we have a living saviour!


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We have a living Saviour!



Selective faithIt sometimes happens that a person who professes to

be a Christian makes it clear that while he or she may be-lieve most of what the Bible teaches, there are exceptions. In other words, there are certain teachings and doctrines that they do not accept as true.

One that comes to mind at the moment is the teach-ing of the virgin birth of Christ. There was a time in the nineteenth and early twentieth century when it was a very popular thing to say that this teaching was nothing more than a fiction of the early church.

Now, it may on the surface seem like an insignificant thing to deny Christ’s virgin birth; however, a closer look reveals that it has repercussions – serious and far-reaching repercussions. For example, it touches on the very person of our Saviour, as well as on the nature of man, the fall into sin, the saving work of Christ, his role as mediator. The list goes on and on.

In some ways it’s like throwing a stone into a smooth body of water. No sooner do you do that and the ripple af-fect spreads everywhere. The same is true of biblical doc-trine. The same is true of the virgin birth. And, the same is true of that central event of the Christian faith that is being dealt with in this issue of Clarion, namely Easter or the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.

The Corinthian situationTo see that clearly I ask you to turn your attention for a

moment to the Church at Corinth and some of the issues in that church. The one that stands out in that famous chapter 15 has to do with the resurrection of the dead. In Corinth

some believers said that they were taking a pass when it came to the belief that one day the dead in Christ would be raised. They considered this to be pipe dream, a desperate fiction, and a distorted hope. “There is no resurrection of the dead,” they said.

But then the Apostle Paul takes up his pen and exposes the foolishness of such a denial. In 1 Corinthians 15:12 he states, “Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrec-tion of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then. . . .” After which he shows that this view has huge and devastating consequences.

Denial falloutThe first consequence, Paul writes, is this, “Then not

even Christ has been raised” (v. 13). Deny the resurrection of the dead and you deny the resurrection of Christ. You cannot disconnect the one from the other. If they will not be raised, then he has not been raised either. He is still is the grave. He is still dead. We have a past tense Saviour. He was but is no longer.

The damage, however, does not stop there. It continues. “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain. . . .” Preaching, the means most often used to spread the gospel and to strengthen believers, is nothing more than a useless, powerless, and worthless exercise.

And what about our faith? Paul says that it too is empty and vain. What gain is there in believing in a dead and life-less Saviour? Why direct your faith, love, and hope at some-one who is dead, gone, and buried, never again to rise? It is all a trivial business.

April 7, 2017202

James VisscherMinister emeritus of the

Canadian Reformed Church at Langley, British Columbia

[email protected] and Resurrection

Deny the resurrection of the dead and you deny the resurrection of Christ

Crooked businessBut it would also be a crooked business. Paul goes on to say, “We are

even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised” (v. 15). In other words, if Christ is still dead, the apostles are nothing more than a bunch of snake oil salesmen. Thus when Peter stood up on Pentecost day and said to the assembled crowd, “God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it” (Acts 2:24), he was telling a lie. When Stephen exclaimed, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the


Editor: J. Visscher; Copy Manager: Laura VeenendaalCoeditors: P.H. Holtvlüwer, E. Kampen, C. Van Dam, M. VanLuik


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This is our Easter issue. The editorial is written by Dr. James Visscher. The Easter story reminds us how important faith is: that believing every word Scripture teaches is vital to relevant and meaningful hope. Our Easter issue also reprints a Treasures New and Old meditation from Rev. Carl Van Dam.

Issue 7 brings the conclusion to Keith Sikkema’s three-part article, “Billy, the Reformation, the Bourbons, and the Breach.” We also have a report from Owen Sound on their welcome to Rev. David Pol.

This issue brings readers several regular columns, Clippings on Politics and Religion, Clarion Kids, and You Asked, as well as a press release.

Laura Veenendaal


Easter and Resurrection


Jesus Christ Lives!

206 Billy, the Reformation, the Bourbons,

and the Breach (3)


211 Owen Sound Welcomes Rev. David Pol




April 7, 2017 203


right hand of God” (Acts 7:56), he was delusional. When Paul stood before the philosophers at the Aeropagus in Athens and said that God “has given assurance to all by raising [Je-sus] from the dead” (Acts 17:31), he was grossly exaggerat-ing. In short, deny the resurrection of the believers and their Christ and you undermine the witness of the apostles.

Futile faithYet it does not stop there. For Paul draws more conclu-

sions from this denial. He writes, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” (v. 17). Earlier Paul said that this denial results in a vain or emp-ty faith, now he adds that it also leads to a futile faith. What is a futile faith? It refers to an ineffective faith, a faith that is going nowhere, a faith that is a waste of your time, your energy, your involvement, your devotion.

The reason for this is that, he adds, “you are still in your sins.” Nothing has changed as far as your standing and status with God is concerned. You were born a sinner and a debtor and you are still a sinner and a debtor.

How can this be? Well, what we need to understand is that by raising his Son from the dead, God the Father was sending out a loud and clear message to the world. And the message is this: “My Son has paid the price. He has given his

life as a ransom. He has ap-peased my anger against the sin of the human race. He has proven himself to the perfect Sacrifice, the complete Redeemer, and the victorious Saviour.”

But now if the detrac-tors and deniers are right and if Christ is still in the grave, then all of this is false and just so much

wishful thinking. A dead Saviour means that his people are still a sin-stained people. He is a failure and a fraud. And as for his followers, nothing has changed. They remain dead in sin and trespass, and are headed for a sure and certain condemnation.

Pathetic peopleSo you would think that by now Paul has made his point.

Only not quite, for there is something else that he wants to drive home. If what these people say is true, then there are two more dire consequences that flow from this. The first is that those who have died already as believers or “fallen asleep in Christ” are to be considered as belonging to the “perished” (v. 18). Don’t bother talking about them as if they are still

alive with God, are in heaven or are coming back one day. Forget about seeing them again. It won’t happen. They are history. They are past. They are dead, buried, and no more. Finished! Forever gone! Lost!

And as if that were not bad enough there is a second con-sequence. It applies to all of you people who are still living and believing. You are a most sorry bunch! What other peo-ple have set their hopes so high, have made their dreams so big, have filled their hearts with so much hope and expecta-tion? Yet, if the dead are not raised and if Christ is not raised, all of this comes crashing down. Then the whole world will mock you and pity you. Who else has had such glorious con-victions pushed over a cliff and dashed into so many pieces? Poor, pitiable, and pathetic people!

ButObviously, the Apostle Paul is brutal in summing up the

consequences of denial. At the same time, however, he is not finished. Why, he is just getting started. For after deal-ing with the doubters and deniers, what does he say? He lets out a shout, and the shout is “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (v. 20).

One little word can and does make all the difference in the world. And here it is the word “but.” It puts all that has been written in the verses 12-19 in their place and context. It introduces us to the great reality and the true confession that we have a risen and raised Saviour. He is not dead! He is not still in the grave. He has not perished and gone into oblivion. No, he lives; he reigns; he saves; he intercedes! Eas-ter 2017 can be an awesome celebration because we have an awesome living Saviour.

You?And that’s nice, that’s neat, but you know it’s only prof-

itable and beneficial if you actually believe in him. Admir-ing the risen Saviour will not do. Neither will just studying, reading or talking about him. Only committing your life and heart to him will do. Only listening to his voice will do. Make this Easter a time of rejoicing and thankfulness for the fact that you have a Saviour who lives and thus makes preaching relevant, believing profitable, forgiveness pos-sible, and hope meaningful.

Oh, and remember to handle the Christian faith with care. You never know where denial leads. You may think that what Scripture teaches about this or that does not matter and you can dismiss it with ease, but be not deceived. Embrace all of the gospel with a deep joy and especially the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ risen from the dead. Hallelujah, he lives! C

Easter 2017 can be an awesome celebration because we have an awesome living Saviour

April 7, 2017204




Jesus Christ Lives!“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” Luke 24:5b-6a

This meditation was originally published in this magazine in 2005.

