- A lecture will be given at the Mod- ern Young Friends' club. T»42 East 143th street, tonight, by Chas. S. Sonnenstein. Admission free. sition, section B", M a r v Forbes; 8Jol*'«*- A large attendance is expected, p.m., Socialism, Algernon Lee; l:|g|?f murh Interest in the new ventr- members, and that " » S * "^ iivS^m., Russian. Nina Samomdin; 8 20 nas b*en manifested by Yorkvllle So- hS^e5ean^~" ' *""' ", J^v, *£?» criticism, section A, , riallst*. nmrade Re**, r-preoentlna the suditinr imittee, presented the commutes report o <vstem or hooKkeeptnir tor the hu-al * d*"'lded b> accept the system of book ping and that it jt' 1 !•*• effect .January David Herenberg Thursday—2:30 p.m.. modern general history, Algernon I^ee; 4 p.m.. natu <tl science, B. C. Gruenberg; 7:15 p.m., elementary English, section A, A is Hotchkiss; intermediate English, see* tion A, Alma Krieger and section A, Mary Forbes; S:10 p.m.. Socialism, section A. August Claessens; 8:40 p.m.. elementary English, section B. A is Hotchkiss; intermediate English, sec- tion B. Maty Forbes; advanced Eng- lish, section A, Alma Krieger. Friday-4 p.m.. social and lal or legislation, A. Trachtenberg; 7:15 p.m., advanced English, section B, Alma Krieger; 8:10 p.m.. social statlsti s, Q, B. la Arner; 8:15 p.m.. public l*»c- ture on Hebrew literature and 'he Bible, by H W. L. Dana; 8:20 p.m.. Circle 4227 East 84th street Literary M°K*<* and composition, section A. Mmy meeting thk* afternoon at 2:30. This | Forbes: 8:4!» p.m., intermediate Ei g- circle's debating team Is open for chal- j ,,8h < section R, Alma Krieger. len ir rs to all debating teams In the Saturday—1:30 p.m.. oral Kng! *h JUST AS MERRY AS EVER, WILL BE 5TH MASSES BALL NF.W JERSEY. Passaic. Branch 1 meets this evening at 225 Main avenue, room 211. Y. MUjJNOTES. StAHlmAwTAll. Tammany Hall the Place, Friday Night the Time, and Greenwich Village to Furnish the Girls. lenge.« Yipsel leagues. The Masses is going merrily on to arrange for its fifth annual boll. This year the dance will be held Friday evening. December 7th. at Tammany Hall. The Masses ball each year is the event of literary and artistic New Yo r k. It is the most popular of «»r*enwioh Village's dances, and at- tracts many -notable people who come to focsret their troubles, and frolic. T'ekels are W cents each in advance; $1.0f> a t the door. Boxes. $12.00 e a c h A debate will be the feature of to- night's meeting of Circle 8 at 99 Sec- ond avenue. The subject will be "Compulsory Arbitration of Labor Dis- putes." Harry Schwartz will debate the affirmative; Abraham Weinberg, the negative. A discussion will follow. The circle oratory club meets every Thursday night. A checker tourna- ment will taae place Wednesday night. I A prize will be awarded to the winner. D»r\i*iiiewn i r* OAOIAI ,«,« The circle recitation contest t a k e s | O n U W r l d V I L L t OULIALIoTS place next week. Entries already have been received. The winners of this content will represent Circle 8 at the league recitation contest. p.m.. reading, section A. Alma Krieg.-r; elementary English, Mary Forb-s; , 230 p.m.. Socialism and trade ifni« a- ! sen ting s z; and are to be obtained ism, Lee and Trachtenberg; 3:15 p.m.. | from Rose Richman. Mgr.. 63 Fifth oral English reading, section B. Alma awei.ue, or The Massed, 34 Union Krieger; 4 p.m., Socialism, section B. j Square. August Claessens: Socialism. Gabriel I R. Mason; 5 p.m., Russian, Ni ia ! ' B * Samorodin; 8:15 p.m.. public lectu e, series B, M Hebrew literature a id the Bible, by H. W. L. Dana. Labor church—Second avenue and 14th street; 4 p.m. Dr. Day on "Pri- vate Property;" 8 p.m., Mary Antin, author of "The Promised Land." on "What America Means to Me;" 5 p.m., Wm. J. DuRant, on "Julius Caesar; The Rise of Rome." LONDON. Dec. 1.—DetaUa of a urm of documents published by th« BsT shevik government relating to m cessive concessions offered to Gieses for the purpose of inducing her to w- slst Servia are sent by the P*tn»i4 correspondent of the Tunes, Tsaa included an offer of southern als^a, excepting Avlona; an offer of twrttorr in Asia Minor, and other offen at ua expense of Turkey. These all came te nothing, for various reasons One document, it Is added, deals with ;i proposal to hand over'Karals to Bul- garia, if Bulgaria Joined the ooten«> allies. Another concern* Greet Brit- ain's offer of the island of Cyprus to Greece, which lapsed, owinir to the re- fusal of Greece to help Servia. CIRCLE CONFERENCE. The executive committee of tist Workmen's council at its last amtipf decided to poaipone for homo later date, to be announced In th« pre**, the conference which was called fir today in Stuyvesant casino. t * """ MASS MEETING to celebrate it I I The Greatest Socialist Victory in the Bronx j TODAY, 1.30 P. M. McKfNLEY SQUARE CASINO McKinley Square Casino, 169th Street and Boston Rotd SPEAKERS \ Judge Jacob Panken, Alderman Vladek Alderman Braunstein Assemblyman Shiplacoff Assemblyman Garfinkel Assemblyman Orr Assemblyman Gitlow Alexander Kahn Morris Winchewsky Sholem Ash And others. ICilaeattonal Mesht at Cfrett* 0. AH young people living in Harlem TO RUN SUNDAY tfANCES Sunday afternoon dances will be r m by the Brownsville Ijaibor Lyceum . s- sociation and the Socialist pa^ ty are Invited to the meeting of Circle u ; branches of Brownsville, at the this evening at 7:30. at 1538 Madison Brownsville Usher Lyceum 219 Sa« k- avemie. A lecture has been arranged • m r an street, Brooklyn, by T. A. Goldstein on an interesting | The young element of Brownsvi'le subject Discussion after the lecture J fr «iuent the Leber Lyeeue often, aid will be permitted. « : b > r running dances Sunday afternooua Besides the lecture there will be an ' the Socialist party will fc* able to ra « entertaininst program. Those members , enough funds to help it carry on tie of Circle 6 who intend going to the 10th 'educational work in Brownsville, snnual banquet on New Tear's eve are! Admission to these dances will be 15 SAked to become in cood standing, cents, including wardrobe. Professor Members who are 3 months in arrears! N'achman'a brass band will pi >. are in bad standing. I iHinces will begin at 2 o'clock. PffOTfKlRAPHEKS. niiroRiGiNAL mi ith Abr. Epstein, Chairman Under the auspices of Jewish Branch 3, S. P., Local Bronx ^ ^ ADMISSION 10c. , I ^•••••••••••MMMMMMMMMMMMIIMMMlMIMMi PHOTOGRAPHER For many years st Grand Street. Now at 3815 THIRD AVE. (Nesr Clsremont P'wsy Station.) No connection with any other so-called "Smith." Harlem Tipsels will hike at 9 o'clock this morning from 1538 Madison ave-1 A nue. Louis Weinstelo will lead. So- I cialtst party members are invited to come along. Harlem Juniors. All young people are urgent!v re- quested to join the T. P. 8. L, juniors of Harlem, who meet every Sunday at l ( > a.m.. at their clubroom", the Work- men's Circle. 143 Kast 403d street. All parents who have children be- tween the y^es of 13 to 15 inclusive, are asked to acquaint them with the pur- pose ef the Y. P. S. L. and its junior organ isatione. A splendid program has been ar- ranged for today, and all new comers will be heartily welcome. BRONX. A study ethaa in Socialism is beiojr organised hv Circle 1. All those who desire to take advantage of this oppor- tunity should give their names to the , organiser. Samuel Kramer. 875 East ISStb street. 0»i'»| THIS AFTERNOON! 2:30—TRAINING COt RSE FOR TEACHER* OF CIVICS AND NATURALIZATION. 3:00—LATIN UTERA TURE, VIRGIL'S AENEID. Second lecture on "Soci d Forces m Literature,** by Prof. H. W. L. Dana. Admis. ion % 25 cents. Course Tickets, $1.50. Unused coupons frcm tfie Scott Nearing course will be accepted this afternooi and at the Saturday evening lectures. BALL given by the Hebrew Butchers' Union Sunday Evening, December 9th NEW STAR CASINO 107th Street and Park Avenue Admission, Gentlemen 25c, Ladies 15c For the benefit of the Sick and Loan Fund. When Buying Your New Fall B * ^M at latusrf* w-i at tat usual that ihia Una»n L*h«d °* •"" Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: UP TO THE MINUTE OFFICIAL SOCIALIST NEWS »DVERTlSEKnj - f ... 14/New York NY... · Local Woman's Committee. The woman's committee will meet to-ln the Queens executive committee!

