world aids day 2012

The World AIDS Day in East Europe and Central Asia countries 2012

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World AIDS Day 2012


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The World AIDS Day in East Europe and Central Asia countries


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Armenia celebrities against AIDS Armenia marked the World AIDS Day with contests organized by «HIV/AIDS advocacy group1»   with support of ECUO, the European Union and World Vision Armenia. These events didn’t   left   Armenian   showbiz   celebrities   aside: artists and musicians came to support the activists. Actors Arman Nshanian, Karen Dzhanibekian, Sos Dzhanikebian and musicians Levon Malhsian, Artur Ispirian and other famous personalities attended the event and joined the campaign for HIV prevention in Armenia calling on  youth  to  lead  healthy  lifestyle  and  don’t  reject people living with HIV. «Prevention and treatment: zero new cases, zero discrimination, zero deaths»,   - main message to the World AIDS Day.

The event was held to draw greater attention of people to HIV/AIDS and to raise awarness of public about HIV treatment, ways of transmission and rights of people living with HIV (PLWH). Each participant of this event, who responded correctly to the questions related to HIV/AIDS received a chance to take a photo with celebrity. Egor Glumov, famous radio

Dj, hosted the event. PLWH said “thank you”   to Sonia

Hachatrian, obstetrician-

gynecologist of the Republican Maternity Clinic, for her commitment to work, epidemiologist of the Republican AIDS Centre Arshak Papoyan, doctors of antituberculosis dispensary Gayan Nazarian and Arman Movsesian, director of various HIV prevention programmes in Armenia Gayan Tovmasian and to “priceless” doctors of the Republican AIDS centre. «The professionals, who received our awards are such people to whom you want   to   address   not   only   as   “High   esteemed”   but   also   “Dear”,   said   the  coordinator of the HIV/AIDS Advocacy group Hovhannes Madoyan. With support of Nushikiyan Association every 3 minutes during the day the large TV screen near the French Square showed videos that promoted anti-discriminatory attitude towards PLWH. Leaflets were distributed in pharmacies and two largest supermarket chains in Yerevan. Two press-conferences were also held on December 1 with participation of representatives  of  organization  “Real  World,  Real  People”  and  another one was held just before November 30.

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Moldova:  «Treatment continues – life continues»

In three central parks of Chisinau actions were held dedicated to the World AIDS Day1. For the sake of more tolerant attitude of public towards people living with HIV, activists and volunteers wearing white scarves with inscription “Treatment   continues   – life   continues” answered the questions of event participants. Over 50 volunteers distributed info-materials about HIV and its transmission. Representatives of medical facilities, international organizations, high-school pupils, the Alexandr Kuza college students and representatives of the International human

rights community also joined the event. "I’ve  never  met  them but I know that they are good people. Anyone could be HIV-positive: teacher, programmer, police officer, anyone! And everyone deserves necessary treatment as we do!" (Elena, 10th grade pupil)

Press-conference dedicated to the World AIDS Day, Minister of Health of the Republic of Moldova Andrey Usatiy: «Government and Ministry of Healthcare created all conditions to secure sustainable funding of the programmes related to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment».  

1Events organized by the League of People living with HIV (within framework of the project "Strong community through partnership" that is implemented in partnership with ECUO with financial support of the European Union) and with participation of the  Coalition  “No  Discrimination”  (supported by the civil rights defenders)

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Ukrainians made prescription for their country

In Kyiv on the World AIDS Day the All-Ukrainian Network of People living with HIV held a press briefing "Ukraine received prescription". HIV-positive Ukrainians prescribed their country daily intake of tolerance, responsibility, care, love, kindness, sincerity, concern, heartedness, respect and understanding. Because these are qualities that lack in our society and that can make our life better and happier. This year was the first time when the President of Ukraine made a speech on December 1. Already at 9 am the official web site of the President published his address dedicated to the World AIDS Day. You can read it by following the link: On December 1, President of ECUO and Head of the Coordinting Council of the All-Ukrainian Network of people living with HIV, Vladimir Zhovtiak also addressed PLWH and general public. Video address: Text of the address: In the evening at the

