the herald and news (newberry, s.c.).(newberry, s.c.) 1917...

fUlUiLI TEBSOXIL J&s JLoyeiu"iits oi wauy JPeopie, Aeif» &erriaus, and Those Who Visit Jfewberry. -»» -r r>IT ...U« C/nM IVia Y%n of n/>N JMT. J. U. JL/tttJ vv uu lui iuc v,uujpie years has been working at tHe Hospital for the Insane in Columbjf and who some years before held a position as policeman in 'Newberry. has secured a police job at a good salary at Newell, Pa., and has moved So that city. Miss Kate Summer, of Newberry, 'was guest for a few days last week <01 Miss Essie Hagood..Easley Prog- 3-ess. "Mrs. Beta Weight and Mib% Elizabeth Wright have returned to XewfreTTV, after a visit In the home of iSr. and Mrs. J. H. Wright Here.. Jofcnstone cor. The Record. Mr. T. F. F. Carson, of Whitmiro, spent the week end here with' friends. .Clinton Gazette. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shocktey spen a, couple of days this week in N'e"*l>erry with relatives and frlencrs.. Clinton Gazette. . Mr. Eugene Sligh, who has ~ been fcojiaected with the offic# of The Herald and News for some time has gone to Columbia to work for the Lutheran Hoard of Publication. He is a good hnnd in a printing and job office. Mrs. T. J. McCrackin and two little ^boys spent last week in KinarGs. Pro! Gilbert P. Voigt of NewtJerry college returns Saturday from Colombia, after spending vacation. Mr. John Peterson and Mr. Ned Pcrcell in Mr. Peterson's Ford made a trip on Sunday as far as Tryon, N. C.? taking dinner at Woodruff ana snakine stons nt Snin^o .vr r\ uuu, V-»., ClilU Spartanburg, S. C. They made the trip the same day. - Mr. T. "W. Gary of Florida is on a ^sif. to relatives in Newberry. He Is a son of Ma^K-31. H. Gary and moved to * Florida a good many years ago and prospering in his adopted home. F > is returning by Charleston to enhis son as a student o? the Citadel Academy of which institution a.e ^ra^nated. Ifrs. Walter Cameron has returned "to her home in Newberry after spending 9ome time witfr her parents, Mr. Mrs. E. F. Smith..Pacolet cor. / 'Union Times, 14th. , ! Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blease of Newfcerry spent Tuesday night in the clt7 i 1 Will begin our / § ladies and girls Iity to be here to tiest Hats that} We believe th they are lookin el in oar store. m tve have it. I We are fortun I to trim, and Mn we have. They each of you and I Don't Forget and Coi J BLACK * I X Pi as the guests of Mrs. Glasgow, en loute to Greenville..Greenwood Index, loth. A. C. Underwood, roller coverer fotf the Mollohon Mfg. Co., New&erry, S. C., has left to take a position with the West Roller Covering Co., tjreenwouu. S. C .'Mills News. H. Frazier, from Whitmire, S. C.j nas taken the roll covering work zi "'the Mollohon mill, Newberry, 5. C..« Mill News. Miss Julia Murray of Kinards, Neww berry county, is here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Murray in North Main street..Dorchester (Saini To o-la 1 dth ucuigc; Miss Clara Bowers has gone to Rich £ burg to teach school. I Misses Hattie Roebuck and Ruth Price, two charming young ladies o Gainesville, Fla., stopped over in Newberry for a few days with Mrs Julius R. Eison on their way home from the mountains. i Miss Estelle Bowers has returned to Campobello to resume her school teaching. Mrs. Jesse Howard has returned U lier home in Concord, <N. C., after a visit here to Mrs. W. F. Ewart, wn3 accompanied her home on a visit, for several weeks. I Mr. D. D. Connelly of Ninety Six. is visiting his son, Mr. Hugh Con; nelly. j Mr. F. W. Webster of Atlanta, spent the week-end in Newberry, reA .. . . * & "> ftTXT At* n' h turning nuuie wiui ivus. »»cuoici, r»n has been visiting her parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. J. F. Schumpert. Messrs. T. J. McCrackin and H. H. Abrams returned last week from -i business trip to Hend^rsonville. Mr. James Johnson of Johnson-Mr. Crackin company and the NewDerry cannery returned last week from a trip into Northwestern Texas, whlca is some country, with the accent on the country, according to Mr. John| auii. i Mr. C. L. Hattaway has brought his family from Savannah to live in X '\vherry, for the present at the Central house, Mr. Hattaway having accepted a position with Dr. Mayes at the drugstore. ; Mr. L. 