T H E N E W ? 0 * K CA[ L—fUHDAY . - L E M B E * B, 1917, When TOO BUY from CALL advertisers tdljaten^liriiY




Extensive agitation among the women of their bor­oughs is planned by the women party members of Locals of New York and Kings county.

At the last meetings oi the Women'* Committees ot these counties, plans were adopted to enlist all party mem­bers in this campaign to gain the women into the party and

them become naturalized. help C o m m i t t e r If tun ten.

Fol lowing a r e the minu tes of the c o m m i t t e e m e e t i n g s :

• A H l A f f f l X .

T h e w o m a n ' s <~ommittee met a t pa r ty h e a d q u a r t e r * November B . Those present were: Block, I J l i en tha l , Lang, N e w m a n and R a i n e s a

An i t a Block was elected c h a i r m a n a n d Mete Oite-nthat e i r i e t e r y .

The following plan ><t work w a s adop ted :

The commi t t ee of five in to be the execu t ive board of the genera l w o m a n ' s commit tee , to meet week­ly; genera l commi t tee to meet twice a month.

JDrery m « m b e r of execut ive board to be c h a i r m a n of a wuh.-ommitteo on Hte ra tu r r . publici ty, publ ic meet ing*, etc .

Ehnery de legate fro*n p a r t y b r a a c h e e t-> be c h a i r m a n of a l m a l w o m e n ' s conwnlt tee to be f<»rmed in h e r own branch .

T h e w o m a n o rgan ize r to work tinder the direct ion of execu t ive hoard.

T h e r e s a i . Matllciel w««* unan i ­mously n o m i n a t e d for office of or­gan i se r . The sec re t a ry was in s t ruc ted to com­

m u n i c a t e wi th Mrs. Mafeiel. It was decided t h a t a l e t t e r shou 'd be w n t a t once to every p a r t y b ranch , a s k i n g f»»r t h e Immedia te election of de lega tes to Hie w o m a n ' s commit tee .

The nex t mee t ing of this c o m m i t t e e will be held a t p a r t y h e a d q u a r t e r s De-

META LI MENTHA! . , . Secre ta ry .


Lot gan i s ing the following n v m b c r s . Mr. and Mrs. Frailer. Mr*. Mina A a h a — I . Mifs Ray Ragozin . Miss J a n e t Halper in , Mian J e a n e t t e Olassberg and afro. Bess ie R. Scheff.

T h e commi t tee me t a n d elected Mrs. Askanaz i c h a i r m a n and Miss j Ha lper in s ec re t a ry of the commit tee .

The following p lans of ac t ion were

a n d t w e n t y children h a v e regis­tered.

Th«> w h e e l expec ts to have a staff Of I", t eachers . The commit tee , composed of r ep re sen ta t i ves from the 1st. 2d and 4th Assembly d is ­t r ic t s , h a s been w o r k i n g on the o rgan iza t ion end of the school for the pas t two mon ths , and it Is ex­pected t h a t it will be t h e most successful school of i ts kind in Grea t e r New York.

All those in teres ted in t each ing in a Socialist Sunday school, o r ar*> o therwise in te res ted in he lp ing the S u n d a y school movement , a r e requested to wr i t e to Samue l P . K r a m e r . F o r w a r d building, 175 E a s t Broadway.

8 th A. D. S c h o o l . I^ast Sunday w a s the opening of

the Socialist Sunday school in the Sth Assembly d is t r ic t In H e n n l n g -ton hall . 214 E a s t 2d s t reet . Then the school could a c c o m m o d a t e only 4W chi ldren: now it h a s en la rged Its q u a r t e r s and can eas i ly accom­moda te 896 chi ldren.