initiative of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWHА the Independence monument was highlighted in red. Within framework of the World AIDS Day Ukraine joined the international «RED» campaign aimed at shaping tolerant attitude towards HIV-positive people. In this way, Ukrainian activists demonstrated that HIV in Ukraine is not problem of some specific individual but the problem of the government and society. In cultural artistic centre of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy the Network opened the photo exhibition «+Woman=Life» in partnership with the famous Ukrainian photographer documentalist Aleksander Gliadelov The works of this exhibition are dedicated to HIV-positive women-leaders, who significantly contribute to HIV/AIDS overcoming in Ukraine. The photo lenses open up dreams, hopes and aspirations of these women and tell stories of their lives.

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World AIDS Day in Azerbaijan Three largest cities of Azerbaijan – Baku, Lenkorani and Shirvan organized the actions dedicated to the World AIDS Day. During these events staff members and volunteers of the public organization against AIDS distributed over 3000 booklets about transmission of HIV infection. They also told about importance of tolerant attitude towards HIV-positive people and significance of support from other people. On the eve of Dec 1 Baku held a round table dedicated to co-infections - hepatitis С. Representatives of international non-governmental

organisations and state authorities took part in the round table. Hepatitis C is a serious threat to lives of HIV-positive people taken into account that Azerbaijan doesn’t have a single medical facility apart from several private ones that provide treatment of this dangerous disease. As a result of the work of this round table, participants decided to address the Minister of Health and other state structures asking to allocate funding

for prevention programmes and hepatitis treatment.

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Georgia:  «Treatment for every HIV+ person!» Five organisations working in HIV/AIDS sphere in Georgia joined their efforts and conducted national campaign under one slogan «Getting to Zero: zero new infections, zero discrimination, zero deaths caused by AIDS». The World AIDS Day began with press conference, where Sandra Elisabeth Rulofs took the floor together with Philip Dimitrov, chairman of CCM in Georgia, head of EU delegation to Georgia and representatives of AIDS Centre, UNAIDS, USAID, GPIC, PTF and GHRN. Informational materials were distributed to the visitors and videos were shown during the press conference. Among those videos was the one that showed importance of timely, uninterrupted and quality treatment for all HIV-positive people, who need it. You can watch the

video made   by   organization   “Real   World,   real   People”   by following the link: On December 1 organisators of the national campaign dedicated to the World AIDS Day distributed all day long informational materials in public places of the city. In the evening the Liberty Square saw activists

shaping red ribbon with their bodies. They lighted candles in solidarity with HIV-positive people. Later that evening the charitable concert began in Magti Club. It started with demonstration of the video about importance of ensuring treatment for all PLWH, who need it. Stars of the concert included Georgian bands Agate Emerald, Mellow, Landmark, ZurGi. Concert tickets were sold at symbolic price (about 5 Euro). All costs incurred from tickets (about 600 Euro) will be used to purchase gifts for HIV-positive children. The concert was organized by Children of Georgia, World Vision Georgia and Real World, Real Vision.

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World AIDS Day in Russia

Various events were held in nine cities of Russia to mark the World AIDS Day.

In Moscow artists, musicians and actors of Russia and CIS participated in the concert organized in support  of  the  “Red  Ribbon”  campaign.

This concert was held within framework of VI official ceremony of the Russian national award RUSSIAN ENTERTAINMENT AWARDS–2012. In nomination «Person of the year»   the TV anchor, public person and recently the Goodwill Ambassador of the Yasuni-ITT initiative Nikolay

Drozdov received his

award. RUSSIAN ENTERTAINMENT AWARDS–2012 received Yulia Lasker, singer and ambassador of the Red Ribbon from Russia.

In Naberzhnye Chelny2 activists conducted press conference dedicated to the World AIDS Day. Special action was also organized by representatives of PLWH community, AIDS centre personnel  and  charitable  fund  “Svetoch”.

In Saratov activists conducted many information events for senior high school students of 14 schools3.

In Kazan4 vocal and dance collectives made their performances to mark the World AIDS Day. Various competitions were also enjoyed by participants.