If you can’t find your shoes, do you look for them on your bookshelf? Of course not! What a ridiculous idea! No matter how difficult it might be to find your shoes, you can be sure that they won’t be among your books. You’re looking in completely the wrong area and your search will not be successful. In order for your search to be successful, you need to look in more likely places and you need to remember what has happened in the past with the lost items. Then you will look in the right places and will find what has become lost.

Looking for things in the wrong places, looking for someone in the wrong place, is just what the women did on Easter morning. They had at-tended Jesus Christ and his disciples for quite a while and supported them from their own means (Luke 8:3). And on Good Friday, while much of the crowd went away after Jesus had breathed his last, these women re-mained and at a distance watched ev-erything that happened (Luke 23:49). Now at the earliest opportunity, on the day after the Sabbath, they had come to pay their last respects to Jesus Christ. They had come to the tomb in which he was buried in or-der to give him a proper burial. They wanted to anoint Jesus’ body with

perfumes and spices so that it might be preserved as much as possible. In this way, they wanted to show their love and devotion to their Lord. They came very early in the morning for there was no time to lose as the decay could set in quickly.

And so there the women went, car-rying their spices. They thought that they were going to find the dead body of Jesus in the tomb. He had died after all, hadn’t he? Indeed, another pos-sibility never even occurred to these women. They had all witnessed his ag-onizing death on the cross. The images of this were still vivid in their minds. It was all they could think about. So now they go to where they are certain he is to be found, among the dead, in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.

But when they arrived at the tomb, they immediately noticed that something was amiss. The first thing that they found, as it says in Luke 24:2, was that the stone was rolled away from the tomb. What could have happened? Why was the stone re-moved from the opening to the tomb? Had the body of Jesus been tampered with? They entered the tomb, seeking the body of their Lord. They looked for something that does not belong in a tomb. They were convinced that the body of Jesus must be found in this tomb and they were very per-plexed when they did not find his body here. They had expected that his

body would stay for many days and gradually decompose and so they had brought their spices and ointments.

But instead of a dead body, the women found two live men dressed in clothes that gleamed like lightning. They were angels, messengers of the Lord Most High! And they asked the women how they could be looking for the living One among the dead. Did the women really expect the Son of God, the long awaited Messiah from heaven to remain in the tomb, the place of the dead, forever? Could death conquer the One who has the springs of eternal life, the One who gives such life to those who believe in him? Of course not! What a ridiculous idea!

Jesus Christ lives! He continues to live also today and cannot be found among the dead. We have never seen him and do not see him now, but nev-ertheless he lives. Death could not hold him because he has won the com-plete victory over the powers of dark-ness and the evil one when he died on the cross. The death that he suffered was for the sake of our sins. He did not die because of his own sins, for he never committed any sin. He was holy and blameless and therefore he did not belong among the dead and should not have been sought among the dead. Jesus Christ is the living One and be-cause of his life, we may also share in his rich benefits, the forgiveness of our sins and life everlasting.

Carl Van DamMinister of the

Canadian Reformed Church at Houston, BC

[email protected]

April 7, 2017 205

The second part of this series reviewed the French Wars of Religion. This installment focuses on what happened on February 2, 1576, where French Protestants are at today, and the justification of revolt.

March for WarAs Calvinists, John Casimir of Zweibrücken (son of the

Elector-Palatinate) and William of Orange might well have known the Heidelberg Catechism of 1563, and what it says about comfort, God’s providence, and the communion of saints. Henry of Navarre and Henry of Bourbon, the Prince of Condé, both Huguenots, likely also knew Articles 8, 39, and 40 of the Gallic Confession of 1559, about God’s provi-dence, and the civil authorities. Part of their motivation and

justification may have been to help out their fellow-believers, trust-ing that all things are in God’s hands.

This guarantees lit-tle about the mercenar-ies they hired, however. Mercenaries were pro-fessional soldiers who would fight for personal purposes, often without real commitment to the

prince who hired them. Mutiny and desertion were com-mon when pay or reward were delayed or disappointing. If well-paid and provided for, and properly trained and disci-plined, they were key assets in any battle. Yet, apart from their skills as foot-soldiers and pike-men, and understand-ing of cavalry, artillery, and guerilla-like tactics, they also were known for looting and barbaric treatment of citizens and defeated enemies. During the siege and capture of Billy, 1575-1576, things were no different.

The Protestant campaign came to Billy by late fall of 1575. There was a Huguenot community here, anxiously awaiting the Lord’s guidance and praying for his protection in the upcoming events. While the castle’s garrison was sub-ject to the king, it remained Bourbon property, and a French-language inscription on a sixteenth century house near the castle has an obviously Reformed intent: “Woe to those who forsake God to serve riches; they amass property and lose their soul; God is my high tower and fortress.” A Roman Catholic would have used Latin and invoked saints.

SiegeThough no written records exist, oral tradition con-

firms that Billyans knew that trouble was at hand. They scrambled to get themselves and their valuables to safety. The church’s priest hurriedly carried the baptism register for half a mile along the winding and climbing road to the captain’s house, steps from the castle. Both friars and fami-lies sought shelter inside the castle, perhaps 100-200 peo-ple, with their food, livestock, and valuables. Archaeologi-cal work must yet confirm what was all inside the 2000 m2 inner court, but, minimally, there were soldiers’ quarters, a bakery, a chapel, supply rooms, a cooking facility, stables, and a well. The castle’s towers included a sizable grain-cellar, but defenders also needed space – and the captain would have restricted where the guests were allowed to go. Weather, births, sickness, and deaths continued as before; and, as no one could guess how long a siege might last, food would likely be rationed. One can imagine that privacy was at a minimum, tensions ran high, tempers flared, and the smell must have been atrocious. There may have been some assurance in considering that the castle had been taken only once (during the Hundred Years’ War), significant im-provements had been made fairly recently, the natural and technical defences were formidable, and that an attempt to storm it would seem to be madness from any angle. Yet,

The story of Billy and the Wars of Religion give reason for humility and awe towards God

April 7, 2017206

Billy, the Reformation, the Bourbons, and the Breach (Part 3 of 3)

Keith SikkemaFull-time lecturer

at the Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College

[email protected]

one never knew, and twenty miles north, in Moulins, the King’s Catholic army dared not intervene. Everyone prayed, to God or to saints.

The castle was besieged by some 8,000 mercenaries, four big cannons, sixteen pieces of field artillery, and other gear, supplies, and equipment. The two princely leaders, quite confident of their just cause, would have sought the Lord’s blessing. The mercenaries did as usual, increasing the grief of those inside when the watchmen reported that houses burned and the church was destroyed. Only the church crypt was left sufficiently intact to remain to this day. If there was any wine in it, soldiers would have their way with it; but, it is reported, the most grievous was the disappearance of the statue of the Holy Virgin. Horsemen of John Casimir are also said to have presented an eight-month-old girl at the Castle of Noailly, some six miles fur-ther east, for ransom. It is not clear where they got her, but, in the castle, the parents gave the horsemen too much wine to drink, and the girl was freed.

BattleFall went by, Christmas came, and by the end of Janu-

ary 1576, it got very cold. On Monday, February 2, the ice

on the marsh was strong enough to maneuver the heavy cannons into positions close to the castle’s northern wall. It did not take them much to destroy the protective cover over the battlements. Imagine the mayhem, the injuries, the fires, the deaths, the screams and groans, as the attack-ers continued to pound the massive four-to-six-foot wide stone wall until it finally collapsed. The attackers stormed the castle through the breach, took it, and burned it. There is no record of people fleeing, or what the mercenaries did to those inside, and whether they made any distinctions be-tween Huguenots and Roman Catholics, but one shudders at the inherent horrors.

Prince Henry of Condé left a garrison in charge of John Casimir, and moved on. This battle was won, as was the war, and the King hastily agreed to a seven-month truce and a promise of half a million livres for John Casimir to go away and stay east of the Rhine. In the Edict of Beaulieu (May 1576), such things as freedom of public worship (except in Paris and at Court), representation in parliaments, and res-titution for losses suffered in the St. Bartholomew’s Mas-sacre were added. They were promises only, however: Before the year was over, the agreement began to fall apart, and hostilities were on again.