'W. Floyd has been appoint, ed by Governor Manning as one of the delegates to "attend the 12th International TTarm fmicroaa ha hald in Peoria, 111., September 25-26. ! A Newberry farmer has shipped a hog to Texas, and we'll bet that swine A Millinery Season. \ ** * ot town and surrou inspect the latest t lave ever been show at each and every 01 \2 for in Fall and w Ik If it is quality and tate in getting Miss i 5. Alma Nance to s 4 f // Z* ^ A M / A . UUlll UULIl (UKt fJGIOi you know them botl \ The Day, Sep itinues Three . All Come To osperity, S. ( makes the Texas hogs stand around.. Anderson Mail. You"bet. The Herald and Ne^rs reporter cant go to the Rocky Mountains, but ne left Saturday for the rocky hills of Laurens county. The new and all-right linotype ope- rator in The Herald and News ofioe,/ Mr. L. E. Brookshire, left Saturday tor Greenville to return Sunday wttsi f his family, to live here, occupying n cottage in Caldwell street just beyoart Scott's creek, near the street wnero there are more children to the squan* jard than in any other street 01 uia -ity. There will be confirmation as well as preaching by Bishop W. A. Guerry at St. Luke's Episcopal church We<2> day night, beginning at 8:30 o'clock. The union services will close for tno season next Sunday night. You will see "What Money Can r»uy by Jack Pickford and Louise Huff, at ^he opera house Thursday. Sessue Hayakawa, oj&e of the most talented characters and emotional ac/ tors of the sc~A is is now appearing i.--JJ "Do+Via* in the phof v jporir.uueu * which will r> qr at the opera hour* Tuesday, b jpported by a not able cast, incluaing his co-star, Vivian Martin, an-d others. This is tne first picture in which these two brilliant Paramount stars have even fteen seen together. The play is a strong Jy vital story of a Japanese man atta an American maid. The former realizes his case is hopeless on accoun of the difference in race, but stanoa by his colors. nanronaniSr office snown in A I1C7 AX V/ »» v* w . '"The Food Gamblers," which will oe ~3en Wednesday at the opera hous*», is no product of a director's imagination or a stage carpenter's manuracfacture. It is the actual office of the New York Globe. Miss Millar ha.l her first taste of printer's ink In this office. which immediately cast its spell over her. Miss Elda Miliar 1 1 /v« Tuma Tnet?r»w IclKeS 1116 CI ouuc juljuku) reporter on the Globes w?io maxes a sensational arraignment of seven f prominent business men in !<rew Torft city, charging them with vicious and unlawful "food gambling," and declaring that she will produce evidence branding them as traitors to thijlr ~t><mtry. Miss Justice reveals pit* j *.1 ~ i m 4-V, /> V* Atna a. a# XTa W rUl CUllUl'.iUUS ill iuc uumca ui wiun Yoriv Lastsiders,, where, she says, people are actually in the grip or si&rvation. j ...Za T1ftTU ! l.iaiii | Ve invite all the I nding communityles and pret- I n tr» II lift I B || le can find what | Winter appar- I style you want I e McClelan again how you what I onal interest in I temher 19th j RJf xL. I iriunuis. [IDS CO. I r Opera House!1 PROGRAMME CS ALLEY 11 Tuesday, September 18 Paramount Pictures Presen' VIVIAN MARTIN and SESSLfi HAlAkAVYA ! *.in "FOKBDDEN PATHS" Five Reels. Wednesday,, September 19 Triangle Pictures Present WILFRED LUCAS j. and ELDA MILLAR in - .~ . »./> nr. /i I if nr T>T»£?»» "THE Jt'UUl* Five Reels. TRIANGLE COMEDY. ! A Thursday, September 20 Paramount Pictures Present JACK PICKFORD and ' LOUISE HUFF i in 44WHAT MONET CAN BUY" Five Reels. SPECIAL VOT1LKS I will be ready to gin Friday morning. 0. W. ,Long. 9-18-ltp. LOST.Express Delivery Book froa express wagon Saturday p. m. between McHardy Mower's garage ana Mayes' Book Store. Finder return to express office and get reward. 31EN AND 1Y0MEN WANTED Who really pride themselves as gooo dressers. Wp want, to show vou with, facts that we can press your clothes, giving them the natural body ahape, lasting <reasps and a uniform finish; In other words, High Class WorK. Ideal Steam Pressing1 Clu?>. ^Phone 6$. Ladies iWork a Specialty. BenJVonde system used Iier®. 9-18-lt. YES.We clean coat-suits, overcoats, gloves, etc. We use exclusively '*Ben-Vonde system." Give us a trial. Ideal Steam Pressing Ciu%. Phone 68. t 9-18-lt r ' . j FOE SALE.Fine organ cheap. Call on J. H. Riser, New-berrjr, S. . i 9-18-3tp. ^a,mm wa « l ( Sq FEXHIBITING J 1 1 languished in New York z charming and The display . .1 J sortment tnat; I type. I Your atten< -r-.. i r vi UVI Prospe CEDItiREKD APPLE E OATS.Or.® dollar per bushel. Phone or see K. >S. Stilwell, Silversireet, S. C. 9-lS-tf. Roofisar.Let us show you our gravel roofing. Use it instead of the gal\ Yanized. Johnson McCraokia Co. 7-31-tf FIRST Si Distinctive I % Wednesday.! 0 An unusual as. and charming < quality, at reaso solataly in accori modes. n. -\JftJLi L/U.I ISZLJ UU easily satisfy yoi to style and colo, The array of shapes that appe set is especially < K. M. Al». Dtember 19 k i many new cr< ) styl e, selected »r»rl Ralh'mnrp HlVt *#UAU«AAVa diciinctive mod will include su< you are assure* iance is sincer [lITMDrDI [HJMTLRJ rity, S. C. FOR RE>'T.325 acres good farming land, on Bush River. Timothy and Kinards creeks.New buildings. I Excellent opportunity for large j family. Gustavus Werber. R. F. | D. Xo. 7. Box 47.">. 9-4-4tp. i For Sale.Pr^o Rico Molasse* by | 7-13-tf I Johnson McCr&rkin Co. 0 I HQWING ;all Minery , September 19 s emblage of smart zreations of high -f liable prices, abi with the latest I ill enable you to ir desire both as r. chic. and clever al to the younger attractive. ' N DERSON ! LINERY Vfi ,, and 20. ] « sations of dis- by our buyer » as the most els. :h a varied a s o mm m ! d a becoming ely invited. J / ^

