training and developme t skill gap analysis coca cola

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  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    A Summer Training Report on

    T R A I N I N G A N D D E V E L P O M E N T



    Submitted to:

    Mahamaya Technical University,NOIDA

    For pursuing the degree of



    Submitted By: Ete!n"# Guide:

    Name- Kanchan Parish

    Roll No. 1003370014


    MA$ %r&Semester 'oca$cola!"##$#!

    R"$ %um"! Goe# In&titute o' Te()no#o*y

    De+"!tment o' M"n"*ement

    ,-m. Stone De#)i-Mee!ut Ro"d. G)"/i"b"d 01P-2343356

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology

    De+"!tment o' M"n"*ement ,t) %M7 STONE. DEL8I-MEER1T ROAD.G8A9IABAD 017P6-234335



    This is to certi(y that M!M& %"n()"n P"!i&) is a )ona(i&e stu&ent o( MA !n&*ear o(

    this institute (or the session !"#"$#! an& he+she has un&ergone the summer training in

    Co("-(o#" organiation an& prepare& Summe! T!"inin* P!o$e(t Re+o!t title&

    -T!"inin* "nd De;e#o+ment., (or partial (ul(illment o( M"&te! o' Bu&ine&&

    Admini&t!"tion/MA0 a((iliate& to Mahamaya Technical University, NOIDA1

    I 2ish him+her all the )est (or his+her (uture en&eavors1

    /Dr1 3i)huti04ro(essor 5 6ea&Department o( Management

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    ecl r tionI 7anchan 4arish Son+Daughter o( Shri 4ritam Singh pursuing Master o(

    usiness A&ministration /MA0 !n& year (rom Ra8 7umar 9oel Institute o(

    Technology , 9haia)a& in the session !"#"$#!1 I here)y &eclare that this

    summer training research pro8ect report title& -Training An& Development. is

    the outcome o( my o2n e((ort at 'oca$cola organiation un&er the gui&ance o(

    Dr1 + Mr+ Ms:::::, /Designation,01 The same report has not )een

    su)mitte& earlier to any Institute +University (or a2ar&ing any &egree+ &iploma

    o( MA or any other pro(essional course1 I( there 2ill )e any violation o( I4R

    than I 2ill )e solely responsi)le to that an& Institute+University has right to

    cancel my &egree1


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola









    O@E'TI3E OF T6E 4RO@E'T

    'OM4AN* 4ROFI=E$ 'O'A$'O=A





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  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    Glimpses On The Birth Of Coca-Cola

    @ohn Smyth (irst intro&uce& the re(reshing taste o( 'oca$cola in Atlanta1 It 2as May o( #BBC

    2hen the pharmacist caramel syrup in a three legge& )rass ettle in his )acyar&1 6e (irst

    -&istri)ute& - the ne2 pro&uct carrying 'oca$'ola in a 8ug &o2n the street to @aco)s 4harmacy1

    For (ive cents, consumers coul& en8oy a glass o( 'oca$'ola at the So&a Fountain1 >hether )y

    &esign or acci&ent car)onate& 2ater 2as teame& 2ith the ne2 syrup pro&ucing a &rin that 2as

    proclaime& - Delicious. An& Re(reshing1

    Dr1 4em)erton partner an& )ooeeper (ran M Ro)inson, suggeste& the name an& panne& 'oca$

    cola in the uniue (lo2ing script that is (amous 2orl&2i&e to&ay1 Mr1 Ro)inson thought - the

    t2o ',S 2oul& loo 2ell in a&vertising1.

    y #BBC, sales o( 'oca$'ola average& nine &rins per &ay1 That (irst year, Dr 4em)erton sol& !

    9allons o( syrup, shippe& in )right re& 2oo&en egs1 Re& has )een a &istinctive color associate&

    2ith the No$# so(t &rin )ran& ever since1 For his e((ort, Dr 4em)erton grosse& Go an& spent

    GH%1C on a&vertising1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    In #B#, Atlanta entrepreneur, Asa 91 'an&ler ha& acuire& complete o2nership o( the 'oca$

    'ola )usiness1 >ith in (our years, his merchan&ising (lair helpe& eJpan& consumption o( 'oca$

    'ola every state an& territory1 In ## 'oca$cola 'ompany 2as

    sol& to group o( inventors (or G! million1 Ro)ert >1>oo&ru(( )ecame presi&ent o( the 'oca$

    cola in #!%, an& his more then siJ &eca&es o( lea&ership too the )usiness to unrivalle& heights

    o( commercial success maing 'oca$cola an institution the 2orl& over1

    So't D!in M"!et In P!e&ent S(en"!io

    The so(t &rin maret all over the 2orl& has )een 2itnessing a throat cut )attle )et2een t2o

    ma8or players; coca$cola 54epsi, since very )eginning1 The thirst uenchers are trying har& to

    have the ma8or piece o( the apple o( overall car)onate& so(t &rin maret1 oth the players are

    spen&ing energies in )uil&ing capacity, in(rastructure, promotional activities etc1

    'oca$cola, )eing ## years ol&er than 4epsi, has )een &ominating the scene in most o( the so(t

    &rin maret o( 2orl& an& en8oying the lea&ership in terms o( the share1

    ut the coca$cola people are (in&ing it har& to &eep a2ay 4epsi, 2hich has )een narro2ing the

    gaps regularly1 The t2o are posing threats (or each other in every noo an& corner o( the 2orl&1

    >hile coca$cola has )een earning most o( the part o( its re& an& )utter through )everages sales

    )ut 4epsi has a multi pro&uct port (olio 2ith a han&some portion (rom the same )usiness1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    oth the competitors have a &istinct vision an& properties a)out the In&ian so(t &rin maret1

    though having so much &i((erence an& &istances 2ith each other ,they )oth consi&er In&ia a huge

    potential maret ,as per capita consumption here is a mere three serving annually against the

    2orl& average o( B"1there(ore ,they are putting in their )est e((ort to 2oe the In&ia consumer 2ho

    has to 2or (or #1 hour to )uy a )ottle so(t &rin in comparison to the international norms o(

    minutes, a ma8or hur&le to cross over (or )oth the athletes or getting no1# position1

    'oca$cola is 2ell 2ith its % )ottling sites throughout the country giving it an e&ge over

    competition )y processing a 2ell )uilt an& &istri)ution set up1 On the other han& , 4epsi, 2ith !

    more years in In&ia , has )een a)le to set an image o( 2inner this time in In&ia an& get the pulse

    o( In&ia so(t &rin The so(t &rin giants are =eaving on stone unturne& an& her (or the =ong

    terms1 'oca$cola has )een penetrating the maret through its 2i&e pro&uct range 2ith a

    &etermination to change consumption pattern o( so(t &rin in In&ia1 Firstly, they upgra&e& the

    2hole in&ustry )y intro&ucing %"" ml )ottles, 2hich in turn ha& given the in&ustry a )ooming

    gro2th o( !"K as compare& to the earlier K1 They 2ant to &evelop a 'oca culture an& are

    2oring on a strategy to o((er so(t &rin in every possi)le pacage1 In 'oca$cola cap, the i&ea o(

    competition has not come (rom 4epsi, )ut (rom the other )everages such as Tea, 'o((ee, Nim)u

    4ani, an& >ater etc1

    4epsi is uite aggressive in its approach to In&ian consumer1 They are &esperately 2oring on

    the strategy to )e 2inners in the hot cola 2ar )et2een t2o )ig )anners1 Accor&ing to 4epsi

    philosophy, itLs the ma&ness encourages eJecutive to thin, to con8ure up those creative tactics to

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    noc the (i out there competition1 4epsi ha& plum)e& a large on the visi)ility o( its )lue re&

    an& 2hite logo1 They have )een going 2ith aggressive mareting )y putting Sachin Ten&uler,

    Ashay 7umar, an& no2 Shahruh 7han in their a&vertisement to en&orse their )ran&, the role

    mo&els (or its targete& consumer the teenagers1 They have increase& the (i in the maret place

    )y intro&ucing the &ispensers calle& Fountain 4epsi an& has )een en8oying a lea& over its rival


    'oca$cola on the other han&, has )een 2oring on the saying slo2 an& stea&y 2ins the raceL,

    si&e )y si&e retailing to every more o( its competitor1 They have pro&uce& the shiel& o( Thums

    Up 2ith a han&some Marey share in In&ian so(t &rin maret1 'ountering 4epsiLs international

    commercial that use& t2o chimpanees to coc a snoop at coe1 Thums Up has )een positione&

    no2 very near to that young image o( 4epsi an& giving it a tu(( time1

    These cool merchants have put every thing on (ire 1i( coe get the status o( the o((icial &rin o(

    2ills 2orl& cup, 4epsi )lushe& as nothing o((icial a)out it1 as Thums up pro8ecte& as sare 8aha se

    acchaL, 4epsi 2as passionate enough 2ith (ree&om to )eL an& no2 the -yeh &il mange more.1

    >hen Thums up came 2ith thun&er )last1

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    4ro)lem at that time 2as ho2 to cure all these &isease, since no reme&y 2as present at that time1