The commi t t ee a s k s a l l c i t izens Of the 6th Assembly d i s t r i c t t o kindly send the i r chi ldren to t h e Socialist Sunday school. Miss Annie Berman is s ec r e t a ry of the S u n d a y school, a n d the b r a n c h h e a d q u a r t e r s a r e located a t 106 Avenue C«

* o r l a l l a t a - F , l e c t a n d E * e e « t U e C o m ­m i t t e e o f « t h A . D . M e e t .

An i m p o r t a n t Joint mee t ing of the ( a s s e m b l y m e n - and a lde rmen-e l ec t a n d ! the execut ive commi t t ee of t he 6th ! Assembly d is t r ic t will be held tomor-

C i v i c s C l a n * I n l » t h - 2 0 t h A . O.

Today, a t 5:30 o'clock. P. G. Kap l in will give the first lesson in civics and Amer ican h i s to ry a t t he h e a d q u a r t e r s of the lfcth-20th Assembly dis t r ic t . 1848 Lex inu ton avenue .

t 3 t h - i n t h - 2 t » t A. D. The execut ive commi t t ee mee t s a t

a d o p t e d : L T h e c o m m i t t e e shal l hold

a special mee t ing of the women of t h e b r a n c h e s and give t h e m points in o rgan iz ing the i r r e ­spect ive d i s t r ic t s .

2. I n s t r u c t them to cal l ne igh­borhood mee t ings .

S. He lp women to •ens .

4. Canvas s wives Socialist vo ters .

5. Dis t r ibu te l i t e r a tu re to eve ry houeewife.

6. Get in touch wi th women ' s o rgan i sa t ions

; 2 o'clock this a f te rnoon a t h e a d q u a r ­te rs , 195 Lenox avenue . The women o rgan ize r s a r e reques ted to a t t e n d .

become clti-

of enrolled

B R O N X .

Hu*liit»MK M e e t t n a * . l ie t t i sh Branch—371 Willis avenue . German Nightworkers* Branch—444

Willis avenue .

V i c t o r y C e l e b r a t i o n T o d a y . A victory mass mee t ing will be held

| by Jewish Rranch 3 th is af ternoon a t j McKinley Suare casino, 169th s t ree t i and Boston road.

The speakers will be Augus t Ciaea-J^aejnd speake r s to all mee t ings | J a ^ o b P a n k e n > A £ Shiplacoff.

B. C. Vladek and the Bronx Socialists-elect. X. Winchevsky and Alexander K a h n also will speak.

a r r a n g e d for the women Mrs. Aakanazie w a s appoin ted to

t a k e cha rge of all speake r s for b ranch and neighborhood meet ings .

J A N E T H A L P E R I N , Secre tary .


L o c a l W o m a n ' s C o m m i t t e e . The woman 's commit tee will meet to -

l n the Queens execut ive c o m m i t t e e ! morrow night at 1167 Boston road. m i n u t e s published in th i s column to- Every new and old delegate is requested d a y the re is mention of s imilar p lans to a t tend. adopted by the local to aid the women ' m e m b e r s of the par ty . Branch 7 en t e r t a inmen t commit tee

will meet tomorrow night a t F r i e d m a n ' s T h e women ' s commi t tee of Local ! h o m e " 20{*2 B a t h P a t * a v e n u e

Bronx Is working a long this line a t : . ~~ p r e s e n t a n d news from the Bronx ' F » r o n x members a re asked to keep women p a r t v members m a y be ex- i J a n u a r > " Hi * M * open, a s Branch 5 pected short ly. I , s a r r a n g i n g a victory dance in Mc-

j Kinley Square casino.

X e w C l a n * a t B r a n c h ' J - 4 .

The ola-m | a Socialism now being or­ganized by t h e id Assembly d i s t r i c t la almost complete. The re is room for a few more who desire to t a k e a d v a n t a g e of the oppor tun i ty to learn the fun­damenta l s of the Socialist philosophy under expert guidance. All those who desire to t ake th i s course mus t send their names immediately to Benj Barish. 456 Eas t 171st s treet . T h e class will be called in session in about a week and will meet j n t he vicinity of t h e ter r i tory of Branch 2-4.

AH mattsr for the Socialist News Column must hereafter be at The kvening Call office not later than 5 o'clock on the day preceding publi­cation.

Announcements for the Monday edition should be in by 5 o'clock on the preceding Saturday.


* t % * H A T T A X . H n s i u e s s M e e t i n g .

Lett ish Branch 2, i\»is A m s t e r d a m avenue. ««•««

I t a l i a n C o n f e r e n c e T o d a y .

r - H L U * f , ? r n l , ©n t n e r " W*H be a con­ference of delegates of the I ta l ian b ranches of Greater New York a t the 1 eopte's house. 7 E a s t l ' t h s t reet , to aiontMS and decide upon the o rgan iza ­t ion a n d p ropaganda work to be done a m o n g the I ta l ian worke r s of the city »ad to discuss ihe m a t t e r of monthly d u e * as decided by the recent congress of the I ta l ian Federat ion held at Buf-fnl... The conference will open a t ,1 o clock.

H a r l e m I t a l i a n B r a n c h .

The Har lem I t s Han branch will meet 10 a. m.. at the h e a d q u a r t e r s ."r>«

Hast lWth sti-eer. with an Impor tan t o r d e r of business. AH members a r e reques ted to a t t end .

H t i r l e n i J e n U t i H r n u r h

Every Sundav at : p. ni.. a t t h e head -t i aa r t e r s . 16 Kast t t*th s t ree t , t he re will be the lec turer on "Capi ta l . " Ad-miasfon will be free and all in teres ted a r e Invited.

T h e b r a n c h regu la r mee t ings will b e beid every Fr iday night . In conjunc­t ion wi th these meet ings , able speak­er* will lecture on t imely subjec ts . Members a n d friends of the* b ranch a r c welcome.

A t g e r a o a l e e «•» " C a p i t a l i s t I m ­per ia l i sm ani l W o r l d Po l i t i es . "

Alderman-e lec t Algernon Lee will l ec tu re unde r the direct ion of Local New York a t t he S t a r cas ino. M*7th • t r e a t a n d Pa rk a v e n u e on "Capi ta l i s t Imper ia l i sm a n d Wor ld Polit ics/* t h i s a f te rnoon.