Entrance to the castle

Billy terrace gate and wall

April 7, 2017 207

Fast forwardThe castle has seen many uses since, but was never fully

rebuilt: There was no money and there was no need, as the time of castles was passé. It fell into dangerous disrepair by the early twentieth century, was classified as a historical monument in 1921, and is now a tourist attraction awaiting funding for archaeological research and repairs.

Because of the persecutions, many Huguenots fled abroad, taking convictions, trades and skills with them, to the benefit of those who took them in. Today, perhaps two percent of some sixty-five million French are still Protes-tant. Though scattered through the country, there are con-centrations in some regions along the German and Swiss borders, the Cévennes and the Pyrenees in the south, and in Normandy, for instance. In 2013, two larger federations (the Reformed and the Evangelical Lutheran Church) joined to form the United Protestant Church of France, with some 400,000 members, which allows for the ordination of women and blessing of same-sex unions. It is claimed that a strong drive for unity lets matters of order and doctrine drift to the background. The more conservative Reformed Evangelical Church did not join the unification trend, and a more orthodox perspective may also be found at the Faculté Jean Calvin seminary in Aix-en-Provence, with Presbyte-rian and Reformed members among its faculty.

Some issuesWhat should parents and teachers tell their children

and students about this? In line with the Heidelberg Cat-echism, Lord’s Day 21 the focus can be on the “the Son of God who gathers, defends, and preserves his church by his Word and Spirit.” In this context, it should be noted that 1) The church is the Lord’s work: all glory belongs to him; 2) Christ gathers his church in all times and places, through faith in him; and 3) Because the Church belongs to the Lord, it lives by the Word of God. Keeping our eyes focused on God’s work lets us marvel at it, as people are best at making a mess of things. The story of Billy and the Wars of Religion give reason for humility and awe towards God. We may note the tremendous blessings the Huguenots experi-enced in the late 1550s, and may be grateful for the gift of John Calvin at the time, and for the blessings of his work for many even today – such as in our Genevan Psal-ter, our Church Order, his Institutes, and our Three Forms of Unity. We can highlight how today also, there are French-speaking broth-ers and sisters – in Quebec, in France, in Haiti, the Congo, and other places, and how Huguenots played significant roles in the founding of our country. We may acknowledge how hardship and suffering led the afflicted to cry out to God for deliverance – and how he granted it, among oth-ers, by giving places of refuge, such as Strasbourg, Geneva, Frankfurt, Emden, Amsterdam, and London, or by giv-ing steadfastness when called to martyrdom. We may be moved to empathize with and pray for those who are perse-cuted today, as we again read the experiences of the cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 11.

With older students, we can discuss the question of how we ought to live, and whether or not the Huguenots did well to revolt and reach for the sword. We can discuss what Jesus meant in Matthew 26:52 and Luke 22:36, and whether perhaps they all should have fled, as in Matthew 10:23 and 24:16. We can dig deeper and lay out before our children that Scripture has more to say than just these brief verses, and that, even in the days of the French Re-ligious Wars, there were Anabaptists who, with apparent

The crypt of the church in La Paroisse

In the end, rather than probing

people’s motives and actions,

Scripture would have us consider the Lord’s doing

April 7, 2017208


piety, opposed all resistance and vied for pacifism. Con-nections can be made to Romans 13 and the fifth com-mandment, to 1 Timothy 2:2 and 1 Samuel 24:9, and to the Egyptian midwives who were commended for not obey-ing the authorities. Calvin addressed the question in his Institutes (IV, 20, 29-31), stressing the obligation to hon-our and respect (see also BC, Art 36), and Beza followed him, that lower magistrates may legitimately oppose the evil actions of a tyrant king, and even revolt, as a king must serve in the place and for the purpose for which God gave him authority, and has no absolute right to comman-deer his subjects. (Douma, in his The Ten Commandments, addresses the question in the context of the fifth com-mandment.) Thinking of the horrors of the German peas-ants’ revolt (1524-1525), and of government authority in more absolute terms, Luther had made no allowance for revolt, other than legitimate protest. Zwingli, however, was quite open to deposing evil governments who would not listen to the people’s unanimous protests.

In the end, rather than probing people’s motives and actions, Scripture would have us consider the Lord ’s doing.

People sin, but the Lord carries on with his plan of salvation. Brokenness and breaches remain, but so does the message of our Huguenot Billy brother: “Woe to those who forsake God to serve riches; they amass property and lose their soul; God is my high tower and fortress.” Those who hope in the Lord for salvation and restoration have the comfort of Psalm 23:3: He restores their soul, and they sing Psalm 46.

Resource Sidebar

Among others, I used the following resources:Besson, Antonin (1968). Le Destin d’une Chatellenie. Billy, Al-

lier: Cahiers Bourbonnais.Brierre, Jacques (1995). Le Château de Billy. Billy, Allier: Office

de TourismeJaenen, Cornelius J. (1976). The Role of the Church in New

France. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.Rocher, Marie-Claude, and Drouin, Catherine. (1993). Un au-

tre son de cloche: Les protestants francophones au Québec. Québec: Musee du Séminaire de Québec; Le Musee des Religions, L’Université Laval.

April 7, 2017 209

Current Western “wisdom” includes the mantra: “Keep religion out of politics.” After all, running a government has nothing to do with religion. So, Christians, keep your beliefs at home when engaging in any policy or government matters.

Now much could be said about this issue, but let me only mention the following. Every government, whether it recognizes it or not, is ultimately responsible to God. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in the capital city of Rome that “there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been estab-lished by God.” And a little later, he added that the govern-ing authorities are “God’s servant” (Rom 13:1-2, 4). As an agent of God, government is responsible in the first place to God and will one day have to give an account. This truth is especially telling in a nation like Canada where the Prime Minister and many parliamentarians profess to belong to a Christian church.

Futhermore, the watchword, “keep religion out of poli-tics,” overlooks the fact that in God’s providence, Christi-anity has been an enormous blessing to the Western world. Its dominance and prosperity would have been unimagina-ble without the enormous cultural impact of the Bible and Christianity. Think, for example, of the concepts of limited government, the rule of law, high moral demands, the work ethic, and the concept of private property.

All of this came to mind when I was recently remind-ed of the fact that some Chinese academics have come to realize that Christianity is a major source of the West’s strength and influence. David Aikman, in his 2003 book, Jesus in Beijing, reported that in 2002 a scholar from China’s premier academic research institute, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told astonished American tourists in China’s capital that:

One of the things we were asked to look into was what accounted for the success, in fact, the pre-eminence of

the West all over the world. . . . We studied everything we could from the historical, political, economic, and cultural perspective. At first, we thought it was because you had more powerful guns than we had. Then we thought it was because you had the best political sys-tem. Next we focused on your economic system. But in the last twenty years, we have realized that the heart of your culture is your religion: Christianity. That is why the West has been so powerful. The Christian moral foundation of social and cultural life was what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then the suc-cessful transition to democratic politics. We don’t have any doubt about this. (p. 5)

Aikman even notes that early in 2002, China’s then-presi-dent and Communist Party leader, Jiang Zemin, was asked at a dinner party, “If before leaving office, you could make one decree that you knew would be obeyed in China, what would it be?” Jiang is reported to have replied with a smile: “I would make Christianity the official religion of China” (p. 17-18). Niall Ferguson in his Civilization: The West and the Rest (2011) gives other examples of prominent Chinese academics who have come to recognize the enormous his-torical blessing of Christianity (pp. 287-288).

Today, little of this appreciation for Christianity is evident. China’s current leadership is actively persecuting Christians. But, it is doing so to its own long term hurt.