    It 2as a )ig uestion (or American people1 So in #BB Mr1 @ohn 4aim2arlion 2ho lives in

    Antonica ma&e a &rin an& registere& it as TREN'6 >INE 'O=A1 In the )eginning this &rin

    2as ma&e 2ith miJture o( cocaine an& alcohol )ut later on it is name& as 'O'O$'O=A1 A ne2

    )ran& name& 4E4SI 'O=A in the year #BBH1

    Indian istory

    Aroun& #

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    @ust a(ter this many more companies entere& the so(t &rin maret1 A so(t &rin name &ou)le1 I

    ha& )een intro&uce& )y a company Mor&en )aers1 Another company Mohan meains also came

    up 2ith a So(t &rin name& Mary 5 puch up, Mc Do2ell came 2ith thrill1,1 4ush an& Sprint1

    4reviously there 2as no competition in the In&ian so(t &rin maret )ut 2ith all companies

    coming in the In&ian maret a huge competition 2as place 2ith college a&vertisements1 ut in

    the year #BB 4epsi 2as given permission to sell its so(t &rins in the In&ian maret )y the

    9overnment o( In&ian1 'oca$cola also come )ac in the year #%1

    Coca-Cola in India

    The 'oca$'ola company entere& In&ia in early #", it setup (our )ottling plants at om)ay,

    'alcutta, 7anpur an& Delhi1

    In #", as 2ere negligi)le companies in the In&ian maret there(ore 'oca$'ola &i& not (ace&

    much competition an& they 2ere accepte& in In&ian maret more easily1 The )ran& 2as accepte&

    )y all age group1 The (ull cre&it must go to coca$cola (or maing so(t &rins popular in In&ian

    )y en& o( #HH1'oca$'ola ha& capture& more than

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    4arle an& to enter In&ia a(ter #H years1 y striing a

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    Dou*#"& N7 D"'t

    'hairman, oar& o( Directors, an& 'hie( EJecutive O((icer

    The 'oca$'ola 'ompany

    8e!be!t A7 A##en

    4resi&ent an& 'hie( EJecutive O((icer

    Allen 5 'ompany Incorporate&

    /a privately hel& investment )aning (irm0

    Ron"#d >7 A##en

    'onsultant to, A&visory Director, an& (ormer 'hairman o( the oar&, 4resi&ent,


    'hie( EJecutive O((icer, Delta Air =ines, Inc1

    C"t)#een P7 B#"(


    6earst Magaines

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    >"!!en E7 Bu''ett

    'hairman o( the oar& an&

    'hie( EJecutive O((icer

    The &iversi(ie& hol&ing company

    ershire 6atha2ay Inc1

    B"!!y Di##e!

    'hairman o( the oar& an&

    'hie( EJecutive O((icer

    USA Interactive

    Su&"n B7 %in*

    4resi&ent, The =ea&ership Initiative

    /nonpro(it consultants (or lea&ership e&ucation0 Due University

    M"!i" E#en" L"*om"&ino

    'hairman an& 'EO

    @141 Morgan 4rivate an

    Don"#d ?7 M(8en!y

    Distinguishe& 4ro(essor in the 4ractice o( Diplomacy an& International A((airs

    at the School o( Foreign Service

    9eorgeto2n University

    Robe!t L7 N"!de##i

    'hairman o( the oar&, 4resi&ent, an&

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    'hie( EJecutive O((icer

    The 6ome Depot, Inc1

    S"m Nunn

    Senior 4artner in the la2 (irm o( 7ing 5 Spal&ing

    'o$chairman an& 'hie( EJecutive O((icer,

    Nuclear Threat Initiative /NTI0

    @7 Ped!o Rein)"!d

    EJecutive 3ice 4resi&ent an&

    'hie( Financial O((icer

    The Do2 'hemical 'ompany

    @"me& D7 Robin&on III

    'o$(oun&er, 'hairman an& 'EO o( RRE Investors, ==' an& 9eneral 4artner o(

    RRE 3entures 94 II, =='

    /private in(ormation technology venture investment (irms0

    Pete! V7 1ebe!!ot)

    'hairman, 'ontrarian 9roup, Inc1

    an& 'o$'hairman, 4e))le each 'ompany

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    In the year o( #", over one hun&re& years a(ter the so(t &rin 2as invente&, the 'oca$ 'ola

    company opene& up a museum lie )uil&ing 2hich 2as &esigne& to )e a tri)ute to its (amous so(t

    &rin pro&uct1 It is also sai& to )e a tri)ute to the countless num)er o( consumers 2ho &rin

    'oca$'ola1 The 2orl& o( 'oca$'ola, as it is calle& is locate& in Atlanta, 9eorgia right ami&st the

    tourist &istrict1 An&, its tri)ute to the so(t &rin is )ecause it is so popular that it is no2 serve&

    &aily in nearly t2o hun&re& countries1

    6aving the museum locate& in Atlanta is (itting )ecause long )e(ore anyone ha& ever hear& o(

    'oca$'ola, a &octor )y the name o( @ohan Stythe 4em)erton, 2ho 2as a &ruggist in Atlanta,

    miJe& up his o2n concoction o( me&icinal syrup in May in the year o( #BBC, Dr1 4em)erton use&


    7ola Nut eJtracts an& coca leaves, 2hich are )oth strong stimulants, in his potion1 The result 2as

    thic caramel colore& syrup1 The purpose o( the potion 2as to )e an e((ective tonic 2hich

    2oul& help a persons )rain an& nerves (unction )etter1

    True or not, it has been said that a customer came into the pharmacy

    one &ay complaining or a hea&ache1 6e ase& (or a glass o( 'oca$'ola to )e ma&e 2ith

    car)onate& 2ater instea& o( plain 2ater an& the car)onate& version o( the so(t &rin 2as the


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The (irst year, in #BBC, Dr14em)erton sol& t2enty (ive gallons o( his syrup 2hich earne& him

    total revenue o( 8ust (i(ty &ollars1 y the neJt year, )ecause o( he is poor health con&ition,

    he )egan to sell o(( his company1 Five years later, man )y the name o( Asa 91'an&lar, ha&

    acuire& total control o( the 'oca$'ola )ecame a patente& pro&uct in the Unite& States1

    Its popularly 2oul& not stay 2ithin the Unite& States (or long, though, )ecause in the year o(

    #"C, 'ola$'ola 2as )ottle& in 'u)a an& in 4anama1 ottling operations 2ere soon start e& in

    6a2all the neJt year, then in the 4hillipines, France, elgium, ermun&a, 'olom)ia, the

    6on&uras, Italy, MeJico, 6aiti, an& urma in later years1 y the year o( #

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    Our tra&emars are our most valua)le assets1 The tra&emar -'oca$'ola. 2as registere& 2ith the

    U1S1 patent an& tra&emar o((ice in #B%, (ollo2e& )y -'oe. in #

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The launch o( 'oe 2ith the ne2 taste too place in the Unite& State an& 'ana&a1 'onsumer

    respecte& 2ith an unprece&ente& an& ne2 (amous out pouring o( loyalty an& o((ering (or me

    original (ormula o( 'oca$cola returne& 5 'oca$'ola classic1 In #BC, 'oca$'ola classic )ecame

    an& still remains, the nations top$selling so(t &rin1



    All our so(t &rins are 2holesome )everages manu(acture& in compliance 2ith the

    U1S1 Fe&eral Foo& =a2s, the la2s o( all U1S1 states, an& the la2s o( nearly !""

    countries throughout the 2orl& 2here our pro&uct share marete&1

    Un(ortunately, the incre&i)le po2er o( the Internet is sometimes use& to sprea&

    (alse in(ormation a)out the ingre&ients in our pro&ucts1 There are several )aseless

    rumours circulating on the Internet claiming that ingre&ients in our pro&ucts can

    cause health pro)lems1 >eve gathere& some o( those rumours here so that you

    can easily get the (acts a)out these (alse claims18e!e "!e &ome !umou!& you m"y )";e &een o! )e"!d

    The aci&ity o( cola &rins is strong enough to &issolve teeth an& )ones1

    4hosphoric aci& in 'oca$'ola lea&s to osteoporosis1

    Aspartame, a s2eetener in lo2 calorie )everages, causes hea&aches, )rain tumours

    an& other &iseases1

    'a((eine in so(t &rins is a&&ictive1

    Saccharin causes cancer1

    Sugar in so(t &rins maes people hyperactive1
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    'aramel colouring pro&uces genetic e((ects an& causes cancer1

    The polyethylene glycol in so(t &rins is also use& as anti$(reee in automo)iles an&

    as an oil solvent1

    Some pro&ucts o( The 'oca$'ola 'ompany contain alcohol1


    There is gro2ing con(usion a)out 2hat constitutes a healthy &iet1 >ith so much con(licting

    in(ormation availa)le a)out health an& nutrition, it can )e very &i((icult to &etermine 2hat is

    accurate an& 2hat is not1

    The truth is that so(t &rins an& other )everages have a place in a healthy li(estyle1 A healthy &iet

    incorporates the )asic principles o( variety, )alance an& mo&eration 2ithout sacri(icing