Lee, a s educat ional d i r ec to r *̂ f t h e Hand school, la well k n o w n a s an a u ­thor i ty on polit ical economy and m a s t e r of his subject .

A_musiea l p r o g r a m will precede the

• K O O K L Y x , B i m l n t ' M M e e t i n a a .

18th A. D., Branch 3—1542 Fulton street.

L i thuanian Branch—27 Hudson ave­nue.

i ! 3 d A . I ) . B r a n c h e s M e e t T o n l s h t .

A joint meeting of all branches of the 23d Assembly district wi l l be held tonight «t the Brownsville labor lycoum. The campaign com­mittee wi l l report, important busi­ness will be transacted.

Assemblyman Shiplacoff and Al ­der-man-elect Wolff wi l l be present and speak on their proposed future work, i

Study Class Opens I n B r o w n * * t i le T o d a y .

There will be a c lass in Socialism a t 2:30 today in the Brownsville Labor Lvceum under the direction of Henry

' .lagerr This* is for those who wish to I learn the fundamenta ls of Socialism > and who IHes in Brooklyn. Eas t New j York and Brownsville.

A fine room in the lyceum with handv | desks and eba t r s has been reserved for

thss class and those interested a re asked to t ake advan t age of the oppor-

• t » t n A . IJ. e n t e r t a i n m e n t T o n l a r h t .

I T h e ISth A s s e m b l y d i s t r i c t . B r a n c h 2 l , w , J I ' n * « r * « J n I ts m e m b e r s a n d

(fr iends ton igh t a t Albany hall, 1542 Ful ton s t ree t . An tn tereaa lng m u s t . cal and d r a m a t i c p rogram has been a r r a n g e d . AH m e m b e r s a n d t h e i r

i f r iends ar© Invited.

* t a d y i taws In \ M I ! l . m . h a r « Kar l D a n n e n h e r g will conduct a

claas in Marx ian Socialism every Sunday n ight a t 8:45 at t he h e a d q u a r ­te rs of the 4 th -Hth Assembly dis t r ic t . ? South 5th s t ree t . An ail ill I selils, fee of irt cents will be cha rged to each s tuden t a t every session of the class, or »i.50 for the :*0 sess ions of t h e en ­t ire course.

ftaaday S c h o o l s . Beginning today a S u n d a y school

M'rs. Rosa, a n d Miss Gioun. I t will s t a r t a t 10 o'clock th i s morn ing .

M a n i l a r A f t e r n o o n D a n c e * a t t h e I . y e e n m .

The Brownsivllle La,bor 'Lyceum association and the ^3d Assembly distr ict b r anches will hold a f te r ­noon dances every Sunday a t t h e Labor lyceum, 219 Sackman s t reet , near Liber ty avenue . Admission will be 15 cen t s and will include wardrobe. December 7 will be the opening day. On Wednesday, December 5. the *th

Assembly dis t r ic t will held a t hea t e r benefit pe r fo rmance a t Tomaahefsky ' s thea te r . "Yente Ta labenda ," the play, built about the dear ly beloved Yente of F o r w a r d s fame, will be presented.

win be delivered by Miss Ragozln. The subject will be announced. All a r e wel ­come.

This evening Circle 3 wiii m a k e final ar rangement ;? for t h e cn te r t a lnn ettt and dance to be given at t h e E d u c a ­tional Alliance Building, 76 T h r o o p ave ­nue, on Sunday evening . December 9.

Tickets a re now on sale at 18 Cook •tract.

The l i terary p rogram will include a pi in© solo hv M i s s Rva Cohen, a rec i ta­tion by discuss To Me."


ten of F o r a m a L e c t a r e a .

Marcel Seherer . and an Opfsl T M T E R N A T I O N A L O U T -mk on " W h a t Socialism Means? A i * *•

LOOK r^PIME N E E D O F I »rgan;jser Murry Wotae d e m a n d s the

presenro of the educat ional , en t e r t a in ­ment , and l—WJblialltj) commit tees a t

f ' a t 9 _ : , r 3 o'clock this af ternoon at IS Coo l treat. lar. T ickets can he had at the b ranch

headquar te r s , 187 Tompk ins avenue , o r a t Tomashefsky ' s t hea t e r . The en t i re psicaodb will go to the 6th Assembly distinct.

On Tuesday . December 4. t he 6th As­sembly distr ict will held a special mee t ­ing to discuss the benefit a n d to m a k e plans for going in a body. The pro­g r a m for the evening will be a general

I discussion on "Mow Socialism Affects My f o b " It w H be led by Bert Wolfe. a former t eacher a t the Boys ' high school, who will give a t imelv ta lk on how Socialism affects a school t eache r ' s Job. All are invited.

Hai l ,

Q I E E X S .

B n i l n f i w M r r t i n e * .

Branch Woodhaven—Weir 's Union Course, 3 p m .

E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e M J n u t e a .

Th» rxecut ive r o m r i i t t e e met Tu«s'1ay, N o v e m b e r 2n. at headquarters . Members pr*s«-nt srsrs Sim-lair, Preaoott. W"*nz. Bn«<hl and Ijotise. Absent w i th excuse , Mioden-kapp

T w e n t y a p p l i c a n t s wore a d m i t t e d : a l so one transfer.

Th* report of the aatOgate to the c i ty rsjm p.Dw'ri i . i immittee w a s ac<:epte<I. and. s inre th«* ronubt t t sa had not d i sbanded, it was de ­c ided to c<-aunu« S inc la ir a s d e l e g a t e until the ne*t central c o m m i t t e e meet ing-

The followintr program was out l ined as the one which the ex><rutive c o m m i t f - n wil l present to t h o horough m e e t i n g for a d o p ­t ion:

1. T h a t the local b e r eo rgan ized a long A s s e m b l y d i s t r i c t l ines, m e m ­bers to be t r ans fe r r ed to r e spec t ive Assembly d i s t r i c t b r a n c h e s .

2. To fac i l i ta te t h i s move a l ist of p a r t y m e m b e r s should be made , wi th the i r Assembly and elect ion d i s t r i c t s specified, a n d the b r a n c h e s to which they will be t r ans fe r r ed , a s well a s the one to which they belong.