In Canada there is little appreciation as a nation for the rich biblical heritage that has shaped so much of our coun-try’s institutions and laws. As our country leaves its Chris-tian moorings, we are increasingly living on borrowed capi-tal. But that capital of lingering Christian influence could eventually run out. Where will we then get our direction from as a nation? May we all, along with organizations such as ARPA and others, work for a recognition of God’s rights and biblical principles in our nation. Our country desper-ately needs it. C

An OverlookedBlessing


Cornelis Van DamProfessor emeritus of

Old Testament at the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary

in Hamilton, [email protected]

April 7, 2017210

Ordination service, December 18, 2016On a beautiful wintery day, during the season of cel-

ebration, with the sun glistening on freshly fallen snow, we brought our thanksgiving worship and praise. It was a very short vacancy with the retirement of our former pas-tor, Rev. Jack Moesker. We were blessed with faithful pulpit supply during our vacancy and now, we come together for a joyous occasion to ordain our freshly, graduated student of seminary Hamilton, David William Pol. The heralding of Jesus’ victory continues here in Owen Sound.

David’s father, Dr. A.J. Pol from Carman East CanRC, had the honour of ordaining his son into his first congrega-tion. Dr. A.J. Pol chose the theme, “Speak well of our Father

in blessing, who blesses us with spiritual blessings in heav-enly places.” The theme was based on Ephesians 1:3. We are encouraged to celebrate! “Our God reigns!” The laying on of hands was done by Rev. M. VanLuik, delegated by Classis Northern Ontario and pastor of Brampton CanRC, Br. W. Kruisselbrink, elder and chairman of council of O.S.C.R.C., and Dr. A.J. Pol, father of Rev. D. Pol. After the service, we held to Owen Sound’s tradition of reading and signing the form of subscription. God prepares us with more than enough to live abundantly with him to eternity. Neighbour-ing congregations, former pastors, and Classis Ontario North representatives were then given opportunity to give their congratulations. Subsequently the congregation was given opportunity to share their joy with Rev. David Pol and fiancée, Erika Langendoen.

During the afternoon service, Rev. David Pol delivered his first sermon to our congregation with the theme, “Pray for an increase in knowledge and love in the congregation.” Ephesians 3:14 -19 was the text, acknowledging our Father, who adopted us as his children and heirs, promising eter-nal blessing now and forever. Being an apostle of prayer, Paul uses the power available to him, to be strengthened in his calling. Rev. David Pol desires to shepherd his flock, bearing fruit.

Welcome eveningOwen Sound congregation then gathered together on

Friday, January 27, 2017 to celebrate and welcome Rev. David Pol and Sister Erika. Many fabulous desserts were shared and appreciated to celebrate this special occasion! At approximately 8:15 pm the evening celebration was opened with reading of Psalm 127 and singing. The pre-school children sang “Loving Shepherd” and “Jesus Loves Me.” The calling committee presented a special gift of lit-erature: one book for a new young pastor beginning his call and one book presented to the new young couple to use as

April 7, 2017 211

Owen Sound Welcomes Rev. David Pol

Emma Hutten

a devotional. The Harvest School made a presentation in song, welcoming the couple to Georgian Bay. The Youth Group challenged Rev. Pol and Erika to a match child to parent game. “Oh, that was difficult!” The Young People made their appearance as “The Jungle Band,” in honour

of Rev. Pol’s birthplace of Indonesia. Up next, enjoyed by young and old alike, a fantastic timing game where a number of items had to be identified upon turning over the box that covered them. One unusual surprise entry half way through had the participants gasp, or as Erika pleasured us with, a shriek, at the sudden presentation of it (someone’s live head!). The young ladies from Young Peoples presented a slide show with photos courtesy of Facebook posts from the young couple which they accom-panied with beautiful vocals. The Woman’s Bible Study sang “Romans Doxology,” as they have just recently com-pleted the study of this book and invited Rev. Pol to do a series on this book sometime during his time with us. They also spread the cold and flu in vocal classy fugue from Beethoven! “Achoo!!” The congregation and Rev. Pol were encouraged to be a people of prayer; to be equipped to do battle in the heavenly realms and experience peace (Rom 16:20)! Together we sang Hymn 15. The Retro Billies then came and strummed us a beautiful poem in rhyme with a variety of instruments and voice.

Rev. D. Pol and Erika were wearing their authentic smiles throughout the whole evening. Rev. D. Pol end-ed the evening celebration with a word and prayer of thanksgiving. We joined together in thanksgiving with Hymn 85. C

April 7, 2017212

Clarion Kids

Elijah was one of God’s prophets. He lived during a time when the king of Israel was very wicked and the people were not serving God. Elijah told the king that there would be a very long time with no rain. This meant that a lot of people would get very hungry. The king was very angry and he wanted to kill Elijah, but God protected him. The people of Israel tried praying to the god Baal to make it rain but Baal is not God, and he cannot make it rain. Finally, Elijah prayed to God that there would be rain again and God sent rain. God is the only one who can control the weather.

Go to www.clarionmagazine.ca to print and colour this picture!


by Emily Nijenhuis

Matching:Draw lines to match important words and phrases from the story.

Across A long time with no rain

Baal Controlled by God

Drought God's prophet

Elijah False God

Israel People who were not serving God

1 kings 17 - 2 Kings 2

Word Search














April 7, 2017 213

May we eat halal meats?I would appreciate it very much if you would address the issue of eating halal meats. This is food that has been dedicated to Allah before slaughter, i.e. altar sacrifice to a pagan god (idol). I have read 1 Corinthians 8 and also Acts 15:28, 29, but still find the answer ambiguous. Are we not giving silent assent to the Islamic practice of slowly inuring the population to the creeping in of an act of Shariah law? Do we need to take a stand?



QWilliam den Hollander

Minister emeritus of the Bethel Canadian Reformed Church

of Toronto, [email protected]

We know from Acts 15 that the apostles and elders of Jerusalem decided to ex-hort the churches not to eat meat sacri-ficed to idols. Paul does not make a di-rect reference to this decision; he does, however, show agreement with it and refutes the eating of meat sacrificed to

idols. In order to understand his position, we should realize that this matter of eating meat sacrificed to idols is con-nected very much to the time and place when this eating took place. The halls in which this sacrificial meat was eat-en were part of the temple complex in which the sacrifices were made, and these halls were as sacred as the temple it-self was. There all the rituals took place that accompanied the sacrifices. Hence participating in the meals was very much connected to the sacrificial offerings in the temple. After the gods (demons, 1 Cor 10:20) had eaten their share, the participants in the meal enjoyed theirs.

Having said this, it also happened that meat that was sanctified in the temple, ended up in the market place and private homes as well. Though meat certainly was no regu-lar staple but an expensive luxury, also people who were not participants in the above rituals and sacrificial offerings and meals, were confronted with the eating of meat that originated in the temple. It is in these circumstances that also the believing Corinthians were confronted with the

possibility of eating this meat, or with the reality of certain members eating it. We may assume from Paul’s writings in the epistles to the Romans (14f.), 1 Corinthians (8-10), or 1 Timothy, for instance, that he passed on the decision of the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15. Now in the church at Corinth Paul was confronted once again with this problem concerning the eating of meat offered to idols.

Paul’s concern, first and foremost therefore, in 1 Cor-inthians 8-10 is the possibility that some in the congrega-tion still desire to participate in the temple rituals and sacrificial meals that took place in the dining halls of the temple complex. He refutes such desires vehemently! Be-sides, Paul also had to deal with the tensions among the members between those who were in the position of being able to eat the meat that (perhaps) originated in the sacri-ficial practices but that appeared in the butcher shop, the market place, or in the houses of the rich. Those who felt they had the (Christian) freedom to eat the meat because it was presented in settings unrelated to the religious practices were called “the strong” (Rom 15:1). They were “strong” in that they, by faith, rejected the false religion, appreciated meat as a gift from God that could be enjoyed as such (Ps 24), and wanted to enjoy the “freedom of the children of God set free from the idolatry of the heathen.” The “weak” on the other hand, were those who, though freed from this false religious idolatry as well, still saw

April 7, 2017214


the connection between the sacrifices and the meat and believed that it should be rejected completely for that rea-son. They were “weak,” Paul indicates, because they were not free from this idolatry and did not really enjoy freely the good gifts of God’s creation (Ps 24) that could be en-joyed, sanctified as it was by thanksgiving.