    ?"(t& on Di"bete& "nd So't D!in&

    So(t &rins &o not contri)ute to &ia)etes1

    'hil&ren 2ho are o)ese have a greater ris o( type ! &ia)etes )ut this is not relate& to the

    sugar content in so&a

    ?"(t& on A&+"!t"me "nd So't D!in&
  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    ?"(t& on Sedent"!y Li'e&ty#e "nd Obe&ity

    %ey ?"(t&

    Rising o)esity rates are &ue in large part to se&entary li(estyles an& lac o( physical


    So(t &rins can )e part o( an active li(estyle

    ?"(t& on Su*"! "nd So't D!in&

    %ey ?"(t&

    Sugar consumption has not )een sho2n to cause o)esity1

    There are no nutritional &i((erences )et2een sugars an& the )o&y uses them all the same


    The amount o( sugar an& calories in so(t &rins is a)out the same as many (ruit 8uices

    ?"(t& on C"''eine "nd So't D!in&

    %ey ?"(t&

    So(t &rins containing ca((eine are not a&&ictive1

    'a((eine has no negative impact on hy&ration or )one health1

    There is no connection )et2een car&iovascular &isease an& ca((eine

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    T)in #o("#. "(t #o("#From the 2orl&s largest cities to its most remote villages, our )ottling system is ma&e up o(

    locally roote& enterprises committe& to uality1 The 'oca$'ola 'ompany )ottling partners

    are al2ays local )usinesses, eJerting a strong in(luence on economic &evelopment an&

    actively participating in community li(e through local events an& philanthropic activities1

    Bott#e!& "nd Cu&tome!&

    ottlers are a critical local lin1 They sell our )ran&s to )usinesses an& institutions, retail chains,

    supermarets, restaurants, small neigh)ourhoo& grocers, sports an& entertainment venues,

    schools an& colleges, among others1 These customers, in turn, are 2here you go 2hen you 2ant a

    'oeQ or one o( our other )ran&s1

    For each o( our customers, provi&ing the right miJ o( 'ompany pro&ucts an& pacage at the right

    price is the (oun&ation o( mutual success1 =ocal consumer tastes &etermine the )ran&s an&

    pacage types a particular customer 2ants us to supply1 ottlers in many countries o((er tours o(

    their (acilities to schoolchil&ren an& a&ult groups1 'ontact the local )ottler in your region (or

    more in(ormation on tours an& other activities that our )ottlers sponsor1

    A Re;o#ution in P#"&ti(& Re(y(#in*

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    I( you as 4eter An&erson, pro8ect &irector o( the 4lastic Re&esign 4ro8ect /4R40, The 'oca$'ola

    'ompany has spurre& a revolution in the economics o( plastics recycling, 2ith its &ecision three

    years ago to esta)lish a pu)lic goal (or using recycle& content in 4ET /4olyethylene

    Terephthalate0 )ottles1

    The company ma&e the groun&$)reaing commitment in !""" to use #"K recycle& content in its

    plastic )ottles )y !"", culminating its years$long 2or to help commercialise recycling 4ET

    )ottles (rom cur) si&e programs into ne2 )ottles1In Fe)ruary !""%, The 'oca$'ola 'ompany

    receive& an a2ar& (rom the 4R4, as it reache& a milestone in that commitment, 2ith #"K

    recycle& content in B"K o( its )ottles1 During the ceremony, An&erson eJpresse& the in&ustrys

    gratitu&e to the companys commitment, >e cannot )egin to tell you ho2 much 2e appreciate

    your )ol& &ecision to step up to the plate, (ollo2ing on your &eca&e$long &e&ication to

    technology &evelopment 2ith a pu)lic commitment1

    The 4R4 is a coalition o( local an& state recycling o((icials1 It 2ors constructively 2ith

    pacagers to improve the economics o( plastics recycling )y &esigning plastic )ottles (or

    recycla)ility an& )y increasing the use o( recycle& content in plastic )ottles1

    Accor&ing to An&erson, the 4ET recycling system ha& struggle& (inancially (or years1 ecause

    o( the sie an& in(luence o( The 'oca$'ola 'ompany, their !""" commitment 8olte& the maret

    an& initiate& an overall improvement to the in&ustry1 6e reveale& that the company can claim

    responsi)ility (or increasing the &eman& (or recycle& 4ET, eJpan&ing the sie o( the R4ET

    /Recycle& 4ET0 )ottle maret, creating a stan&ar& (or other )everage companies to (ollo2 that

    shoul& eventually &ou)le the impact, an& helping to &evelop technological innovation that is

    anticipate& to )ring &o2n the cost o( upgra&ing technologies, maing it less eJpensive to use

    recycle& 4ET1
  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The 4R4 an& the 'oca$'ola 'ompany also plan to 2or together to encourage )ottle &esigns

    that consi&er their impacts on recycling, in an e((ort to protect the valua)le ne2 en& marets (or

    recycle& 4ET that the companys commitment has create&1 Receiving the a2ar& (or outstan&ing

    corporate responsi)ility on )ehal( o( The 'oca$'ola 'ompany 2ere Scott 3itterLs,

    Environmental Manager, an& @e((rey 6ansen, 4acaging Recycling System Manager1

    3itterLs eJplaine& that the 'oca$'ola system has 2ore& &iligently over the past &eca&e to

    &evelop sustaina)le recycling technologies1 >e appreciate the recognition (or these e((orts an&

    loo (or2ar& to continuing to &rive ne2 innovation1 The company continues ahea& o( sche&ule

    to meeting its goal1


    >ith the same spirite& investment as the 2orl&s premier mareter an& )everage in&ustry lea&er

    (or more than ##C years, 2e are (ocuse& on strategic 2orplace programs that help assure the

    success o( our commitment to em)racing the similarities an& &i((erences o( people, cultures an&


    Cu#tu!"# Sen&"tion&$ This employee a2areness program taes &iversity )eyon& representation

    an& provi&es employees an opportunity to learn a)out &i((erent cultures an& regions o( the 2orl&

    in 2hich 2e &o )usiness1 Our 'ultural Sensations program is &esigne& to (oster &ialogue a)out

    the similarities an& &i((erences o( people, cultures an& i&eas through the use o( art, music, &ance,

    (oo& an& special events1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    Di;e!&ity Ad;i&o!y Coun(i#$ The 'ompanyLs corporate Diversity A&visory 'ouncil consists o(

    a representative group o( employees (rom all levels, (unctions an& )usiness units o( the

    organiation1 The 'ouncil &evelops recommen&ations (or senior management on a&vancing the

    companys e((orts to2ar&s achieving our &iversity o)8ectives1

    Em+#oyee ?o!um& $ >e )elieve that a sense o( community enhances our a)ility to attract,

    retain, an& &evelop &iverse talent an& i&eas as a source o( competitive )usiness a&vantage1 In the

    Unite& States, through employee (orums, employees can connect 2ith colleagues 2ho share

    similar interests an& )acgroun&s1 In those (orums an& else2here, employees support each

    others personal an& pro(essional gro2th an& enhance their in&ivi&ual an& collective a)ility to

    contri)ute to the company1 Forums that are currently active inclu&e;


    >ithin every large organiation, there are al2ays governing rules, an& our company is no

    eJception1 The 'oca$'ola 'ompany an& its su)si&iaries maintain a long$stan&ing commitment to

    eual opportunity, a((irmative action an& valuing the &iversity o( our employees1 In or&er to

    (oster an environment that is pro&uctive, healthy, sa(e, an& success(ul (or all o( our employees,

    our company has policies to help gui&e the )ehaviour that shape our 2or environment1

    Code o' Bu&ine&& Condu(t

    Our 'o&e o( usiness 'on&uct /English Translation0 serves to gui&e the actions o( our

    employees, o((icers an& &irectors in 2ays that are consistent 2ith our core values; honestyP

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    integrityP &iversityP ualityP respectP responsi)ilityP an&, accounta)ility1 The 'o&e helps our

    people play )y the rules 2herever 2e operate aroun& the 2orl&1 An&, 2e have 2ell$&e(ine&

    proce&ures (or times 2hen concerns arise, in The 'o&e o( usiness 'on&uct 4roce&ural

    9ui&elines /English Translation01

    Eu"# O++o!tunity

    The 'oca$'ola 'ompany values all employees an& the contri)utions they mae1 'onsistent 2ith

    this value, the company rea((irms its long$stan&ing commitment to eual opportunity an&

    a((irmative action in employment, 2hich are integral parts o( our corporate environment1 The

    company strives to create a 2or environment (ree o( &iscrimination an& physical or ver)al

    harassment 2ith respect to race, gen&er, colour, national origin, religion, age, &isa)ility, seJual

    orientation, or veteran status1 >e 2ill mae reasona)le accommo&ations in the employment o(

    uali(ie& in&ivi&uals 2ith &isa)ilities, (or religious )elie(s, an& 2henever else appropriate