3. B r a n c h e s should be known by the i r respec t ive Assembly d i s t r i c t s , a n d t h e va r ious b r a n d i e s wi th in an Assembly d is t r ic t should be numbered a s 2d A. P . , B ranch 1; 2d A. D.. Branch t

4. B r a n c h e s should appoin t o r e l e c t election d is t r ic t c a p t a i n s . « m a n a n d a woman for eaeh dis t r ic t w h e r e v e r possible. T h e s e should be responsible for the d is t r ic t or­gan iza t ion .

5. E lec t ion d is t r ic t c a p t a i n s should be enrolled vo te r s a n d p a r t y m e m ­bers .

6. E a c h b ranch , w h e r e v e r t h e r e a r e more t h a n one in an Assembly dis t r ic t , shal l he al lot ted a ce r ta in n u m b e r of election d i s t r i c t s to cover in o rder to avoid conflict be ­tween the b r a n c h e s .

7. New b r a n c h e s a r e t o be or­ganized w-herever necessa ry a n d expedient . On the- aubjeet of w o m a n propaganda . It

w u dec ided t h a t t h e w o m a n ' s c o m m i t t e e whould m a k e an effort to get Into the vari­ous women' s c lubs in ex i s tence , such a* the Mothers' clubs, etc. . and try to get Social is t speakers a t the ir m e e t i n g s : house-to-hou.se c a n v a s s i n g to he carried on and a drlvi* m a d e to- g e t the women into the I P a W , l i terature on the w o m a n ones t ion to M dis­tr ibuted, and. a s soon a s pract icable , a large m a s s meet ing to be irr i ing»d.

Tt was further decided to get In touch with the various branch organiaera and get from them a list of their women voters and Par^>

The failure to a t tend »ffl mean a • t r l o m set back in the affair? of ' h e OircI*\ The recommendat ions of *he cent ra l and execut ive commit tees will be discussed.

C i r c l e t M e e t l n a T o n i g h t . Do not a t t end the Circle 1 mee t ing

tonight , at 620 Su t t e r a v e n u e tin ->ss you a r e cer ta in tha t v o u r ehoroi tor can s tand the test of an inewothj*t on. Sher i t a will expound the theories of physiognomical s tudy with relation to cha rac te r .

An excellent p rogram has been a r -nuasod. Dancing: will foHow. All t re invited. ,

n i l l i n n m h u r ^ J u n i o r * . The J u n i o r s of Wi l l iamsburg mee* at

2 o'clock today a t 7« Throop avenue . I m p o r t a n t business will be traawstrnsd. PUUIa ro help the building of a V il-liamsbursr labor lyceum will bt formed The s tudy of i ' n t e r m a n ' s "Marx an Economics" will be s ta r ted . All >e-tween th<> age* of 14 and 16 a r e eleg ble for memhersh ip .

A Wil l iamsburg in terc lub liter r>" league h a s been formed. The p u r p >se of this league is to b e t t o r the speak ng abilit ies of the you th s of Wi l l i amsburg All communica t ions m u s t be sent to Paul Ross, I Varet s t reet , Brooqlyn.

S u n d a y morninfr l ec tu re fo rum. Mt Morr io B a p t i s t c a u r c l v F i f th a v e n u e , be tween 12lth a n d 12ith s t ree t . 1 o:<*> a, m., subjec t . " T h e P l a c e of T u r k e y in Wor ld D e m o c r a c y ; " apeaker , A b r a m I. E l k u s , Uni ted S t a t e s A m b a s s a d o r t > Tu rkey .

Un ive r s i t y S e t t l e m e n t f o r u m . IM E ld -ridgc s t r ee t , 8.00 p . m. , sub jec t . " J u s ­tice a n d t h e C r i m i n a l , speake r , I s a a c F r a n k l i n H u — I .

Publ ic F o r u r a of t h e C h u r c h of t h e Ascension. F i f th a v e n u e a n d l^th s t ree t , 8:IM p . m., sub jec t , *L*lx>r Ke -

\M O P T n T O D A Y S A Y S c o n s t r u e d on a s a R e s u l t of t h e War;*' W O K Is- V I UUA Y , D A x o s p e a k e r J o n n R A n , , W W R s e c r e t a r y of A m e r i c a n Assoc ia t ion for t h e A d v a n c e ­men t of Intern Leg is la t ion .

H a r l e m F o r u m for t h e D i s semina t ion of J e w i s h Knowledge . Wad le igh h igh school, H5th s t ree t n e a r Seven th a v e ­nue . 10:45 a. nv, subjec t , J e w i s h P rophecv in t h e L i g h t of Recen t E v e n t s ; ' s peake r . Dr. E l l a s T„ Solo­m o n ; sahOln Wat He:on H e l m s , v io­l in is t a n d Is rae l .Joseph, p i an i s t .

Cooper union. HM p. m., sub jec t , "The I W. W. ;" speaker . A n d r e T r idon .

CLASSIFIED »DVERTlSEKnj Al « d v . r t , » e m # n t t 8 ^ , , »

h e a d m g . 2 c e n t . fOP t * J ? ? L . %

is w \ 9 r o : . t y p # - *,tH i**^*


" I t is high t ime we ceased to r e g a r d l i t e r a tu re from t h e pure ly n a t i o n a l point of view a n d began to s t u d y i t I n t e rna t iona l ly . " said Prof. H. W. L. Dana , in his l ec tu re on Greek l i t e r a ­t u r e and H o m e r ' s "Odyssey" a t t h e R a n d school la*t evening.

" T h e in te rna t iona l mind is pa r t i cu -

Mcl^ean, on "*"Eeo-


The Brooklyn Phi losophica l a s s o -• c i a t ion will h a v e the p r o g r a m for

la r ly needed in Amer ica a t p resen t . S 5 ~ 2 J J \ r t ^ i a LOttf Is land Rus i -T h e m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g s which lead to j n e g i s c o j i e s o > South 6th s t r ee t be tween w a r a r e possible only when n a t i o n s do j Bedford and Dr iggs a v e n u e s . Brook-rv>t know a n d u n d e r s t a n d one ano the r , lyn a s ^ ^ ^ ^ If are knew each v tbe r be t t e r , we cnuld not h a t e each o the r . "

The lec ture w a s t h e first in fbe " r e ­p e a t " course which Dana is g iv ing on S a t u r d a y even ings on a c c o u n t »f t h e la rge n u m b e r of people unab le to find room at his F r i d a y course . H e will g ive the second lecture , on La t in l i t ­e r a t u r e and Virg i l ' s "Aeneid ," a t 3 o'clock th i s a f te rnoon .