Coming to some conclusions, we may first of all con-clude from Paul’s dealings with this issue that he suggest-ed that it is not necessary at all to raise the question about the origin of this meat with a view to your own conscience. In your conscience you may resolve that all God’s gifts are his for us to enjoy. You don’t need to have any doubts about this. Things are different, however, if someone would in-form you that the food has been offered to an idol. That man, then, shows, that to him it makes much difference whether food has been offered or not. If you would eat, you would confuse him (or the “weak” that sees you eat this nonetheless); they could receive the impression that you do not completely reject heathen worship. Then the love for the “weak” compels the “strong” to abstain, because love trumps the lack of understanding and need for further

instruction of the “weak.” Paul, himself, also voluntarily restricted himself of certain rights and freedoms for the sake of his brothers and sisters (1 Cor 9).

Applying these conclusions to the present day situ-ation of eating halal meats and its implied assent to Is-lamic practices (e.g. in cafeterias at colleges and univer-sities that inundated with halal products!), we should be sensitive to the particular settings and circumstances as well. If and when certain foods are offered by adherents to the Islam religion with the explicit indication that these foods are sacred and that those eating it should realize that there are these religious overtones in eating it, we should refuse it as an expression to such a Muslim that we don’t wish to participate in such religious practice. Of course, I realize that this will hardly ever happen (now), but that it could happen in the future. Right now however, when we see food that’s labelled as halal meats in the gro-cery store or cafeteria, we should have no problem eating it, since for us it is undone and unrelated to any religious overtone but just is good food/meat that can be enjoyed as gift of God our Creator!

Is there something you’ve been wanting to know?

An answer you’ve been looking for?

Ask us a question!Please direct questions to Rev. W. denHollander

[email protected]

23 Kinsman Drive, Binbrook, ON L0R 1C0

April 7, 2017 215


Press Release of Classis Pacific East convened in the Abbotsford Canadian Reformed Church on February 23, 2017

Rev. Roukema of the convening church welcomed the delegates, including Rev. Lou Slagter from Abbotsford URC. He Read Acts 11:19-30, led in prayer, and Classis sang Hymn 47:3, 4.

Rev. Witten, from Vernon, examined the credentials and finds them to be in order, noting that there is a request from Abbotsford for the release of Rev. Janssen who ac-cepted a call to Willoughby Heights Canadian Reformed Church.

Rev. Eikelboom was appointed chairman, Rev. Rouke-ma as vice chair, and Rev. Schouten as clerk.

Classis was constituted, with Rev. Lou Slagter seated as fraternal delegate from the URC of Abbotsford, and the agenda was adopted. Correspondence was received from the committee of needy churches; from Yarrow, regarding the inspection of archives; and from Abbotsford with re-spect to the release of Rev. Janssen, upon accepting a call to Willoughby Canadian Reformed Church.

There was a discussion about whether email correspon-dence should be signed. It is agreed that all documents from the churches should be signed. The church at Alder-grove will investigate whether the regulations cover elec-tronic signature.

Abbotsford submits request for release of their min-ister Rev. Janssen. Classis accepts the documents submit-ted and grants Rev. Janssen honourable release to serve as Minister for Willoughby Canadian Reformed Church.

Rev. Lou Slagter addressed Classis on behalf of the URC. He expresses gratitude for our ecclesiastical fellowship and expresses his hope and prayer that the unity would grow more and more over time. Rev. Roukema, classis contact with URC, responded with some appropriate words.

Rev. Pol reported on his contact with RCUS. Chilli-wack submits a proposal to financially support RCUS mis-sion work. The report is received with gratitude. Classis decides that the support for RCUS is not a classis matter and encourages Chilliwack to facilitate a collection among the churches in Classis Pacific East. Chilliwack graciously agrees to do so.

The chairman asks the three questions with respect Ar-ticle 44 of the church order. Everyone answers yes to the first two questions. Some of the churches request advice for various matters.

The next classis is planned for June 1 and the conven-ing church will be Aldergrove. September 21 is suggested as the alternate date.

Classis suggests that for next classis Abbotsford pro-vide chair, Aldergrove provide vice chair, and Chilliwack provide the clerk.

Classis appointed the committee for examinations. Revs. Wielenga and Schouten are appointed as exam coor-dinators and sermon evaluators. Rev. Wielenga is appoint-ed to examine Old Testament exegesis and church polity; Rev. Witten for New Testament exegesis and diaconiology; Rev. Pol for knowledge of Scripture; Rev. Schouten for doc-trine and creeds; Rev. B. J. Berends for Church history; Rev. Roukema for Ethics.

In view of the upcoming departures of Rev. Eikelboom and Rev. Janssen, Classis appointed Rev. Witten as a church visitor, effective June 1, 2017. Classis also reappointed as church visitors, Rev. Schouten and Rev. Wielenga.

Aldergrove is appointed to speak on behalf of Classis at the farewell of Rev. Janssen. Chilliwack is appointed to speak on behalf of Classis at the farewell of Rev. Eikelboom.

The Chairman closes the meeting and leads Classis in prayer.

For Classis Pacific East, Rev. Justin Roukema,

Vice chairman at that time C

April 7, 2017216



April 7, 2017 217

Announcements of Weddings, Anniversaries (especially those with an Open House) should be submitted six weeks in advance.


Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies we see. With gratitude to the Lord we joyfully announce

the birth of our daughter and sister

AMBYR FRANCINA ANNAREYon February 22, 2017

In his wisdom, now almost 3 years ago, the Lord took our daughter and sister Reyanna to Himself.

In his mercy, He granted us another voice in our home.Karlo and Annet Janssen

Roy, Yannick, Kylian, Nyls, Sophy, Yesper34678 – 4th Avenue, Abbotsford, BC V2S 8B8



1972 ~ April 27 ~ 2017He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow

of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

With much joy and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, we are happy to announce the 45th Wedding Anniversary of our

parents and grandparents

CASEY and BETTY DEHAAS (nee Vanegmond)We pray that the Lord would continue to bless them and

guide them in faithful service to Him.With much love:Langley, BC: Nicole and Martin Vanwoudenberg Alanna, Braden, Danielle, EthanAldergrove BC: Leona and Dave Huttema Cody, Tianna, Jaimee, Madison†, Kaitlyn, AllisonEdmonton, AB: Neil and Laura Dehaas YonasWinnipeg, MB: Maria Welfing RyanAldergrove, BC: James and Michelle Dehaas Petra, Hadley, Gwen

2870 Whistle Drive, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2R7


April 20, 1957 ~ April 20, 2017


We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead

through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Romans 6:4

We are very thankful to the Lord for what he has given to us through dad and mom as our parents, grandparents

and great-grandparents. We are all grateful that they still enjoy a life under the blessing

of the Lord even with some physical limitations. May the Lord continue to keep Mom and Dad in his care.

Their thankful children,Richmond Hill, ON: Gerald and Theresa Boot (Kampen) Diane and William den Hollander Gabriel, Silas Eleanor and Mark den Hollander Caitlin, Dylan, Elias John Caroline and Dennis Vanderveen Tristan, Ezra Sarah Steven and Taylor Kimberly and JamesNew Hamburg, ON: Brenda and John Hordyk Colin and Michelle Hordyk Brynlie, Colden Wesley and Maria Hordyk Breanne and James Olbach Creedence, Lennox Jason, BenjaminRichmond Hill, ON: Marina and Jack VanHalteren Amanda Rachel Candace and Riley Newton Laurence and Mary Elizabeth VanHalteren Hetty, Jacob, Theodore Evelyn in glory Jack and Marieke VandeRee (Geertsema) Izak and Laken VandeRee Maria and Joel Faber Norah, Marten, ThomasBurlington, ON: Alvina and Ray Kampen Maria, Heather, Lewis and Dayna

20 Caines Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M2M 1G2 [email protected]

218 April 7, 2017

September 10, 1929 to February 19, 2017 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:9-13

At the hour appointed by Him, the Lord suddenly called home to Himself his covenant child, our beloved mother, grandmother,

and great-grandmother at the age of 87.