    The company maintains eual employment opportunity (unctions to ensure a&herence to all la2s

    an& regulations, an& to company policy in the areas o( eual employment opportunity an&

    a((irmative action1 All managers are eJpecte& to implement an& en(orce the company policy o(

    non$&iscrimination, eual employment opportunity, an& a((irmative action, as 2ell as to prevent

    acts o( harassment 2ithin their assigne& area o( responsi)ility1 Further, it is a part o( every

    in&ivi&uals responsi)ility to maintain a 2or environment that re(lects the spirit o( eual

    opportunity an& prohi)its harassment1

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    T)e Co("-Co#" Com+"ny ei&t& to bene'it "nd !e'!e&) e;e!y one it tou()e&7

    The )asic proposition o( our )usiness is simple, soli& an& timeless1 >hen 2e )ring re(reshment,

    value, 8oy an& (un to our staehol&ers, then 2e success(ully nurture an& protect our )ran&s,

    particularly 'oca$'ola1 That is the ey to (ul(illing our ultimate o)ligation to provi&e

    consistently attractive returns to the o2ner so (our )usiness1


    More than a )illion times every &ay, thirsty people aroun& the 2orl& reach (or 'oca$'ola

    pro&ucts (or re(reshment1 They &eserve the highest ualityevery time1 Our promise to &eliver

    that uality is the most important promise 2e mae1 An& it involves a 2orl&2i&e, yet

    &istinctively local, net2or o( )ottling partners, suppliers, &istri)utors an& retailers 2hose

    success is paramount to our o2n1 Our investment in local communities in over !"" countries

    totals )illions o( &ollars in 8o)s, (acilities, an& mareting, the purchase o( local goo&s an&

    services, an& local )usiness partnerships1 Al2ays an& every2here, 2e pursue continuous

    innovation in the pro&ucts 2e o((er, the processes 2e use to mae them, the pacages 2e

    &evelop an& the 2ays 2e )ring them to maret1


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    Society a&vances on the strength o( community; people sharing their i&eas an& resources to reach

    common goals1 >e see to strengthen local communities 2orl&2i&e through our support (or

    e&ucation, through partnerships 2ith other organiations an& through acts o( citienship )y the

    people o( 'oca$'ola1

    >e support e&ucation )ecause o( its po2er to eJpan& opportunities (or in&ivi&uals an& increase

    un&erstan&ing )et2een cultures1 >e partner 2ith national an& international organiations to

    alleviate economic &isa&vantage an& help improve the uality o( li(e in local communities1

    Together 2ith our local )ottling partners, 2e strengthen communities )y giving 2ith our han&s

    an& our hearts, as partners in the promise o( a )etter li(e1

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  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    The mission o( the 'oca$'ola 'ompany is to increase share$o2ner value over time1 The

    company accomplishe& the mission )y 2oring 2ith its )usiness partners to &eliver satis(action

    an& value to customers an& consumers through a 2orl&2i&e system o( superior )ran&s an&

    services, thus increasing )ran& euity on a glo)al )asis1


    #0 >e 2ill con&uct ourselves an& our )usiness activities 2ith the highest stan&ar&s o(

    honesty integrity an& pro(essionalism1

    !0 >e 2ill recognie the positive contri)utions that 2e mae as in&ivi&uals an& team

    mem)ers to pro&uce our )usiness success1

    %0 >e 2ill encourage a learning environment 2here people can constantly gro2, &evelop

    an& contri)ute1

    e 2ill strive (or eJcellence an& see continuous improvement in everything 2e &o1

    0 >e 2ill respect all staehol&ers, inclu&ing employees, partners an& suppliers an& instill

    them 2ith a passion to &eliver the highest uality goo&s an& service1

    C0 >e 2ill (oster initiative an& creativity )y empo2ering in&ivi&ual to attain 2ell$&e(ine&


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    4rovi&e eJceptional strategic lea&ership in the 'oca$'ola In&ia System$resulting in consumer

    an& customer pre(erence an& loyalty, through 'oca$'olaLs commitment to them, an& in a highly

    pro(ita)le 'oca$'ola 'orporation )ran&e& )everages system1


    'reate consumer pro&ucts, services an& communication customer service an& )ottling system

    strategies, processes an& tools in or&er to create competitive a&vantage an& &eliver superiors

    value to;

    'onsumer as a superior )everage eJperience1

    'onsumers as an opportunity to gro2 pro(it through the use o( (inishe& &rins1

    ottlers as an opportunity to gro2 pro(its an& volume1

    Suppliers as an opportunity to mae reasona)le pro(its 2hen creating real value$a&&e& in

    an environment o( system 2i&e team2or, (leJi)le )usiness system an& continuous


    In&ian society in the (orm o( a contri)ution to economic an& socio &evelopment1

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    Corporate #esponsibility $%ards

    One o( Ten MostA&mire& 'ompanies in 9ermany, The 'oca$'ola 'ompany,

    Manager Magaine /Fe)ruary !""B0

    4hilanthropist o( the *ear, 'oca$'ola Uraine, >orl& o( 'hil&, Urainian Fun& o(

    4hilanthropists an& Uraine %""" /Decem)er !""H0

    >orl&Ls Most Accounta)le 'orporations, One >orl& Trust !""H 9lo)al

    Accounta)ility Report /Decem)er !""H0

    No1 !, In&ias Most Respecte& Fast Moving 'onsumer 9oo&s 'ompany, an& No1 H,

    Most Respecte& Multinational 'orporation in In&ia, 'oca$'ola In&ia, usiness>orl&, in

    con8unction 2ith the In&ian Maret Research ureau /Novem)er !""H0

    ArgentinaLs Most A&mire& 'ompanies Raning /Octo)er !""C0

    !""C 'orporate Social Responsi)ility A2ar&, American 'ham)er in Shanghai

    /Septem)er !""C0

    =ea&er in 'orporate Social Responsi)ility, 9erente /Septem)er, !""C0

    'itienship e((orts, 'ommittee (or Economic Development /@une !""C0

    Social reporting transparency, Ro)erts Environmental 'enter /@anuary !""C0

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    'oca$'ola MeJico recognie& )y MeJican Alliance (or 'orporate Social Responsi)ility

    /AliaRSE0 as a Socially Responsi)le 'ompany (or (ourth consecutive year /sponsore& )y

    the MeJican 'enter (or the Filantropa /'EMEFI0

    'oca$'ola 'hile a2ar&e& Most Socially Responsi)le 'ompany in 'hile /thir&

    consecutive year0, Mori National Survey, !""!

    Thai 4ure Drins a2ar&e& Royal 9aru&a in recognition o( corporate citienship e((orts

    an& important role in Thai society

    'orporate 'itienship A2ar& (or Schools (or a 'hange program in Argentina

    /American 'ham)er o( 'ommerce in Argentina0

    !""! 'orporate EJcellence A2ar& in Egypt )y the US State Department (or the

    companys involvement in community initiatives

    @unior Achievement Innovation A2ar& (or an environmental program in Argentina aime&

    at increasing the environmental a2areness o( #!$year$ol&s, create& through a partnership

    )et2een @unior Achievement an& 'oca$'ola &e Argentina

    >orl&Ls Most Socially Responsi)le 'ompany, accor&ing to !"$country consumer survey

    )y the 'hilean )ranch o( Maret 5 Opinion Research International /MORI0

    !""# 'orporate 'itienship A2ar& (rom the Unite& States 'ham)er o( 'ommerce (or

    2oring 2ith Rea&ing is Fun&amental /RIF0 to improve literacy across the Unite& States

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The Service to 4eace through 'orporate Responsi)ility A2ar& (rom the 4acem in

    Terris /4eace on Earth0 Institute in recognition o( the companys long$term commitment

    an& large$scale initiatives in the economic an& community &evelopment o( A(rica

    Community !evelopment $%ards

    >orl&Ls Most Accounta)le 'orporations, One >orl& Trust !""H 9lo)al

    'ommunity EJcellence A2ar& (or e((orts to promote 6I3+AIDS e&ucation an&

    prevention in 'hina, The 9lo)al usiness 'oalition on 6I3+AIDS, Tu)erculosis an&

    Malaria /9'0 /@une !""H0

    'oca$'ola in 3ietnam a2ar&e& prestigious !""< 9ol&en Dragon 4rie (or contri)utions

    to &evelopment o( 3ietnams economy /3ietnam Economic Times0

    'oca$'ola In&ia receive& hagi&ari A2ar& (rom Delhi 'hie( Minister Sheila Dishit (or

    'ompanys e((orts an& contri)utions to2ar&s community &evelopment programs

    The 'oca$'ola Foun&ation in MeJico recognie& )y MeJican 4hilanthropic Society as a

    Socially Responsi)le 'orporate 'itien (or (ourth consecutive year, an& )y 4rocura, one

    o( MeJicos lea&ing e&ucational an& training organiations, (or its support o(

    sponsorships, school programs an& other non$pro(it initiatives

    &nvironment $%ards

    9ol&en 4eacoc A2ar& (or 2ater management initiatives, 'oca$'ola In&ia, >orl&

    'ouncil (or 'orporate 9overnance /Fe)ruary !""B0

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    National A2ar& (or EJcellence in >ater Management (or the most >ater E((icient