Only c o u r s e t i cke t s can be accep ted a t t he F r i d a y l ec tu res , bu t s ing ' e ad -

E X T R A Urg>. l igju. aJrr r s a n T T ' ^ ^ ^ . a n a - *»nt-snes. * « J o t w R » k L ^ W a l t rS4 Stshbins S T * . . g S g * S g i i ^

JLgU^jgg i iS MIl . l^tK Jfa*n*VS2U,?«»» * I*'itK.r Re»»f nu &T+*Sto?v * J ^ > I L u a n <>p*ntn« 'or s a expar l sae s f sVnS!**•* . w i th m!li«to:"» n m r a i j ^ y TT?hMs&M *id*>r!y raan r r a f w r ^ . Call u T f f ni l* or phona. Farragut 9777. * a S

P A T t h r u W T E I H S ^ b a v t o c la t h e g o . 4 « j ^ ^

w M i

a*c4 ua y^or cut I 4 H C 5 ? ^ A totsrs. Rscist«r«<l ^\*\\ZL2**$ f.


PIANOS—rirst-slsas taaisatCaT" toff. tecalstlBC, voielsg •WmX '

j E Df.s. tse w Mtk ,t. t i l r

edi tor , Brook lyn Ci t izens , nomic A s p e c t s of t h e W a r ; " ( > • £ * » * ' o m Ott VIPO M t seMt «^*T ber 9: J o s e p h F . Rinn . ex -p re s iden t , Br.i improvements; f u r « H l w \ . t -•Brooatlyn Phi losophica l , on " A f t e r » mahed. Apply to Dr. Horwtt*. m f thA W a r , W h a t ? Po lygamy , L a t e r a l i - '̂•'•• N ^ ' M a r r i a g e or F e m i n i s m ; December i 16: Prof. George W. K i r chwey , on , "Cr ime a n d P u n i s h m e n t ; " Dei-ember 2S: W i n t e r Russe l on " W o r l d De - > m o c r a c y ; " D e c e m b e r 3*1; D e b a t e on • H a s t h e Socialist P a r t y Adop ted t h e R i g h t A t t i t u d e Toward t h e W a r ? " Affirmative. H a r r y W a t o n ; nega t i ve , H e n r y L. Slobodin.

Admiss ion a t t h e s e l ec tu re s is free mission t i cke t s at 25 c e n t s each Wfiljajtd every person over IS y e a r s of age be on sale th i s a f t e rnoon a n d for t h e ' of c i t he r s ex is invi ted . S a t u r d a v lec tures . Unused coupons | •

<"omrao> Res*. r»prewntltia th*> s\i<1itin* committee, presented the committee report ot a system of hooKkeeptnie tor the l"ca' was k«M»pin 1018.

It wa* reoommenrted that the local Sa away wtth the so-called teOtsa' s tasssa a"'! U*1"* only the regular stump for hoth ^exes; this not in interfere with the dual stamp for hus-Eaafl and wife. KREH j m i K H I . ,

Recording Se< ret srj .

Today—lft a.m., Russ i an . Nina Sa-m<»rodin: UM a m . . Socialism. Da id •3erenberg ; 2:30 p.m., t eache r s ' tr;* n-ing c lass in civics. 1. M, Sack in ; p u b ­lic speak ing . sect ion A. Aug ist C laessens ; l i t e r a ry cr i t ic ism, sect on B, David Berenbe rg ; 3:00 p.m.. pul lie. l ec tu re on La t i n l i t e ra tu re , by H . W. L. D a n a .

Tomorrow—fi:3rt p.m., conference to o rgan ize t eache r s ' t r a i n i n g course in Socia l i sm; 7:15 p.m.. e l emen ta ry Ei ig-lish, sect ion A. Avis H o t c h k i s s ; n-t e r m e d i a t e Engl ish , sect ion A, A lma Kr ieger . and sect ion A, M a r y F o r b e s ; 8:10 p.m., civics and politics, I. M. Sack in ; 8:15 p.m., s e m i n a r in social legislation;- 8:20 p.m., e l ements of economics, Algernon Lee; 8:40 p.m., e l e m e n t a r y Engl i sh , sect ion B, A- is H o t c h k i s s ; i n t e r m e d i a t e Engl i sh , s»*c-tion B, M a r y F o r b e s ; a d v a n c e d Ei g-lish, sect ion A, A l m a Kr ieger .

At t h e F inn i sh W o r k e r s ' house, I r»6 Fif th a v e n u e — E l e m e n t a r y Engl i h, M a r y Schonberg , sec t ions A. a n d B. a t 7:45 a n d 9:15 p.m.; advanced E n g ­lish. Rose Gi t t e s . sec t ions A a n d B, a t 7:45 a n d 9:15 p.m.

Tuesday—2:30 p.m., modern g e n e a l h is tory , A lge rnon Lee ; 7:15 p.m., e l e ­m e n t a r y Engl i sh , M a r y F o r b e s ; a d ­vanced Engl i sh , sect ion B, A l m a Kr i ege r ; 8:10 p.m.. Social ism, J o s h u a W a n h o p e ; 8:30 p.m., recent Europe-m l i t e r a tu re , Doro thy Brews te r ; I 40 p.m., i n t e r m e d i a t e Engl i sh , sect ion B. A lma Krieger .

Wednesday—4 p.m.. logic and comt o-

from the N e a r i n g lec tures a l so will, be accep ted ' today.

T h i s a f t e rnoon a t 2:30 o'clock I. M. Sack in will begin his t r a i n i n g course for developing t e a c h e r s of civi* s and n a t u r a l i z a t i o n to a id t h e Social is t p a r t y in the work of o rgan iz ing the new vo te r s , p a r t i c u l a r l y a m o n g t h e women. All those who a r e wil l ing to t a k e par t in th i s work a r e urged to a t t e n d the first m e e t i n g of t h e c lass th i s a f t e rnoon .

" T h e t ime is now here w h e n t h e So­cialist p a r t y , in o rde r to growr and meet i ts obl iga t ions , m u s t have a la rge corps of wel l - t ra ined t e a c h e r s . " s a y s

" D a r w i n i a n T h e o r y a n d Social P r o g ­ress—A S tudy of F o r c e a s a F a c t o r in H u m a n Re la t i ons . " is t he sub jec t of a l ec tu re to be del ivered th i s even ing , X o'clock, by Prof. George W. N a e -m y t h . Ph . D.. of Boston, in pubih-school 84, Glenmoro and S tone a v e ­nues , Brooklyn . The lec ture will he preceded by a song reci tal t«» be g iven by Mme. Mar ie Louise W a g n e r . Dr . Jo seph K r i m s k y will p res ide .