ELISABETH JANTJE DE ROO (nee Veenstra) She was predeceased by her husband of 51 years,

Albert De Roo (2009)

Markham, ON: Petra TalsmaGuelph, ON: SarahRichmond Hill, ON: Pauline and Wally BishopGrimsby ON: Brooke and David Baartman Evan and AveryRichmond Hill, ON: Erik and Denise Robyn Belleville, IL, USA: KyleBrighton, ON: Paul and Judy DeRoo Brandy and Ryan Fryza Jesse, Brooklyn, Scarlett Andrew Jennifer Lindsay Annabella Chantel Rebecca DawnAurora, ON: Marianne PappasNewmarket, ON: Michelle and Aristi Lambakis Nathan, Victoria, Nickolas, Charlotte Richmond Hill, ON: Tyler PappasGrandville, Ml, USA: Janet and Peter KingmaHamilton, ON: Stephanie and Mark tenHaaf Jaiva, Bauer, Creed, Oslo Wyoming, MI, USA: Alex and Bethany Kingma Grandville, Ml, USA: Chantelle and Ralph Thalen Fergus, ON: Mitchell and Sarah Kingma Grandville, Ml, USA: Joshua KingmaAjax, ON: Richard and Michelle De Roo Marissa Elise

55 Notingham Drive, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4S 1Z8

With much thankfulness, we, a growing steel service centre in Stoney Creek, ON, are again looking for energetic

individuals for the position of:

SHEAR ASSISTANTWe offer competitive wages, an RRSP plan, profit sharing

and generous benefits. Our preference for promoting from within provides ample opportunities for advancement

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1967 ~ May 5 ~ 2017

Oh give thanks to the Lord,

for he is good; for his steadfast love

endures forever! Psalm 118:1

With thankfulness to our heavenly Father, we are happy to announce the 50th Wedding Anniversary of our dear

parents and grandparents

WILLEM and ROELIE SMITH (nee Janssen)Belwood, ON: Bert and Marlene Smith William, Marylyn and Shawn, Natalie and Michael, Quinton and Cassandra, TravisGrand Valley, ON: Diane and John Luke Jonker Tiffany and Kyle Kamphuis, Joseph, Annalise and KlaasHamilton, ON: John and Darlene Smith Joel, Andrew, Jonathan, Anna, NaomiSt. Claude, MB: Angela and Leen Blok Joshua, Luke, EliseCarp, ON: Harold and Elizabeth Smith Joanna, Simon, Noah, Zoe, IsaiahStephenfield, MB: Frank and Christa Smith Mary, Danielle, Josiah, Hannah, Samuel, EmmaFergus, ON: Eric and Trish Smith Mark, Grace Walter SmithBelwood, ON: Ryan and Alida Smith Lucy, Levi, Celia, Burke

Mailing Address: 6738 7th Line, RR 2, Belwood, ON N0B 1J0E-mail: [email protected]

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219April 7, 2017


The Canadian Reformed School Society of London and District, operating Covenant Christian School, is inviting applications

from qualified individuals to fill the following position:

FULL TIME GRADE 7/8 TEACHER The successful applicant will begin teaching in the

2017/2018 school year. Applicants must be a communicant member in good standing of a Canadian/American Reformed Church or any church with whom

we have sister church relations or ecclesiastical fellowship. What we offer: • Positive Christian work environment• Student population of approximately 130, grades K-8 • Supportive school community with excellent volunteer base • Competitive salary (we follow the salary grid of the League of Canadian Reformed School Societies)

For more information please contact the Principal: Mr. Shawn Wolski

Phone: 519-203-0266 or email: [email protected]

Letters of application (including Statement of Faith and Philosophy of Reformed Education) may be sent to:

Mrs. Lynda Schouten, Secretary of the Education Committee 66 Meadowlily Road N, London, ON N5W 1B6

Phone: 519-871-9618 or email: [email protected]

The Board of Credo Christian School in Woodbridge, Ontario invites applications for a

TEACHING PRINCIPALCredo offers grades K-8, with an enrolment of approximately

50 students, serving the areas of Brampton and Toronto. The school is blessed with exceptional community involvement which enhances the academic, musical, and athletic programs that we are able to offer. Our students consistently meet with

success and are taught to take up their calling as covenant children of the Lord.

If you are interested in working in a collaborative environment and in helping us maintain high standards we would love to hear

from you.Credo offers a special compensation outside of the grid for

teaching in a higher cost of living area.For more information please contact the Chair of the Board

John VanDykPhone: 416-991-6827, email: [email protected]

Members of a Canadian Reformed Church or a sister church should send a letter of application stating qualifications,

experience, and references, as well as a personal statement of philosophy of Christian education to the

Chair of the Education CommitteeAnnette Keep

Phone: 289-654-0620, email: [email protected]

Be an Ambassador!

Ambassadors Christian School is planning its 7th year! We are looking for educators who are as passionate and excited

about our calling to give our children a Christian education as we are. Ambassadors Christian School will be educating

approximately 26 Christian citizens of the Kingdom next year with many more to follow in their footsteps.

Our team of teachers currently teach mixed grades and enjoy the support of many dedicated classroom volunteers. You will

be given a sense of purpose and direction by helping to establish Reformed Education in the nation’s capital and by using your faith

as a tool to co-pioneer this awesome Kingdom project. If relationships and collaboration are your things and you are

not afraid to get dirty and have fun while doing it, then you are exactly the right person to apply for the following position:

FULL-TIME or PART-TIME TEACHERThe candidate will have a Bachelor’s Degree or a

teacher’s certificate.

Preference will be given to candidates able to teach French.

All successful candidates are individuals who:• openly witness a personal commitment to Christ as Lord and

Saviour• use their faith daily as a tool to make godly decisions and

display the “fruit of the Spirit”• can articulate a depth of understanding of the biblical and

philosophical foundations of Reformed Christian education• demonstrate a passion and commitment to their career in

education and understand it as their calling• enjoy leadership, are professional, experienced, organized,

thoughtful, enthusiastic, collaborative, visionary, community-minded.

Duties to commence July 1, 2017. Letters of application should include:• a resume• a personalized statement of faith• a letter describing your view and passion for reformed education• two letters of reference.

For more information, please contact:Board Chair: Carrie Vanderveen

Phone: 613-400-7296Email: [email protected]

Principal: Rob HelderPhone: 289-698-2246

Email: [email protected]


220 April 7, 2017

Heritage Christian School invites applications for the following teaching positions for the 2017/2018 academic year:




HCS· in the heart of Ontario’s beautiful Niagara Peninsula· a student body of 630 students from K to 12· a dedicated and supportive Reformed Christian

community· a cohesive, professional faculty and staff of 60 persons· beautiful, modern facilities, recently expanded and


We seek· Qualified applicants who seek to serve Jesus Christ in the

area of Christian education and who submit to Holy Scripture as confessed in the Reformed creeds.

· Committed professionals who positively lead students to a life of dedicated service to our Lord.

· Enthusiastic, dedicated rookies or seasoned veterans looking for a positive change.

How to join us· Submit a résumé, with a statement of your philosophy of

education, a statement of faith, and references, including one from your current pastor.

Please forward inquiries and/or applications to: Mr. Brian C. Bosch, Principal

Heritage Christian School2850 Fourth Avenue, Box 400

Jordan Station, Ontario, Canada L0R 1S0Phone: 905-562-7303, Fax: 905-562-0020

Email: [email protected]: www.hcsjordan.ca

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. Psalm 127:33

The Board of Credo Christian High School invites 2016-2017 academic year applications for a


British Columbia affords teaching opportunities to those with Professional Certificates (B.ED), undergraduate degrees (Subject Restricted), and School and Subject Restricted

Certification in the Area of Industrial Education (Diploma and Red Seal > designation)

For further details please contact Mr. Kent Dykstra, PrincipalK. [email protected]

The Canadian Reformed School Society in beautiful Vernon, BC

is seeking qualified applications for the 2017-2018 school year.