    Unit, 'oca$'ola In&ia, 'on(e&eration o( In&ian In&ustry /'II0 /Decem)er !""H0

    hagi&ari A2ar&, 'oca$'ola In&ia 2ater conservation an& environmental management,

    Delhi government /Fe)ruary !""H0

    Strategic 6R =ea&ership A2ar&, Mani(esto (or 9ro2th, Society (or 6uman Resource

    Management /Octo)er !""H0

    Star Status (or employee sa(ety an& health initiatives, Occupational Sa(ety an& 6ealth

    A&ministration 3oluntary 4rotection 4rogram, 'ari))ean Re(rescos Inc1 concentrate

    plant /4uerto Rico0 /August !""H0

    The >orl& Environment Foun&ation />EF0 a2ar&e& the prestigious 9ol&en 4eacoc

    Environment Management A2ar& !"" /94EMA0 to the 'oca$'ola )ottling plant at

    7ala&era, near @aipur, In&ia in recognition o( its 2orl&$class environment practices

    6in&ustan 'oca$'ola everages Dasna plant in In&ia receive& 9ol&en 4eacoc

    Environment Management A2ar& !""orl& Environment Foun&ation (or e((ective

    environmental management at the 6in&ustan 'oca$'ola plant at Ameenpur 3illage, near

    6y&era)a&, In&ia

    Recognition (rom the environmental &ivision o( The Society o( 4lastics Engineers (or

    responsi)le ste2ar&ship o( the environment

    Tunisian Ministry o( Environment a2ar& (or )est initiative to re&uce plastic 2aste

    ealth $%ards

    F5N 'oca$'ola /Singapore0 4te =t& receive& Ministry o( 6ealth rone 6EA=T6

    A2ar& /!""

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    'oca$'ola In&ia recognie& )y Ra8iv 9an&hi Foun&ation /R9F0 (or participation in

    motorie& tri$2heeler scheme (or the &isa)le&

    'oca$'ola Nigeria recognie& )y 6ope >orl&2i&e (or its humanitarian involvement in

    (ighting the 6I3+AIDS epi&emic /@anuary !""%0

    ar"etplace $%ards

    'oca$'ola In&ia plant in Ameenpur, 6y&era)a&, too secon& place at prestigious 9ol&en

    4eacoc National uality A2ar&s

    'oca$'ola In&ia rane& as top #" most respecte& company in In&ia

    'oca$'ola In&ia place& in top ten o( most respecte& companies survey /usiness2orl&,

    In&ias only )usiness 2eely0

    Most a&mire& company in Argentina /'larn Ne2spaper, !""!0

    allina everages, our companys ne2est an& most a&vance& concentrate manu(acturing

    plant, has receive& the EJcellence Through 4eople certi(ication, &evelope& )y the Irish

    National Training Agency

    !iversity $%ards

    Diversity =ea&ership A2ar& /Novem)er !""H0

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    The National 4uerto Rican 'oalitions 'orporate Social Responsi)ility A2ar& in

    recognition o( The 'oca$'ola 'ompanys signi(icant contri)utions to the 4uerto Rican

    community /!""0

    One o( the est 'ompanies to >or (or in the U1S1 )y =ATINA Style magaine, a

    respecte& source o( employment an& career in(ormation (or 6ispanic 2omen /!""0

    6ispanic Magaines list o( the Top " Recruiting 'ompanies in America (or 6ispanics

    an& Top #"" 'ompanies 4rovi&ing the Most Opportunities (or 6ispanics /!""0

    6ispanic Tren&s list o( Top " 'orporations (or Supplier Diversity /!""0

    =ATINA Style ", =ATINA Style Magaine /!""0

    'orporation o( the *ear A2ar&, U1S1 6ispanic 'ham)er o( 'ommerce /!""

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    'orporation o( the *ear A2ar&, =a3ision /!""!0

    6ispanics 'orporate #"", 6ispanic Magaine /!""!0

    Outreach A2ar&, 4artnering (or Diversity in 'onstruction /!""!0

    Appreciation A2ar&, Department o( 'ommerce $ Minority usiness Development

    Agency /!""!0

    9overnors Mentor 4rotVgV 4rogram, 9eorgia 9overnor $ Roy arnes /!""!0

    Tra&ing 4artner o( the *ear, Rain)o2 4ush 4eachtree Street 4ro8ect /!""!0

    'hairmans A2ar& to 'arl >are, Antioch Ur)an Ministries, Inc1 /!""!0

    A 'ompany that 'ares, Unite& >ay o( Metropolitan Atlanta /!""!0

    AW A2ar& (or Tutor 4rogram, Atlanta 4artners (or E&ucation /!""!0

    MeJican 9rocers Association A2ar&, MeJican 9rocers Association /!""!0

    Top " Diversity Employers, The lac 'ollegian /!""!0

    Most A&mire& 'ompany in Argentina, 'larin Ne2spaper /!""!0

    Diversity =ea&ership A2ar&, Diversity est 4ractices /!""!0

    " est 'ompanies (or Minorities, Fortune Magaine /!""!0

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  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    8onb#e Mini&te! 'o! Poe! En;i!onment. 8im"()"# P!"de&). Smt Vid)y" Stoe&

    *i;in* ""y t)e Go#den Pe"(o( A"!d to M! A&)uto&) B)"!d"$. A!e" O+e!"tion&

    Di!e(to!. 8indu&t"n Co("-Co#" Be;e!"*e& P;t7 Ltd7

    The >orl& Environment Foun&ation />EF0 con(erre& the -Go#den Pe"(o( En;i!onment

    M"n"*ement S+e(i"# Commend"tion. (or the year !""C )y a @ury hea&e& )y @ustice 4 N

    hag2ati, Former 'hie( @ustice o( In&ia an& 'hairman UN 6uman Rights 'ommission to

    6in&ustan 'oca$'ola everages 4rivate =imite&, Mehan&igan8, 3aranasi1

    T)e S+e(i"# Commend"tion "& +!e&ented by t)e C)ie' Gue&t Smt7 Vid)y" Stoe&. 8onb#e

    Mini&te! o' Poe! "nd En;i!onment. Go;e!nment o' 8im"()"# P!"de&) "t " &+e(i"#

    (e!emony on 43t) @une 233 "t A*!i(u#tu!"# 1ni;e!&ity Audito!ium P"#"m+u! 08P67

    This prestigious 9ol&en 4eacoc Environment Management Special 'ommen&ation (or the year

    !""C is given in recognition (or (ollo2ing 2orl&$class environment practices1 6in&ustan 'oca$

    'ola everages 4rivate =imite&, 3aranasi, is ISO #

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    thorough evaluation o( the plantLs compliance 2ith a >EF prescri)e& program assessment

    (ormat relate& to environment management system implementation1 The assessment covere& a

    perio& o( one year (rom #st April !"" to %#st March !""C1

    Mo!e About Go#den Pe"(o( En;i!onment M"n"*ement 0GPEM6 S+e(i"# Commend"tion

    The 94EM Special 'ommen&ation is &esigne& to encourage an& recognie e((ective

    implementation o( environmental management system an& this achievement has )een ma&e

    possi)le )y the plantLs a&herence to 'oca$'olaLs total uality program calle& The 'oca$'ola

    uality system /T''S01 T''S encompasses management system /Total uality0 covering

    environment management an& other )usiness aspects such as Sa(ety an& =oss 4revention /S=40,

    pro&uct uality, pacaging uality, process capa)ility improvement an& customer satis(action1

    >orl& Environment Foun&ation is a non$pro(it N9O, 2hich strives to (oster partnerships an&

    improve lins )et2een in&ustry an& environmentalists (or &eveloping innovative strategies to

    minimie the environmental &egra&ation1

    'ola$'ola In&ia 2ins the )ha&igari a2ar& (rom the &elhi government (or its e((orts in community


    The 'ompany has alrea&y eJecute& nearly !"" rain 2ater harvesting structures across #H


    'oca$'ola In&ia has plans to un&ertae

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The company is also 2oring 2ith local communities in various states on pro8ects lie

    4aper 5 4ET recycling, e&ucation an& clean environment pro8ects

    'oca$'ola In&ia 2on the B)"*id"!i ""!d on Fe)ruary !, !""C,in Ne2 Delhi, (or its

    contri)ution in 2ater conservation 5 environment management programmes an& (or its

    contri)ution to community &evelopment, (rom the Delhi 9overnment1 This is the thir& year in a

    ro2 that the company has 2on this a2ar&1 Mr1 Atul Singh, 4resi&ent 5 'EO, 'oca$'ola In&ia

    receive& the a2ar& (rom the 6on)le 'hie( Minister o( Delhi, Ms1 Sheila Dishit on )ehal( o( the

    company at a (unction &uring the hagi&ari Utsav at the 4ragati Mai&an in Ne2 Delhi1 'oca$

    'ola In&ia is supporting several rain 2ater harvesting pro8ects sprea& across #H states 2ith nearly

    !"" rain 2ater harvesting structures1 The company plans to tae up another

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    It has also )een recognie& as one o( the top three units across in&ustries in In&ia (or Innovative

    4ro8ect A2ar&L1

    oth the a2ar&s 2ere presente& )y Dr 7 S @a2ahar Re&&y, IAS, Managing Director, 6y&era)a&