Secret Diplomacy Revealed by Russia

Allies' Territorial Offers to Greece

and Bulgaria at War Indaoa.

ments Publiihei

T h e associa t ion for cons t i t uen t a s ­sembly will hold i t s weekly mee t ing a t 12.*» W e s t 21st s t ree t , t h i s e f t o m o e e a t 4:30 o'clock. The s p e a k e r will be

Mrs. Ber tha H. Maillv, in a s t a t e m e n t j Bouek W h i t e . H i s t o p i c : "Can S a n -issued las t even ing concern ing the new course. " T h e R a n d school can r ende r no g r e a t e r service to the movemen t at t h i s t ime t h a n to help ih the work of t r a i n i n g such t e a c h e r s . "

A n u m b e r of a n n o u n c e m e n t s of in­te res t to Social is ts w e r e m a d e by the school ye s t e rday .

T h e S u n d a y night open forum, to be conducted by the school in t h e a u d i ­to r ium of the People ' s house , will open next S u n d a y even ing with a discussion of the R u s s i a n revolut ion.

T o m o r r o w even ing Dr. Ben j amin C. Gruenbe rg . a s s i s t a n t pr inc ipa l of t h e Ju l i a R l c h m a n high school, w'l l ad­dress the s e m i n a r in social legis la­tion organized by t h e school las t week. Gruenbe rg ' s t h e m e will be t h e publ ic school sy s t em of N e w York a s affected by t h e legislat ion enac ted last year .

An extens ion course in Social ism u n ­der t h e direct ion of t h e school will hold i t s first session t o m o r r o w even ing In the new h e a d q u a r t e r s of t h e 14th-listh-lfith Assembly d i s t r i c t b r a n c h of the Socialist -party a t 227 E a s t 84th

ity a n d Social g e t h e r ? "

Revolu t ion t i n T o -

A lec tu re will be given at the Mod­ern Young F r i e n d s ' c lub. T»42 E a s t 143th s t r ee t , ton ight , by Chas . S. Sonnens te in . Admiss ion free.

si t ion, section B", M a r v F o r b e s ; 8 J o l * ' « * - A l a rge a t t e n d a n c e is expec ted , p.m., Social ism, Algernon Lee; l : | g | ? f m u r h In teres t in t h e new v e n t r -

members, and that " » S * " ^ i i v S ^ m . , Russ ian . Nina S a m o m d i n ; 8 20 nas b*en mani fes ted by Yorkvl l le So-h S ^ e 5 e a n ^ ~ " ' * " " ' ", J ^ v , *£?» c r i t ic ism, sect ion A , , r ia l ls t* .

nmrade Re**, r-preoentlna the sudi t inr imittee, presented the commutes report o <vstem or hooKkeeptnir tor the hu-al * d*"'lded b> accept the system of book ping and that it jt'1 ! •* • effect .January

David Herenberg Thursday—2:30 p.m.. modern genera l

h is tory , Algernon I^ee; 4 p.m.. na tu <tl science, B. C. G r u e n b e r g ; 7:15 p.m., e l e m e n t a r y Engl i sh , sect ion A, A is H o t c h k i s s ; i n t e rmed ia t e Engl i sh , see* tion A, A l m a Krieger and section A, Mary Fo rbes ; S:10 p.m.. Social ism, section A. Augus t Claessens ; 8:40 p.m.. e l e m e n t a r y English, section B. A is H o t c h k i s s ; i n t e rmed ia t e Engl ish , s e c ­tion B. M a t y F o r b e s ; a d v a n c e d E n g ­lish, sect ion A, Alma Kr ieger .

F r i d a y - 4 p.m.. social and lal or legislat ion, A. T r a c h t e n b e r g ; 7:15 p.m., advanced Engl ish , section B, A l m a Kr ieger ; 8:10 p .m. . social s t a t l s t i s, Q, B. la Arne r ; 8:15 p.m.. public l*»c-t u r e on Hebrew l i t e r a tu re and ' h e Bible, by H W. L. D a n a ; 8:20 p.m..

Circle 4227 E a s t 84th s t ree t L i t e r a r y M°K*<* a n d composi t ion, sect ion A. Mmy meet ing thk* afternoon a t 2:30. Th i s | F o r b e s : 8:4!» p.m., i n t e r m e d i a t e Ei g-circle 's deba t ing t eam Is open for cha l - j , , 8 h< section R, Alma Kr ieger . l e n i r r s to all debat ing t eams In the Saturday—1:30 p.m.. oral Kng! *h


N F . W J E R S E Y .

P a s s a i c .

Branch 1 meets this evening at 225 Main avenue, room 211.


T a m m a n y Hal l the Place, Fr iday Night

the T i m e , and Greenwich Vi l lage

to F u r n i s h t h e Girls .

lenge.« Yipsel leagues.

T h e Masses is go ing m e r r i l y on to a r r a n g e for i ts fifth a n n u a l boll . T h i s yea r the dance will be held F r i d a y evening. December 7th. a t T a m m a n y Hal l .

T h e Masses ball each yea r is t h e event of l i t e ra ry and a r t i s t i c New Yo r k . It is the most popu la r of «»r*enwioh Vil lage 's dances , and a t ­t r a c t s m a n y -notable people who come to focsret thei r t roubles , and frolic.

T ' eke l s a r e W cen t s each in a d v a n c e ; $1.0f> a t the door. Boxes. $12.00 each

A debate will be the feature of to­n ight ' s mee t ing of Circle 8 a t 99 Sec­ond avenue . The subject will be "Compulsory Arbi t rat ion of Labor Dis­putes . " H a r r y Schwar t z will debate the affirmative; Abraham Weinberg , the negat ive. A discussion will follow.