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J&s JLoyeiu"iits oi wauy JPeopie, Aeif»&erriaus, and Those Who Visit

Jfewberry.-»» -r r>IT ...U« C/nM IVia Y%n of n/>N

JMT. J. U. JL/tttJ vv uu lui iuc v,uujpieyears has been working at tHe

Hospital for the Insane in Columbjfand who some years before held a

position as policeman in 'Newberry.has secured a police job at a goodsalary at Newell, Pa., and has movedSo that city.

Miss Kate Summer, of Newberry,'was guest for a few days last week<01 Miss Essie Hagood..Easley Prog-3-ess.

"Mrs. Beta Weight and Mib% ElizabethWright have returned to XewfreTTV,after a visit In the home ofiSr. and Mrs. J. H. Wright Here..Jofcnstone cor. The Record.

Mr. T. F. F. Carson, of Whitmiro,spent the week end here with' friends..Clinton Gazette.

Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shocktey spena, couple of days this week in N'e"*l>errywith relatives and frlencrs..Clinton Gazette.. Mr. Eugene Sligh, who has ~ beenfcojiaected with the offic# of The Heraldand News for some time has goneto Columbia to work for the LutheranHoard of Publication. He is a goodhnnd in a printing and job office.

Mrs. T. J. McCrackin and two little^boys spent last week in KinarGs.Pro! Gilbert P. Voigt of NewtJerry

college returns Saturday from Colombia,after spending vacation.Mr. John Peterson and Mr. Ned

Pcrcell in Mr. Peterson's Ford madea trip on Sunday as far as Tryon, N.C.? taking dinner at Woodruff anasnakine stons nt Snin^o .vr r\

uuu, V-»., ClilU

Spartanburg, S. C. They made thetrip the same day.

- Mr. T. "W. Gary of Florida is on a^sif. to relatives in Newberry. He Isa son of Ma^K-31. H. Gary and movedto *Florida a good many years ago and

prospering in his adopted home.F > is returning by Charleston to enhisson as a student o? the CitadelAcademy of which institution a.e^ra^nated.