    Metropolitan >ater Supply 5 Se2erage oar&1

    Mr Anupam Sharma$ Asistant 4ro&uction Manager, receive& the a2ar& on )ehal( o( the


    The various (acets o( 2ater management highlighte& at the 'II competition 2ere 2ater

    conservation e((orts (or re&uction in Speci(ic >ater 'onsumption, re&uction in 2aste 2ater

    &ischarge, roa& map to achieve ero 2aste 2ater &ischarge, Sustaina)ility 4ro8ects, rain 2ater

    harvesting an& 'ommunity Involvement in >ater 'onservation1

    En;i!onment A++!e(i"tion A"!d to Co("-Co#". @"#+"i*u!i 1nit7

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    'oca$'ola In&ia, @alpaiguri unit 2as (elicitate& 2ith the En;i!onment A++!e(i"tion

    Ce!ti'i("te. 233,L1It 2as presente& un&er the aegis o( Environment EJcellence A2ar&, !"".,

    an initiative o( >est engal 'leaner 4ro&uct 'entre1 Shri u&&ha&e) hattachar8ee gave a2ay

    the a2ar& to Mr Rahul Sharan, Area 9eneral Manager1

    The a2ar& is given in recognition o( the e((orts to protect 5 preserve the environment through

    proactive environmental practices1 The 'ompany has &one commen&a)le e((orts in the (iel& o(

    Rain >ater 6arvesting in the 2ater &e(icient areas 5 recycling o( use& 4ET )ottles1

    hu)anesh2ar Team 2ins !"" 4ollution 'ontrol EJcellence A2ar&Y

    T)e innin* B)ub"ne&"! Te"m it) t)ei!


    The FPo##ution Cont!o# E(e##en(e A"!dF(or !"" has )een a2ar&e& to 6''4= 7hur&a

    unit, )y the Orissa State 4ollution 'ontrol oar&1 The a2ar& 2ent to the 7hur&a team (or

    achieving eJcellence in implementation o( pollution control systems in the plant an& (or their

    constant e((orts (or protection o( the environment1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The 4ollution 'ontrol EJcellence A2ar& is an annual a2ar& given to in&ustries that eJcel in

    environment protection1 7hur&as multiple initiatives $ 4ET recycling, 3ermicomposting an&

    Rain 2ater harvesting, in a&&ition to its Environment practices to prevent+control pollution

    )agge& the unit this a2ar&1 7hur&a )eat over !" shortliste& in&ustries throughout the state (or the


    The a2ar& 2as presente& on the !%r& Foun&ation Day 'ele)ration o( the State 4ollution 'ontrol

    oar&, Orissa )y S141Nan&a, 4rincipal Secretary, Dept o( Environment 5 Forests 9ovt o( Orissa

    on #Cth Septem)er !""1 The A2ar& 2as recieve& )y the Region $ 3ice 4resi&ent Mr1 T1

    7rishna 7umar1 Speaing on the occassion Mr1 =1N14attnai $ 4' 'hairman lau&e& the e((orts

    o( the company in the (iel& o( environment protection1

    6in&ustan 'oca$'ola everages 4rivate =imite&, Dasna unit, )ags the -9ol&en 4eacoc

    Environment Management A2ar& !""

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The Dasna unit near Delhi in 9haia)a& has )een a2ar&e& the prestigious -9ol&en 4eacoc

    Environment Management A2ar& !""< /94EMA$ !""

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    impact on our environment in times to come1.

    The a2ar& 2ill )e (ormally presente& to the company shortly )y Institute o( Directors, an

    in&epen&ent )o&y that recognies the achievements o( manu(acturing units un&er the categories

    o( Environment, uality an& 'orporate 9overnance, in association 2ith >orl& Environment

    Foun&ation />EF0, at an o((icial (unction &uring the Cth >orl& 'ongress on Environment


    The Dasna plant achieve& this &istinction )y a&hering to The 'oca$'ola 'ompanyLs internal

    glo)al uality program calle& The 'oca$'ola uality System /T''S01 T''S not only covers

    environment management, )ut also taes into consi&eration other )usiness aspects such as sa(ety

    an& loss 4revention /S=40, pro&uct uality, pacaging uality, process capa)ility improvement

    an& customer satis(action1 Strict compliance 2ith T''S, o(ten rate& as a programme

    B"ddi 1nit B"*&

    En;i!onment M"n"*ement A"!d


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    euivalent to the internationally repute& ISO #"te!


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The 'hie( Minister o( &esert State Ra8asthan, Ms1 3asun&hara Ra8e, invite& Mr1 San8iv 9upta,

    4resi&ent, In&ia Division, to chair the 9overnments >oring 9roup on >ater Sector in

    recognition o( 'oca$'ola In&ias pioneering 2ater conservation 2or in the State1

    In a&&ition to this position, the State 9overnment has also invite& Mr1 9upta to 8oin another

    select group to &evelop a strategy (or 2ater conservation1

    The 'ompany has over the last (e2 years initiate& a large num)er o( rain2ater harvesting

    pro8ects in partnership 2ith local N9Os an& the Ra8asthan State 9roun& >ater Department1 The

    rain 2ater harvesting initiatives, )oth near the 'ompanys )ottling plants an& in other areas, have

    create& a potential to recharge more 2ater than 2hat is &ra2n (rom the groun&1 These e((orts

    have )een appreciate& )y the local communities an& recognie& )y the 9overnment earlier as


    This 9overnment initiative is a strong re(lection o( the increasingly important role that the

    'ompany is playing in improving the lives o( local communities an& )ringing 8oy to their lives1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    T#$I(I(G (&&!) I!&(TIFIC$TIO(


    Training is o(ten inclu&e& as an essential element o( an organiationLs strategy to gain a

    competitive a&vantage1 Regulatory agencies reuire that employees )e traine& certain topics an&

    personal &evelopment+career paths o(ten speci(y sill an& no2le&ge areas 2hich must )e

    mastere&1 These are the (actors that in(luence an organiationLs overall training program1 >ith

    all these sometimes$&ivergent (actors competing (or resources training systems can )ecome

    stresse&, ine((ective, ine((icient an& (ragmente&1 Organiations nee& a structure approach 2hen

    &eveloping+improving their training system1

    For purposes o( this &iscussion 2e 2ill &ivi&e the training process into three phases;

    /#0 nee&s i&enti(ication

    /!0 Training Systems /courses, mo&ules, training ai&s, presentation, instructors, recor&s0

    /%0 Evaluation

    P8ASE ONE: Need& Identi'i("tion

    The (irst phase is the i&enti(ication an& analysis o( an organiations training nee&s1 As a

    minimum, the organiation shoul& )e a)le to accomplish the (ollo2ing (our things;

    #1 Systematic revie2 o( each tra&e, occupation or process )y a team o(

    no2le&gea)le in&ivi&uals

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    !1 'on&uct ver)al an&+or 2ritten surveys o( managers, supervisors, lea&ers,

    technicians an& 2orers

    %1 'on&uct a complete revie2 o( legislate& training reuirements

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    In 7a8aria 'eramics =imite& across training is customie& pro&uct 2ise1 I( any &e(ect comes in a

    pro&uct or process, a training session is initiate& to era&icate root cause1

    There are normally t2o 2or stations in pro&uction,

    #1 'ritical station

    !1 Normal station

    At critical 2or station an e((icient 2orer shoul& pro&uce """ to C""" units in one shi(t1 At

    this 2or station minor 8o) is &one1

    At normal 2or station an e((icient 2orer shoul& )e pro&uce B""" to #"""" units in one shi(t in

    normal circumstances1

    In this company there are t2o types o( 2orer are 2oring1

    #1 4ermanent 2orer

    !1 Temporary 2orer

    A 2orer get the permanent 8o) a(ter the goo& an& consistent per(ormance in the company, these

    people are 2ell eJperience& in their relative 8o)s1

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    Temporary 2orer is a layman1 They &onLt no2 any thing a)out the 2or, so these types o(

    people reuire training1

    >hen a ne2 person 8oins the company, he got the training a)out the sa(ety an& maintenance1 For

    getting these training he is sen& in technical training cell /TT'01 In TT' he has to go some )asic

    no2le&ge an& instruction, 2hich is given )y the 8ust senior )oss1 That person is calle& line in

    charge1 During the training a person gets the 8o)1 6e is 2atche& )y the line in charge1 At any

    point the line in charge& (oun& any (ault in the 2or, the line in charge instructe& at that time, so

    that the 2orer &oes the 8o) in a proper 2ay an& come out 2ith ero$&e(ect pro&uct1

    A(ter the TT' training employees are &ivi&e& among various teams an& sen& to the &i((erent

    operations, on the &i((erent operations1 A line$in charge is there, 2ho 2ill 2atch each an& every

    steps &uring the 2or1 I( any (ault in the 2or is (oun&, he taes that serious an& instructs to

    remove the (ault imme&iately1

    A(ter some eJperience the 2orer is trans(erre& (rom one operation to another operation area1

    >here same proce&ure is per(orme&1 6e 2ors an& i( get any con(usion regar&ing the 8o), he

    may as the line in charge or i( line in charge see any (ault &uring the operation, he e&ucates the