The circle o ra to ry club mee t s every Thursday night . A checker t ou rna ­m e n t will t a a e place Wednesday night . I A prize will be awarded to the winner. D » r \ i * i i i e w n i r* O A O I A I , « , «

The circle recitat ion contest t akes | O n U W r l d V I L L t O U L I A L I o T S place next week. E n t r i e s a l ready have been received. The winners of th is content will represent Circle 8 a t t h e league reci ta t ion contest .

p.m.. read ing , sect ion A. Alma Krieg.-r ; e l emen ta ry Engl ish , Mary F o r b - s ; , 230 p.m.. Social ism and t r a d e ifni« a- ! sen t ing s z; and a r e to be ob ta ined ism, Lee and T r a c h t e n b e r g ; 3:15 p.m.. | from Rose R i c h m a n . Mgr.. 63 Fi f th ora l Eng l i sh read ing , section B. A l m a awei.ue, o r T h e Massed, 34 Union Kr i ege r ; 4 p.m., Socialism, section B. j Square . Augus t C laessens : Social ism. Gabr ie l I R. Mason ; 5 p.m., Russ ian , Ni ia ! ' B * Samorod in ; 8:15 p.m.. public lectu e, ser ies B, M H e b r e w l i t e r a tu re a id the Bible, by H. W. L. Dana.

L a b o r church—Second a v e n u e and 14th s t r e e t ; 4 p.m. Dr . D a y on " P r i ­v a t e P r o p e r t y ; " 8 p.m., Mary An t in , a u t h o r of " T h e P romised L a n d . " on " W h a t A m e r i c a M e a n s to Me;" 5 p.m., W m . J . D u R a n t , on " J u l i u s C a e s a r ; T h e Rise of R o m e . "

L O N D O N . Dec. 1.—DetaUa of a urm of documen t s published by th« BsT shevik government relating to m cess ive concessions offered to Gieses for t h e purpose of inducing her to w-slst Servia a re sent by the P*tn»i4 cor respondent of the Tunes, Tsaa included an offer of southern als^a, excep t ing Avlona; an offer of twrttorr in Asia Minor, and other off e n at ua expense of Turkey. These all came te no th ing , for various reasons

One document , it Is added, deals with ;i proposal to hand over 'Karals to Bul­gar ia , if Bulgaria Joined the ooten«> al l ies . Another concern* Greet Brit­a i n ' s offer of the island of Cyprus to Greece, which lapsed, owinir to the re­fusal of Greece to help Servia.

C IRCLE CONFERENCE. T h e execut ive committee of tist

W o r k m e n ' s council a t its last amtipf decided to poaipone for homo later d a t e , to be announced In th« pre**, the conference which was called fir t oday in S tuyvesan t casino.

t • • • * " " "

MASS MEETING to celebrate

it I

I The Greatest Socialist Victory in the Bronx j T O D A Y , 1.30 P. M. McKfNLEY SQUARE CASINO

McKinley Square Casino, 169th Street and Boston Rotd


\ Judge Jacob Panken,

Alderman Vladek

Alderman Braunstein

Assemblyman Shiplacoff

Assemblyman Garfinkel

Assemblyman Orr Assemblyman Gitlow Alexander Kahn Morris Winchewsky Sholem Ash And others.

ICi laeattonal Mesht a t Cfrett* 0 .

AH young people living in Harlem


S u n d a y a f te rnoon dances will be r m by the Brownsvi l le Ijaibor Lyceum . s-sociat ion and the Social is t pa^ ty

a re Invited to the mee t ing of Circle u ; b r a n c h e s of Brownsvi l le , a t t he th i s evening a t 7:30. a t 1538 Madison Brownsvi l le U s h e r L y c e u m 219 Sa« k-avemie. A lec ture h a s been a r r a n g e d • m

ra n s t ree t , Brooklyn,

by T. A. Goldstein on an in te res t ing | The young e lement of Brownsv i ' l e subject Discussion • af ter the lecture J f r « i u e n t the L e b e r Lyeeue often, a i d will be permitted. « : b>r r u n n i n g dances S u n d a y a f te rnooua

Besides the lecture the re will be an ' t h e Socialist p a r t y will fc* ab le to ra « entertaininst program. Those members , enough funds to help it c a r r y on t i e of Circle 6 who intend going to the 10th ' educa t iona l work in Brownsvi l le , snnua l banque t on New T e a r ' s eve a r e ! Admission to these dances will be 15 SAked to become in cood s tanding, cents , inc luding ward robe . Professor Members who are 3 mon ths in a r r e a r s ! N 'achman 'a b r a s s band will pi >. a re in bad s tanding. I iHinces will begin a t 2 o'clock.

P f f O T f K l R A P H E K S .


mi ith

Abr. Epstein, Chairman

Under the auspices of Jewish Branch 3, S. P., Local Bronx ^

^ ADMISSION 10c. , I ^ • • • • • • • • • • • M M M M M M M M M M M M I I M M M l M I M M i

PHOTOGRAPHER For many years st Grand Street.

• Now at

3815 THIRD AVE. (Nesr Clsremont P'wsy Station.)

No connection with any other so-called "Smith."

Har lem Tipsels will hike at 9 o'clock this morn ing from 1538 Madison a v e - 1 A nue. Louis Weins te lo will lead. So- I cialtst pa r ty members a re invited to come along.

H a r l e m J u n i o r s .

All young people a re urgent !v re ­quested to join the T. P. 8. L, jun io r s of Har lem, who meet every Sunday at l(> a.m.. at the i r clubroom", the Work­men ' s Circle. 143 Kast 403d street .

All pa ren t s who have children be­tween the y^es of 13 to 15 inclusive, a r e asked to acqua in t them with the p u r ­pose ef the Y. P. S. L. and i t s jun ior organ isatione.

A splendid program has been a r ­ranged for today, and all new comers will be hear t i ly welcome.

BRONX. A s tudy ethaa in Socialism is beiojr

organised hv Circle 1. All those who desire to t a k e advan t age of this oppor­tuni ty should give the i r names to t h e , organiser . Samuel Kramer . 875 E a s t ISStb street. 0»i'»|




Second lecture on "Soci d Forces m Literature,** by Prof. H. W. L. Dana. Admis. ion% 25 cents. Course Tickets, $1.50. Unused coupons frcm tfie Scott Nearing course will be accepted this afternooi and at the Saturday evening lectures.

BALL given by the

Hebrew Butchers' Union Sunday Evening, December 9th

NEW STAR CASINO 107th Street and Park Avenue

Admission, Gentlemen 25c, Ladies 15c

For the benefit of the Sick and Loan Fund.

When Buying Your New Fall B * ^M at latusrf* w-i at tat usual

that ihia Una»n L*h«d °* •""

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