Ifrs. Walter Cameron has returned"to her home in Newberry after spending9ome time witfr her parents, Mr.Mrs. E. F. Smith..Pacolet cor./ 'Union Times, 14th., !Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blease of Newfcerryspent Tuesday night in the clt7

i1 Will begin our /§ ladies and girls

Iity to be here totiest Hats that}We believe th

they are lookinel in oar store.

m tve have it.I We are fortunI to trim, and Mn

we have. Theyeach ofyou and

I Don't Forgetand Coi


I X Pi

as the guests of Mrs. Glasgow, en

loute to Greenville..Greenwood Index,loth.A. C. Underwood, roller coverer fotf

the Mollohon Mfg. Co., New&erry, S.

C., has left to take a position with theWest Roller Covering Co., tjreenwouu.

S. C .'Mills News.H. Frazier, from Whitmire, S. C.j

nas taken the roll covering work zi"'the Mollohon mill, Newberry, 5. C..«

Mill News.Miss Julia Murray of Kinards, Neww

berry county, is here on a visit to

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Murray in NorthMain street..Dorchester (Saini

To o-la 1 dthucuigc;

Miss Clara Bowers has gone to Rich £burg to teach school. I

Misses Hattie Roebuck and Ruth

Price, two charming young ladies o

Gainesville, Fla., stopped over in

Newberry for a few days with Mrs

Julius R. Eison on their way home

from the mountains. i

Miss Estelle Bowers has returnedto Campobello to resume her schoolteaching.Mrs. Jesse Howard has returned U

lier home in Concord, <N. C., after

a visit here to Mrs. W. F. Ewart, wn3

accompanied her home on a visit, for

several weeks. IMr. D. D. Connelly of Ninety Six.

is visiting his son, Mr. Hugh Con;nelly. jMr. F. W. Webster of Atlanta,

spent the week-end in Newberry, reA.. . .* & ">ftTXT At* n' h

turning nuuie wiui ivus. »»cuoici, r»n

has been visiting her parents, Mr. and1Mrs. J. F. Schumpert.Messrs. T. J. McCrackin and H. H.

Abrams returned last week from -ibusiness trip to Hend^rsonville.Mr. James Johnson of Johnson-Mr.

Crackin company and the NewDerrycannery returned last week from a

trip into Northwestern Texas, whlcais some country, with the accent on

the country, according to Mr. John|auii.


Mr. C. L. Hattaway has broughthis family from Savannah to live inX '\vherry, for the present at the Centralhouse, Mr. Hattaway having accepteda position with Dr. Mayes at

the drugstore. ;Mr. L. 'W. Floyd has been appoint,

ed by Governor Manning as one ofthe delegates to "attend the 12th InternationalTTarm fmicroaa ha hald

in Peoria, 111., September 25-26. !A Newberry farmer has shipped a

hog to Texas, and we'll bet that swine


Millinery Season. \** *

ot town and surrou

inspect the latest t

lave ever been showat each and every 01

\2 for in Fall andw Ik

If it is quality and

tate in getting Miss i

5. Alma Nance to s4 f // Z* ^ AM / A .


you know them botl

\ The Day, Sepitinues Three .

All Come To

osperity, S. (

makes the Texas hogs stand around..Anderson Mail. You"bet.The Herald and Ne^rs reporter cant

go to the Rocky Mountains, but ne

left Saturday for the rocky hills of

Laurens county.The new and all-right linotype ope-

rator in The Herald and News ofioe,/Mr. L. E. Brookshire, left Saturdaytor Greenville to return Sunday wttsi


his family, to live here, occupying n

cottage in Caldwell street just beyoartScott's creek, near the street wnero

there are more children to the squan*

jard than in any other street 01 uia

-ity.There will be confirmation as well

as preaching by Bishop W. A. Guerryat St. Luke's Episcopal church We<2>

day night, beginning at 8:30 o'clock.

The union services will close for tno

season next Sunday night.You will see "What Money Can r»uy

by Jack Pickford and Louise Huff, at

^he opera house Thursday.Sessue Hayakawa, oj&e of the most

talented characters and emotional ac/tors of the sc~A is is now appearing

i.--JJ "Do+Via*in the phof v jporir.uueu *

which will r> qr at the opera hour*

Tuesday, b jpported by a not

able cast, incluaing his co-star, VivianMartin, an-d others. This is tne

first picture in which these two brilliantParamount stars have even fteen

seen together. The play is a strong

Jy vital story of a Japanese man atta

an American maid. The former realizeshis case is hopeless on accoun

of the difference in race, but stanoa

by his colors.nanronaniSr office snown in

A I1C7 AX V/ »» v* w.