    2orer to &o the 8o) )etter1 This process is repeate& on each an& every operation1 This is ho2

    each an& every employee is (amiliarie& to the 8o) 1 The main a&vantage o( this 8o) rotation is, i(

    any 2orer &oes not come on the particular &ay, that place can )e (ille& )y any other 2orer an&

    the 2ors progress 2ithout any interruption1

    A(ter 8o) rotation an& getting eJperience& the entire 2orer &ivi&e& into three groups,

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    6ighly e((icient



    I( a person can han&le all the machines relate& to any particular 8o)1 That 2orer is calle& highly

    e((icient 2orer1 A(ter getting training

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    'ompany is giving training to the e((icient 2orer1 For them there are three types o( trainingP


    9ive the opportunity to 2or 2ith highly e((icient 2orer1

    9ive the eJpert no2le&ge a)out the 2or1

    In counseling the instructor or line in charge counsel the 2orer1 A line in charge tries to

    motivate the 2orer to &o their 8o) in proper 2ay1 This is a ver)al communication1 >ith the help

    o( 2or&s a senior person tries to mae them as e((ective as highly e((icient 2orer1

    The secon& option -provi&e them opportunity to 2or 2ith highly e((icient people. helps those

    people to learn1 During the 2or he can 2atch ho2 the highly e((icient people 2orZ 6o2 can

    they han&le the situationZ They got the i&ea a)out the pro)lem, 2hich may )e arising &uring the

    2or1 They also get the i&ea a)out &ealing those types o( pro)lems1 This 2ay an e((icient 2orer

    is &evelope& to )e highly e((icient 2orer1

    e(ore start 2oring every 2orer shoul& get the no2le&ge a)out the 8o) pro(ile1 >ithout

    proper no2le&ge no one can per(orm )etter1 There must )e some &e(ective in the pro&uct &ue to

    less no2le&ge a)out the pro&uction process1 So speci(ic no2le&ge is essential (or ero$&e(ect

    pro&uct1 This is the &uty o( management to e&ucate them an& provi&e (ull no2le&ge a)out the

    pro&uction process an& uality control1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    For a&euate people company has some other 2ay (or giving them training1 The 2or pressure is

    the )est 2ay (or mae them 2or1 Un&er this the a&euate person is sen& to 2or )et2een t2o

    highly e((icient 2orers1 6ighly e((icient people can 2or (aster than a&euate person1 So (rom

    )oth si&es he (aces the pressure (or 2or (aster an& e((ectively1 This 2ay an a&euate 2orer can

    )e the e((icient an& highly e((icient 2orer (or company1

    In any company some (actor e((ect the training;

    Strategies changes

    Technical changes

    Matter o( cost saving

    I( the top management o( the company 2ant to change their strategies1 6ere company 2ants

    traine& people (or 2or1 So (irstly company looe& (or the eJperience& people, )ut it is very

    &i((icult to get traine& people1 So they hire& semi$ sille& people an& a(ter 8oining them they give

    them training1 So that this can 2or e((ectively an& accor&ing to the reuirement o( the


    I( company 2ants some technical change in pro&uct, they also reuire traine& people (or 2or1

    Technical change reuires more technical people1 I( company 2ants to retain the same people

    2ho are 2oring (orm last some times then company has to give them training1 A(ter getting

    training a 2orer can a&8ust in any environment an& 2or e((ectively1

    To&ayLs era is the cost cutting era1 In the intensive competition cost o( the pro&uct is very

    important1 >e canLt survive in the maret 2ith high cost1 So 2e nee& to cut the cost o( the

    pro&uct1 For cutting the cost 2e nee& more traine& 2orer 2ho can 2or (aster an& uicly1 So

    that the pro&uction time can )e re&uce&1 At lastly 2e can get the lo2 price pro&uct1

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  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The choice o( the metho&s shoul& tae into consi&eration the intellectual level an&

    e&ucational )acgroun& o( the participants an& the participantsL age practical


    Some metho&s are more e((ective than others in achieving certain o)8ective1

    'hoice metho&s &epen& on the social an& cultural (actors in the environment1 No2

    many participative metho&s are accepte& an& use& in management training1

    It also &epen&s on the time an& the availa)ility o( resources an& in(rastructural (acilities1

    Ty+e& o' t!"inin*

    @o) instruction training

    @o) rotation



    3esti)ule training

    Indu(tion o! O!ient"tion t!"inin*:

    In&uction or orientation may )e &e(ine& as a process o( gui&ing an& counseling the

    employee to (amiliarie him 2ith 8o) situations1 The in&uction process accomplishes several

    o)8ectives inclu&ing (ormation o( a (avora)le impression an& attitu&e, &evelopment o( the (eeling

    o( )elongingness an& (acilitation o( learning an& team2or on the part o( the employees1 The

    content o( the in&uction program shoul& )e pre&etermine& in the (orm o( a checlist speci(ying

    the topics to )e covere&1 Attempts are to )e ma&e to (ollo2$up an& assess the program )y

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    intervie2ing the ne2 employees as a measure to correct the gaps in the no2le&ge an& attitu&e

    o( the employees1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    R"n-"nd-?i#e $ob t!"inin*:

    This is )ase& on similarities in training on several speci(ic 8o)s1 This type o( training can )e

    imparte& in a classroom or on the 8o)1 It is per(orme& )y a (oreman or a group lea&er1 Its

    a&vantages arise in so (ar as it is realistic an& economical an& &oes not hamper pro&uction as

    2ell as necessitate (rom classroom to 8o) situations1

    Limit"tion& o' !"n-"nd-'i#e $ob t!"inin*:

    The trainer may )e an incompetent teacher

    The shop (loor may )e )usy

    There may arise heavy pro&uction losses1

    Su+e!;i&o!y t!"inin*:

    Supervisory training nee&s reveal utmost &ivergence in vie2 o( &ivergent &uties o( supervisors1

    Employee attitu&e surveys help in i&enti(ying area o( supervisory training1 =ie2ise, supervisors

    themselves may )e reueste& to in&icate the areas 2here they nee& training1 Freuently, these

    surveys in&icate that supervisors nee& training in human relations, pro&uction control, company

    policies an& ho2 to instruct1 Supervisory courses consist o( 8o) metho&s training /@MT0 an& 8o)

    relations training /@RT01 The @MT helps the supervisors to improve metho&s in their &epartments,

    2hile the @RT helps them in han&ling human relations pro)lems in their &epartments1


    On the (o) techniues are con&ucte& in the real 8o) settings1 On the 8o) metho&s usually involve

    training in the total 8o)1 These metho&s are typically con&ucte& )y in&ivi&uals, 2orers,

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    supervisors1 The main a&vantage is that the trainees learn 2hile actually per(orming their 2or,

    2hich may minimie the training cost1 They also learn in the same physical an& social

    environment in 2hich they 2ill )e 2oring once the (ormal training perio& is complete&1

    Ty+e& o' on t)e $ob te()niue&:

    @o) instruction training

    @o) rotation



    3esti)ule training

    @ob in&t!u(tion t!"inin*:

    @o) instruction training /@IT0 is receive& &irectly on the 8o) an& so it is calle& -on the 8o)

    training. it is use& primarily to teach 2orers ho2 to &o their current 8o)s1 The 2orer learns to

    master the operation involve& on the actual 8o) situation un&er the supervision o( his imme&iate

    )oss 2ho has to carry the primary )ur&en o( con&ucting the training1 Usually no special

    euipment or space is nee&e&, since no2 employees are traine& at the actual 8o) location1

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    4roper training can )e as important as the euipment use& an& other characteristics o( the 8o)1

    The money annually pai& (or training )y )usiness an& in&ustry also &emonstrates the importance

    o( training1 It has )een estimate& that American )usiness (irms spen& more than G%" )illion per

    year on training an& &evelopment, 2ith some estimates running as high as G#"" )illion Motorola,

    Inc1 alone spen&s a)out G

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola





    To )uil& upon an& enhance eJisting sill sets o( associates through nee& )ase& training1

    The training process consists o( the (ollo2ing elements

    Sill set i&enti(ication

    Sill gap analysis

    Training nee& analysis

    Training calen&ar

    I&enti(ication o( trainers

    EJecution o( training an& (ee&)ac

    Training recor&s an& in&ivi&ual training recor&s

    Evaluation o( training e((ectiveness an& revie2

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola




    Our respon&ents ha& atten&e& the (ollo2ing training programmes1

    #1 ISO$ """ a2areness programme1

    !1 >orers E&ucation 4rogramme1

    %1 Supervisory Development 4rogramme1

    >e met only those participants 2ho 2ere 2oring either in - A shi(t, , shi(ts or in - 9eneral.

    shi(t1 To meet the participants 2ho 2ere in -'. shi(t, -. shi(t or in - 9eneral. shi(t1 To meet

    the participants 2ho 2ere in - 'L Shi(t at that time, 2as not possi)le (or us1 /-' Shi(t. is (rom

    ##1%"p1m1 to H1%" a1m10

    >e too intervie2 o( those 2ith 2hom 2e coul& meet at 2or place1 >e too %" intervie2s

    (rom participants an& there)y (ille& 4art $I Sche&ules1 Along2ith 2hich 2e too intervie2 o(

