10 penyakit respon imun

PENYAKIT YANG DI SEBABKAN RESPON IMUN Kuliah 10 Kriana Efendi, M.Farm., Apt.

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Post on 01-Dec-2014




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Kuliah 10PENYAKIT YANG DI SEBABKAN RESPON IMUNKriana Efendi, M.Farm., Apt.Penyakit yang disebabkan respon imunAutoimun b. Hipersensitivitasa.HomeostatikBalance = HealthTH1 IL-2, TNF, IFNTH2 IL-4, IL-10Imbalance = DiseaseTH2 TH1 IL-2, TNF, IFN Suppression of NK cells Suppression of Cytotoxic T cells Increased incidence of neoplasia Increased cellular viral infection IL-4, IL-10 Increased Ig production Increased eosinophil and mast cell degranulation Allergies, systemic autoim


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Kuliah 10

Kriana Efendi, M.Farm., Apt.

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Penyakit yang disebabkan respon imun

a. Autoimunb. Hipersensitivitas

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Balance = Health


IL-2, TNF, IFN IL-4, IL-10

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Imbalance = DiseaseTH2


IL-4, IL-10TH1

Suppression of NK cells

Suppression of Cytotoxic T cells

Increased incidence of neoplasia

Increased cellular viral infection

Increased Ig production

Increased eosinophil and mast cell degranulation

Allergies, systemic autoimmunity, inflammation and pain

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IL-4, IL-10

Imbalance = Disease

Increased tissue specific autoimmunity

Increased parasitic infection

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What happens when the immune system doesn’t work the way it should??

it may over-react to antigens such as with


it may under-react as with human immunodeficiency

virus infection (HIV)

it may react to self proteins as with

autoimmune disease

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kelainan tubuh yang disebabkan oleh reaksi respon imun terhadap sel tubuh sendiri yg dianggap sbg antigen (self-antigen) shg menyebabkan kerusakan organ tubuh.

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Penyakit autoimun dpt terjadi apabila seseorang kehilangan self-tolerance, shg sist.imun tdk mampu membedakan antara sel/jaringan tubuh sendiri (self) dg sel/jaringan asing (non-self), shg jar tubuh dianggap sbg antigen yg harus dimusnahkan

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Multiple Sclerosis

Juvenile Diabetes


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Rheumatoid arthritis

Examples of autoimmune diseases

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Reaksi imun yg patologik, terjadi akibat respon imun yang berlebihan, sangat hebat berbahaya terhadap masuknya antigen sehingga terjadi kerusakan jaringan tubuh.

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Reaksi Hipersensitivitas

Type I ( rx anafilaktik ) Type II ( rx sitotoksik ) Type III ( rx kompleks imun ) Type IV ( rx tipe lambat )

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Types of Hypersensitivity

Type of Reaction Time After Exposure for Clinical Symptoms

Type I (anaphylactic) <30 min

Type II (cytotoxic) 5–12 hours

Type III (immune complex) 3–8 hours

Type IV (delayed cell-mediated, or delayed hypersensitivity)

24– 72 hours

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Rx Hipersensitivitas type I

Disebut juga reaksi anafilaksis/ tipe segera Ikatan antigen dg IgE antibodi pd

permukaan sel mast akan menyebabkan pelepasan histamin

Menifestasi klinis berupa : reaksi alergi seperti pilek, asma, eksim.

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Urutan proses terjadinya rx tipe I ini :

1. Produksi IgE oleh sel B sbg respon thdp antigen paparan I

2. Terjadi pengikatan IgE pd perm sel mast

3. Interaksi antigen paparan II dg IgE pd permukaan sel mast

4. Aktivasi sel terjadi pelepasan mediator

5. Aksi mediator menyebabkan beberapa manifestasi klinis

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Immunreaktionen der Haut 16

Type I Hypersensitivity

Known as:Immediate


immune responses

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Type-I Hypersensitivity: Animation IProduction of IgE in Response to an Allergen

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Type-I Hypersensitivity: Animation II

Allergen Interaction with IgE on the Surface of Mast Cells triggers the Release of Inflammatory Mediators

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Rx Hipersensitivitas type II

Yang berperan antibodi IgG, IgM. Rx Sitotoksik Terjadi akibat adanya aktivasi dr sistem

komplemen setelah mendapat rangsangan dari adanya kompleks antigen antibodi

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Ada 2 mekanisme rx tipe II

1. Berlangsung reaksi antigen-antibodi yg menyebabkan aktivitas sistem komplemen dg segala akibatnya, terutama karena adanya lisis sel

2. Terjadi fagositosis atau lisis oleh enzim yg dilepaskan oleh sel fagosit

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Type II HypersensitivityAntibody-Complement Dependent Mediated Lysis

Animation: IgG or IgM reacts with epitopes on the host cell membrane and activates the classical complement pathway. Membrane attack complex (MAC) then causes lysis of the cell.

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Type II HypersensitivityAntibody Dependent Cell Mediated Cytotoxicity

Animation: Antibodies react with epitopes on the host cell membrane and NK cells bind to the Fc of the antibodies. The NK cells then lyse the cell with pore-forming perforins and cytotoxic granzymes

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Contoh rx tipe II

Reaksi yg terjadi pada transfusi darah, dimana sel2 darah merah dirusak oleh adanya antibodi

Rx inkompatibilitas golongan Rh kerusakan eritrosit

Anemia hemolitik akibat obat mengikat sel darah merah

Reaksi penolakan jaringan transplantasi

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Reaksi Hipersensitivitas Type III

Disebut juga rx kompleks imun Mekanisme rx :

# terjadi rx antigen-antibodi membentuk kompleks imun

# dlm kondisi ttt kompleks imun akan mengendap pd jar ttt spt kulit, sendi, ginjal, darah

# faktor humoral spt komplemen atau enzim fagosit akan berada pd daerah pengendapan terjadi kerusakan jaringan.

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Contoh rx type III

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Glomerulonefritis kerusakan glomerulus

pada ginjal Rx Arthus agregasi trombosit dan

vasodilatasi yg menyebabkan eritema dan edema

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Reaksi Hipersensitivitas Type IV

Disebut juga rx hipersensitivitas tipe lambat Mekanisme rx :

# rx terjadi antara antigen spesifik dg sel limfosit

# terjadi pelepasan lymfokines/sitokin inflamasi

# mengaktivasi makrofag dan menimbulkan sitotoksik/lisis langsung sel sasaran tanpa melibatkan Ig & sistem komplemen.

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Contoh rx type IV

Tes tuberkulin komponen protein Mycobacterium tuberculosis disuntikan pd kulit.

Rx inflamasi yg ditimbulkan akan terlihat setelah 24 – 48 jam.

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Positive Tuberculin Reaction

• Within four hours, neutrophils have arrived, followed by an influx of monocytes and T cells at about 12 hours. The peak of activity is at about 48-72 hours, at which point the area has become red and swollen.

• In the TB skin test, a small amount of soluble antigen (tuberculin) is injected into the skin.

• The T cells that are activated by the antigen secrete cytokines that draw other cells to the site.

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