Trinity Christian Academy is a Distributed Learning Homeschool group striving to become an official

independent school.In order to achieve this goal we are a seeking a God-fearing,

driven individual willing to take on a


This individual will be provided a teacher’s assistant where needed and have the full support of the school board.

Please consider our school in your career search and in your personal prayers.

Successful applicants must:• Be a communicant member of the Canadian Reformed Church

or sister church.• Value the importance of a covenantal Christian school.• Have BC certification or is able to obtain it.• Are professional in work and conduct.• Be willing to work with an eager membership.

Please contact the board Chairman for any questions you may have:Paul Veenendaal

Phone: 250-308-0230, [email protected]

Applications should be directed in writing to the board:Canadian Reformed School Society Board

5634 MacDonald Road, Vernon, BC V1B 3L2

The Board of Coaldale Christian School invites applications for various positions in the

ELEMENTARY LEVEL as well as in


Preference will be given to applicants with a Bachelor of Education degree who would be able to teach a variety of

subjects and/or grade levels. We encourage students graduating in 2018 to submit letters of interest for future consideration.

Coaldale Christian School offers Kindergarten to Grade 12 education and currently has a student body of 191. We anticipate

significant growth over the next several years resulting in an increased number of elementary classes.

To submit an application or to receive further information about our school or about our area, please contact:

Mr. Stuart Boeve: Board ChairmanPhone: 403-223-4916, email: [email protected]

Mr. Joop Harthoorn: PrincipalPhone: 403-345-4891, email: [email protected]

Application may be sent to: Mr. Stuart Boeve Coaldale Christian School

2008 – 8 Street, Coaldale, AB T1M 1L1

The Board of Covenant Canadian Reformed School invites applications for the 2017/2018 school year for the

following full-time positions:


Covenant Canadian Reformed School (CCRS) is a vibrant K-12 school community with a current student population of 242. We are situated 3 km from the hamlet of Neerlandia and approximately 25 km north of the Town of Barrhead. Between

these two locations there are three Canadian Reformed congregations and one United Reformed congregation. CCRS is located about an hour and a half north of the cities of Edmonton and St. Albert. We anticipate growth over the next number of

years and are currently planning for future expansion.We encourage energetic, qualified (or soon to be qualified)

educators, committed to Reformed education, to apply. Under our Father’s blessing of a broad, highly supportive membership base and current levels of government funding in Alberta, we are able to offer a very attractive wage and benefit package. All interested individuals can apply by submitting a resume, a statement of faith, a philosophy of education, and references.Please visit our school’s website at www.covenantschool.ca

Applications can be sent in writing to 3030 TWP RD 615A, County of Barrhead, AB T0G 1R2or to the Board secretary, Mrs. Karen Breukelman

[email protected] you would like further information about the school and the area please contact the Board chairman: Mr. Wes Werkman

780-674-2814, [email protected] the principal: Mr. Mike Nederveen

780-674-4774 (school), [email protected]

221April 7, 2017


Guido de Brès Christian High SchoolHamilton, Ontario

Invites applications for definite openings in

French, English, Geography, History and Math

Full-time and part-time will be considered. Applicants must be members of the Canadian Reformed or

United Reformed Churches. All positions would commence September 1, 2017.

For further information, please contact the principal, Mr. R. Vanoostveen

at school: telephone: 905-574-4011Fax: 905-574-8662, E-mail: [email protected]

Letters of application should include university and teaching qualifications, two letters of reference, a statement about your view of Christian education, and a recommendation from your

church council or consistory. Mail to: Guido de Brès Christian High School

Education Committee420 Crerar Drive, Hamilton, ON L9A 5K3

“…for living a life of Christian discipleship in contemporary society”Dufferin Christian School

Carman, Manitobainvites applications for potential openings in

HIGH SCHOOL (all subject areas encouraged to apply) and

ELEMENTARY(all grade levels encouraged to apply)

Duties to commence August 1, 2017 DCS is a growing K-12 Reformed school with 220 students with an anticipated increase in enrollment of 20% over the next four

years. It is located 45 minutes southwest of Winnipeg, Manitoba and offers a highly supportive community, attractive facilities,

competitive wages and a friendly atmosphere. Applicants must be communicant members of a Canadian

Reformed Church or a Church with whom these churches have ecclesiastical fellowship (URCNA, OPC, RCUS, FRCA, etc.), must

be able or willing to obtain a Manitoba Professional Teacher’s Certificate and be committed to the school’s mission statement.

Applications should be sent to Dufferin Christian School

Box 1450, Carman, MB, Canada R0G 0J0 Attention: Mr. Chris deBoer

or emailed to: [email protected] For more information, please contact

Principal: Mr. Chris deBoer [email protected] / 204-745-2278

Chairman: Mr. Leen Blok [email protected]

Website www.dufferinchristian.ca

The Canadian Reformed School Society of Edmonton, operating Parkland Immanuel Christian School, invites applications for the

following position for the 2017-2018 school year.

EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT (full and part-time applications considered)

The task of the Educational Assistant is to assist the teacher in providing academic and social support to students to ensure a successful learning environment. This may involve either one

on one work or group work with students from Kindergarten through to Gr. 12. The successful applicant will be positive

and motivated self-starter who has a high degree of interest in working with children who have learning needs. Applicants must be a professed member in good standing of a Canadian Reformed, United Reformed, or sister church. Preferably the

applicant will have some training in the area of learning assistance and special needs.

The closing date for applications is Friday, April 28th. All applicants will be contacted by the Personnel Committee

to advise them as to whether or not they have been short listed for an interview.

For further information, or to submit an application, please contact Mr. Wayne de Leeuw, chair of the personnel

committee at [email protected] or the Principal, Mr. Ken Leffers, at [email protected].


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Financial Planning Professionals

Roland Van AndelEPC

59 Kirby Avenue, Suite 1, Dundas, Ontario L9H 6P3

Phone: 905-628-9666 Fax: 905-628-1035 Toll Free: 1-866-856-5910

EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected]

RRSPs / RRIFs / GICs Mutual Funds / Term Deposits Insurance (Life, Disability, Critical Illness, Long-term Care, Group) Residential Mortgages Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs) Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) Tax Free Savings Accounts Financial / Estate / Succession Planning Retiring Allowances / Severances Health Plans and Travel Insurance

Roland Van Andel EPC

Derek J. Lanting CPCA

Financial Planning Professionals

59 Kirby Avenue, Suite 1, Dundas, Ontario L9H 6P3

Phone: 905-628-9666 Fax: 905-628-1035 Toll Free: 1-866-856-5910

EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected]

RRSPs / RRIFs / GICs Mutual Funds / Term Deposits Insurance (Life, Disability, Critical Illness, Long-term Care, Group) Residential Mortgages Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs) Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) Tax Free Savings Accounts Financial / Estate / Succession Planning Retiring Allowances / Severances Health Plans and Travel Insurance

Roland Van Andel EPC

Derek J. Lanting CPCA

Financial Planning Professionals

Derek J. LantingCFP, CPCA

Orangeville/Smithville 1.888.837.3030 www.AVERTEX.ca

AVERTEX UTILITY SOLUTIONS INC is a progressiveunderground u�lity contractor specializing in power,

renewable energy, telecommunica�ons, water and sewer.Our offices are located in Orangeville and Smithville, ON.

We offer compe��ve wages and a great benefits package.

AVERTEX is owned and operated on Chris�an principles and due and due to our substan�al growth we are currently

looking for like-minded individuals to consider applyingfor the following full-�me posi�ons:

All interested persons are encouraged tosubmit their resume to:

or visit www.AVRX.s

Find it all at


222 April 7, 2017

Maranatha Christian School, Fergus, ON Are you interested in working at a vibrant and growing K–8 school that enjoys tremendous community support, pays

competitive wages and offers a great benefits package? If so, then consider Maranatha Christian School in Fergus, Ontario. Projected enrollment for September 2017 is 232 students. We

have opportunities as a


PART-TIME ASSISTANT (in the Special Education Department [60%])

The position of Vice-Principal is also available, thus, candidates with an interest in administration are encouraged to apply. If you are interested in the above or have any questions, please contact

one of the following. Successful applicants will be members of the Canadian Reformed Churches or of a sister church. For

applicants, please submit your résumé, philosophy of education, and statement of faith to the address below. Successful applicants

will be contacted for an interview.