Express testing was also operating during the events. 96 people were tested and 100 people consulted health professionals. On November 30 the press conference with representatives of the mass media (TV, radio and periodicals) was held. From November 26 till 30 a free medical anonymous check-up for HIV infection was conducted among university students. Over 200 people were

tested. On December 2 and 3 the All-Russian Network of PLWH together with volunteers distributed leaflets and red ribbons to citizens and guests of the capital.

The action ProFlash   «AntiAIDS» was organized in Nalchik. During the action activists tried to draw attention of participants to the scale of HIV epidemic and show that HIV-positive people do need help and support of society.

2 Organisators –charitable foundation for rights protection and healthcare of the disabled, drug addicts and HIV-infected people «Svetoch» together with AIDS Centre with informational support of the All-Russian Network of PLWH 3 Organisers: Youth public council of Volzh district administration. IO “Gorod Saratov” (volunteers from medical college), «Red Cross in Russia»,  Consultancy  centre  “Sodeystviye”, the All-Russian Network of PLWH. 4 GAUZ " the Republican centre for HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases prevention under auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic Tatarstan

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Another press-conference was held in Mahachkala in the Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare for Dagestan Republic. Representative of the All-Russian Network and head of the   organization   “Svoi”   Dzhappar  Gadzhiev took part in the event. Briefing after press-conference was organized by “Svoi”  organization with participation of management and department officials that take part in social prevention work and work with the youth.

Invited experts took the floor at the briefing, where they presented HIV/AIDS situation, statistics, analysis of the UN global report “Getting  to  Zero”  that  sparked  intense  discussion among participants.

The new Perm social theatre “Otrazheniye” (Reflection) debuted with their first play “Turbulence”   in Perm5. The play highlights concrete problems of rights abuse against people living with HIV in medical facilities and at work places. After the performance visitors discussed the issues that were raised in the play.

Regional affiliate of the Russian Network of PLWH in Nefteyugansk together with AIDS centre conducted awareness raising events dedicated to the World AIDS Day.

Outreach awareness raising event was organized in Volgograd oblast for women, who serve time in prison of town Leninsk. Seminars on the topics  “Woman  and  HIV”  and  “HIV and Law” were conducted within framework of this action. Additionally, prisoners received peer-to-peer consultations. This action became possible thanks to cooperation of Volgograd regional public organization that help people  living  with    HIV  and  affected  by  HIV  “Positivnaya  zhizn”  (Positive  life)  together  with  another  public  organization  “Mariya”  – Mothers  against  drugs,  “Guardianship  council”   under   auspices   of   the   Federal   Penitentiary   System   in   Volgograd   oblast,   Public  supervision commission on human rights in places of detention. In future, these organisations will conduct similar actions in all prison camps of Volgograd oblast.

Link to the video, Link to the article

Rostov-na-Donu organized a round table to mark December 1, where crucial issue was raised – rejection of medical facilities to provide medical services to PLWH. Representatives of Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare, HIV/AIDS prevention centre in South district, lawyer of community liaison office of Rostov affiliate “Edinaya  Rossija”,  priests  of Russian Orthodox Church, doctors of medical facilities of Rostov-na-Donu, representatives of organization   “Kovcheg   – AntiAIDS”,   national   foundation   “Vozrozhedie   natsii”   and   PLWH.   All  willing doctors could get express testing for HIV and hepatitis C with express tests OraQuick ADVANCE.

5 The play saw performances of the Russian Network of PLWH, students of Perm pedagogical college – participants of volunteer group «Phoenix». The play was designed following Y-PEER network technology that was presented by the resource centre for trainers and volunteers education of the youth theatre «Light»  (Samara). Organisers of the event: regional affiliate of the All-Russian Network of PLWH, non-commercial partnership «Antidrugs programmes»  together with volunteer group «Phoenix» with support of Perm pedagogical college №1.

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Information digest is prepared within framework of the project “Strong    community  through  partnership”  

with support of the European Union Yulia Raskevich, communication officer, [email protected]

Tatyana Khan, advocacy officer, [email protected]

East Europe and Central Asia Union of PLWH, 2012

This project is funded

by European Union