'"The Food Gamblers," which will oe

~3en Wednesday at the opera hous*»,is no product of a director's imaginationor a stage carpenter's manuracfacture.It is the actual office of the

New York Globe. Miss Millar ha.l

her first taste of printer's ink In

this office. which immediately cast

its spell over her. Miss Elda Miliar1 1 /v« Tuma Tnet?r»w

IclKeS 1116 CI ouuc juljuku)

reporter on the Globes w?io maxes a

sensational arraignment of seven fprominent business men in !<rew Torft

city, charging them with vicious and

unlawful "food gambling," and declaringthat she will produce evidence

branding them as traitors to thijlr~t><mtry. Miss Justice reveals pit* j*.1~ im 4-V, /> V* Atn a a. a# XTaWrUl CUllUl'.iUUS ill iuc uumca ui wiun

Yoriv Lastsiders,, where, she says,

people are actually in the grip or

si&rvation. j


T1ftTU !l.iaiii |Ve invite all the Indingcommunitylesand pret- In tr»II lift I B ||

le can find what |Winter appar- Istyle you want I


McClelan againhow you what I

onal interest in I

temher 19th jRJf xL. Iiriunuis.


Opera House!1PROGRAMME

CSALLEY 11Tuesday, September 18

Paramount Pictures Presen'VIVIAN MARTIN



Five Reels.

Wednesday,, September 19Triangle Pictures Present



- .~ . »./> nr. /i I if nr T>T»£?»»"THE Jt'UUl*



A Thursday, September 20Paramount Pictures Present





I will be ready to gin Friday morning.0. W. ,Long.9-18-ltp.

LOST.Express Delivery Book froa

express wagon Saturday p. m. betweenMcHardy Mower's garage ana

Mayes' Book Store. Finder return

to express office and get reward.

31EN AND 1Y0MEN WANTEDWho really pride themselves as gooo

dressers.Wp want, to show vou with, facts

that we can press your clothes, givingthem the natural body ahape, lasting<reasps and a uniform finish; In

other words, High Class WorK.Ideal Steam Pressing1 Clu?>.

^Phone 6$.Ladies iWork a Specialty.

BenJVonde system used Iier®.9-18-lt.

YES.We clean coat-suits, overcoats,gloves, etc. We use exclusively'*Ben-Vonde system." Give us a

trial. Ideal Steam Pressing Ciu%.Phone 68. t

9-18-lt r' . j

FOE SALE.Fine organ cheap. Callon J. H. Riser, New-berrjr, S. . i


^a,mm wa « l


languishedin New York z

charming and

The display. .1

J sortment tnat;I type.I Your atten<


i r viV« UVI


CEDItiREKD APPLEE OATS.Or.®dollar per bushel. Phone or see

K. >S. Stilwell, Silversireet, S. C.9-lS-tf.

Roofisar.Let us show you our gravelroofing. Use it instead of the gal\Yanized. Johnson McCraokia Co.7-31-tf


Distinctive I%


An unusual as.

and charming <

quality, at reaso

solataly in accori



easily satisfy yoito style and colo,

The array ofshapes that appeset is especially <

K. M. Al».

Dtember 19k

i many new cr<)

style, selected»r»rl Ralh'mnrpHlVt *#UAU«AAVa

diciinctive mod

will include su<

you are assure*

iance is sincer


rity, S. C.

FOR RE>'T.325 acres good farmingland, on Bush River. Timothy andKinards creeks.New buildings.

I Excellent opportunity for largej family. Gustavus Werber. R. F.

| D. Xo. 7. Box 47.">.9-4-4tp.

iFor Sale.Pr^o Rico Molasse* by

| 7-13-tfI Johnson McCr&rkin Co.



HQWING;all Minery ,

September 19

semblage ofsmartzreations of high -fliable prices, abiwith the latest I

ill enable you toir desire both as


chic. and cleveral to the youngerattractive.

' N



and 20. ]«

sations of dis-by our buyer »

as the mostels.

:h a varied a s omm m !d a becoming

ely invited. J/