Duties commence August 1, 2017. Mr. R. Hoeksema, Principal

519-843-3029 (school), 519-787-1955 (home)[email protected]

Mr. D. Reinink, Education Committee Chairman519-853-3978, [email protected]

Maranatha Christian School c/o Education Committee8037 Wellington Road 19, Fergus, ON N1M 2W4

Website: www.mcsfergus.ca

FOR RENT4 Season Country Vacation Home

15 minutes North of Owen Sound, close to Georgian Bay, Big Bay, Bruce Trail, Golf Courses and so much more.

Fully equipped kitchen, laundry, Fireplace, AC, BBQ, TV, DVD, 2 queen beds, 4 single beds, crib, linens supplied,

smoke free pet free home.Minimum Saturday-Saturday, short term rental welcome.

For more info email [email protected] or call 519-371-5616

Phone: 888-844-2624 Website: coah.org Email: [email protected]

You are Invited to an Information Evening


ONTARIOThursday April 20 7:00 - Dessert 7:45 - Presentation Jordan United Reformed Church

Friday April 21 7:00 - Dessert 7:45 - Presentation Hamilton Free Reformed Church

Saturday April 22 7:00 - Dessert 7:45 - Presentation Oxford Reformed Christian School, Mt Elgin

Monday April 24 7:30 - Presentation Markham Netherlands Reformed Church

UNITED STATES Wednesday April 26 7:00 - Dessert 7:45 - Presentation Netherlands Reformed Christian School, Pompton Plains NJ

Saturday April 29 7:00 - Dessert 7:45 - Presentation Plymouth Christian High School, Grand Rapids MI

ALBERTATuesday May 2 7:30 - Presentation Monarch Free Reformed Church

Wednesday May 3 7:30 - Presentation Coaldale Canadian Reformed Church

Thursday May 4 7:30 - Presentation Leduc United Reformed Church

Friday May 5 7:30 - Presentation Neerlandia Canadian Reformed Church Stay tuned to our website for further information/updates

Denis Boris is a church planter in Almaty, Kazakhstan. His passion is to herald the gospel for the glory of God alone.


223April 7, 2017

Due to the continued blessing of our Lord, we are excited to offer Career Opportunities

in the Landscape Industry.

We are an established Landscape Contractor serving the Niagara Region, serving a broad range of clientele in Property

Maintenance and Landscape Construction Services.

Motivated individuals who already have an experience in the Landscape Industry are encouraged to apply for positions as:


• Responsible for the management of a crew, perfoming seasonal maintenance services to the highest standard.

• A background in client care, plant and garden maintenance, personnel and equipment management is required.

• Qualified individuals may be offered to work in a sub-contracting arrangement, or ownership opportunities.


• Reponsible for the management of a crew, performing installation services in new home and renovation construction environment, with a discretion for quality and efficiency.

• Ability to comprehend and implement landscape and grade plans, with a capacity to decipher and adapt to on-site challanges and changes.

• A background in client care, plant identification, hardscape and softscape installations, personnel and equipment management is required.

We are located in the southern Niagara Peninsula, close to several Canadian Reformed and URC churches.

There are also Christian elementary and high schools in close proximity, and housing costs remain affordable compared to

other urban centres.

Lakeside Landscape offers qualified individuals salaried positions, including a comprehensive benefits package.

Career minded individuals who seek to establish themselves in the Landscape Industry are encourage to apply at:

[email protected] Box 150, Wainfleet, ON L0S 1V0

224 April 7, 2017

Can you spot the difference?

Neither can we! Since 1981, we have been the definitive source for Reformed teacher

training, graduating teachers of the same calibre as accredited schools. Yet our teachers

do not receive the same credentials. It’s time for that to change. With your help, our

graduates will be able to receive Bachelor of Education degrees, allowing them to teach

across the country while expanding the reach of Reformed values in education.

Please help us achieve accreditation! Donate today at supportcovenant.com

We do.

Think you can change the world from a classroom?

CHANGE can be big, like influencing the next generation big. Or it can be small, like marking quizzes small. It’s about what you choose to do on the one hand, and who you are on the other. We are more than our jobs, and God has a calling for each of us, wherever we go.That changes everything. Including you.

A degree you can believe in. redeemer.ca

We can help when you need it.We can meet you in the comfort of

your own home to arrange:

> Visiting and Service in your church facility

> Cemetery arrangements

> Complete assistance with C.P.P., Life Ins.,

Pensions, etc. after the funeral

We’ll come to you at no extra cost.

Let us show you the Faith-Link difference.






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Kitching, Steepe, and Ludwig

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Meeting you where it matters.

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225April 7, 2017

ReformedBookServicesP R O M OT I N G G O D L I N E S S , R E V I VA L & R E F O R M AT I O N

a great selection of christian books at low prices

store hoUrs: Mon.: 10-5; thurs.: 10-9; fri.: 10-5; sat.: 10-3

230 lynden road, Unit 5a, brantford, on n3r 8a3, canadatel. 519.304.4709 • email: [email protected]


We are currently looking for

AZ COMPANY DRIVERSto run flatbed from Ontario to the United States

Jonker Trucking is a family-run, Christian-oriented company.Over length experience an asset, but not required.

Training available.Drivers will be:

• Home Every Weekend• No Sunday Driving

Please contact Tim for more [email protected]

Phone 905-957-9960 / Fax 905-957-99627728 Silver Street, Caistor Centre, ON L0R 2E0

226 April 7, 2017

MARANATHA GARDENS Aging in Place Christian Community.Maranatha GardensInvestment OpportunityLocated on New Street in Burlington beside Maranatha Homes. Offering promissory notes at 4%.For further information:

Hank Gelderman • [email protected]

John Glasbergen • [email protected]

MARANATHA GARDENS Aging in Place Christian Community.Maranatha GardensInvestment OpportunityLocated on New Street in Burlington beside Maranatha Homes. Offering promissory notes at 4%.For further information:

Hank Gelderman • [email protected]

John Glasbergen • [email protected]

Jerry Bosscher, amp mortgage broker

[email protected]

866.472.4769 or 905.635.4269

Complimentary Mortgage Review

Before you buy, build, refinance or renew your mortgage, call me to ensure that you are getting great rates and terms.

• Nofeetoqualifiedborrowers.• Approvalsandpre-approvals,upto120day guarantees.• Mortgagesforself-employed.• Residentialandcommercial.• Largevolumeenablingnegotiationofgreatrates & terms.

For more information, please contact:

Mortgage Broker services provided by Mortgage Intelligence (Lic#: ON 10428 | SK 315857).

Wade Van Bostelen, ba, ma, fma, cfp®, fcsi905.333.09021.866.IPC-GROW(1.866.472.4769)[email protected]

101-3430 South Service Road Burlington, ON, L7N 3T9







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Call us today for your own customized home-buying solutions!


Sutton Group - Summit Realty Inc, Brokerage

Direct: 905-973-3198


Sales Representative

Personal, Professional Servicesince 1987

Email: [email protected]: peterb.ca

A Caring, Christian Environment

Mount Nemo ChristiaN NursiNg hoMe

For more information and resident application please contact us at 905.335.3636

www.mountnemochristiannh.on.ca 4486 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario

Sales RepresentativeAnita Van Rootselaar

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O�ce: 519 836 6365Fax: 519 836 7975

238 Speedvale Ave. W.Guelph ON N1H 1C4

Real Estate Centre Inc. Brokerage Independently owned and operated

Your gateway to the Guelph, Cambridge, and K/W areas.

[email protected]

227April 7, 2017

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228 April 7, 2017

PM 4



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