    D1Os1 Internal Faculties, etc1 )y (illing 4art II Sche&ules1


    Tool is an instrument, 2hich is use& in all types o( 2or1 In this stu&y our tool 2ere t2o types o(

    sche&ules1 One sche&ule 2as use& (or the trainees or participants an& another one 2as use& (or

    the Trainers, D1Os etc1 As 2e ha& to evaluate the training1 @ust a(ter (raming the sche&ules, 4ilot

    Stu&y 2as con&ucte& (or the purpose o( pre$testing1 Then )oth the sche&ules 2ere (inalie&1 2e

    separately met )oth types o( people an& )e(ore taing intervie2, rapport 2as esta)lishe& (or

    e((ective communication an& coor&ination1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    During the intervie2, intervie2ees 2ere o)serve& an& I also tale& on some out$ o( topic

    matters so that intervie2 )ecame interest an& intervie2ees sho2e& their interest1

    >e trie& our )est (or cultivating such (eelings among the intervie2ees that they an& their

    per(ormance o( any such activities 2ere not )eing uestione& an& the con(i&entiality 2oul& )e


    An"#yti("# too#&

    For the representation o( analysis o( the research various analytical tools lie )ar &iagrams, pie

    charts an& line graphs have )een use&P these analytical tools have really prove& to )e o( great

    help (or the purpose o( stu&y (or 2hich K /4ercentage0 metho& has also )een utilie&1

    Limit"tion& o' t)e &tudy

    It is a )rie( con&ucte& &uring short span o( time1 In or&er to no2 the &epth one reuires a lot o(

    in(ormation, money an& involvement o( manpo2er1 As is the case 2ith every research e((ort, this

    stu&y also leaves a lot o( room (or (urther improvements1 The ma8or =imitations o( this stu&y are

    given )elo21

    Due to non$ corporate nature o( some o( the organiations, pro8ect coul& not )e un&ertaen

    at the eJternal level1

    iases in the responses cannot )e rule& out as the uestionnaires 2ere only (ille& )y the

    managers an& 2orers o( the sample taen1

    Su&&en changes in the programme o( some o( the participants at the time o( intervie2s le&

    to the pro)lem in getting &ata1


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    First, a secon&ary research 2as con&ucte&, eeping in min& the topic o( stu&y, to gain a clear

    insight o( the topic 1For this, I consulte& many )oos, manuals an& theories1 This helpe& me

    in &esigning an& (raming the right in& o( uestions1 The proper &esign helpe& in selection o(

    relevant uestions (or the stu&y 1The (ollo2ing uestions 2as then propose& to )e stu&ie&,

    un&er &escriptive research 2hich helpe& me in analysis1



    P!im"!y &ou!(e 4rimary source o( &ata collection is use& un&er the stu&y, uestionnaire 2ere

    prepare& to con&uct the stu&y1

    S"m+#e &+"(e

    Employees inclu&ing eJecutives an& non$eJecutives o( 6in&ustan 'oca$cola are &istri)ute&

    uestionnaire1 /#"" uestionnaires0

    Se(ond"!y &ou!(e

    Secon&ary source o( &ata collection 2as &one to gain a clear insight o( the topic1 The

    research 2as con&ucte& (rom various )oos, 8ournal, an& manuals (or con&ucting primary


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    The in(ormation 2as mainly o)taine& (rom three sources1

    a1 PRIMAR= DATA; In(ormal conversations 2ere the source o( in(ormation regar&ing the

    training metho&s alrea&y (ollo2e& an& i&enti(ication o( the training nee&s o( the 2orers1

    )1 SECONDAR= DATA; In(ormation regar&ing the ne2 metho&s that can )e implemente&

    2as collecte& )ase& on )oo research1

    c1 OT8ER IN?ORMATION: other important &ata 2as collecte& (rom Internet, companies

    >e)sites an& (e2 search engines1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    Se#' De;e#o+ment



    Sel( &evelopment aspect in the training program, there is a little &i((erence )et2een goo& an&

    outstan&ing1 Out o( !

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    Re#e;"nt to t)e (u!!ent $ob:


    er! much


    The entire training program shoul& )e relevant to the 8o) o( 2orer or sta((s1 In search o( this

    i&ea in the training program, it 2as (oun& that out o( !< trainees ## thins, that 2hile training

    program 2hat$ever they got 2as relevant the current 8o)1 Rest #< thins that the program is

    outstan&ing in the relation o( current 8o)1 This 2ill )e very help(ul in the (uture to per(orm their

    8o) in a )etter 2ay1

    E''i(ient u&e o' time:



    E((icient use o( time in the training program is very much important (or every 2orer or sta((,

    )ecause every one 2ants to use his+her time e((iciently1 #" out o( !< trainees eJperience& goo&

    use o( time &uring the training1 Rest #< eJperience& the eJcellent use o( time1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    M"int"inin* t)e inte!e&t:



    Maintaining the interest o( participants is essential (or the success o( any program1 It 2as (oun&

    that only one trainee says that he &i&nLt have any interest in the training program1 Out o( !

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    success(ul event1 #", out o( !< trainees say that the program is very goo& on clarity1 Rest #< says

    that the training program 2as very much clear1

    The training program has mainly )een areas rate& on three parameters1

    i1 Sill Enhancement

    ii1 4ersonality Enhancement

    iii1 IT Relate&

    All the trainees have rate& the training program &i((erently on the )asis o( all the three


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    Si## En)"n(ement:



    Accor&ing to the &evelopment o( sills out o( !< trainees #" have eJperience& goo& an& rest #or =i(e o( the 2ormen is analye& on the )asis o( various parameters

    concerning monetary )ene(its, health an& sa(ety, 2el(are (acilities, management 2orer

    relationship, 2or environment an& gro2th an& &evelopment opportunities1 The analysis reveals

    satis(action among a ma8ority o( "1BH K o( the 2orers, some2hat satis(actory response (rom

    #1#K o( the 2orers an& not satis(actory response (rom !1%

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    scholarships to &eserving stu&ents1 6o2ever there 2as high criticism )y as many as HK o( the

    2orers a)out the e&ucation (acility provi&e& to them )y 'oca$cola 'ompany1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    Some o' t)e ot)e! m"$o! 'indin*& di&(o;e!ed on inte!"(tion it) t)e

    o!e!& in(#ude:

    Ma8or &issatis(action &ue to payment o( salary through cheue1

    Ina&euate sa(ety measures1

    Non availa)ility o( am)ulance (or emergency1

    Non availa)ility o( &octor (or emergencies &uring night shi(t1

    Negligence in atten&ance recor& eeping1

    Delay in reim)ursement o( hospitaliation claims1

    Delay in payment o( post retirement )ene(its1

    Improper per(ormance appraisal system1

    Discrimination among union lea&ers an& or&inary 2orers1

    Ina&euate a2ar&s an& incentives (or 2orers as compare& to sta(( level employees1

    Deterioration o( (oo& uality &uring night shi(t1

    Ina&euate (acility (or &rining 2ater, seating arrangement, urinals1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    Non availa)ility o( rest room (or 2orers1

    >orers are ignorant a)out the income taJ &e&uction &etails1

    Aroun& %K o( the 2orers 2ere una2are a)out =TS1

    Aroun& CK o( the 2orers 2ere una2are o( the post retirement )ene(its1

    As many as HK o( the 2orers 2ere &issatis(ie& 2ith the e&ucation (act1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    It is a )rie( con&ucte& &uring short span o( time1 In or&er to no2 the &epth one reuires a lot o(

    in(ormation, money an& involvement o( manpo2er1 As is the case 2ith every research e((ort, this

    stu&y also leaves a lot o( room (or (urther improvements1 The ma8or =imitations o( this stu&y are

    given )elo21

    Due to non$ corporate nature o( some o( the organiations, pro8ect coul& not )e un&ertaen

    at the eJternal level1

    iases in the responses cannot )e rule& out as the uestionnaires 2ere only (ille& )y the

    managers an& 2orers o( the sample taen1

    Su&&en changes in the programme o( some o( the participants at the time o( intervie2s le&

    to the pro)lem in getting &ata1

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola





    6R Manager is overall responsi)le (or e((ectiveness o( training program1


    This program &etails a)out the training metho&ology applica)le to each an& every company

    employee1 This program inclu&es SOP on skill set identification6R$SO4$##!1C1# an& SOP of

    conducting training6R$SO4$##!1C1!1 The applie& metho&ology is outline& )elo21

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    H1ALI?ICATION CRITERIA:For hiring permanent employees the uali(ication

    reuirements (or in&ivi&uals are &escri)e& in the )elo2 state& matriJ1








  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    4ro&uction In charge &iscipline Engineering in

    /Mechanical or


    pro&uction or


    (unction in relate&





    9ra&uate in any


    'ommerce gra&uate

    2ith Diploma in



    C years in a stores

    (acility in relate&


    =ogistics Manager 9ra&uate in any


    'ommerce gra&uate C years in a

    &istri)ution (acility

    4ersonnel 5 6RD


    9ra&uate in any


    Degree or &iploma

    in management 2ith

    specialiation in

    personnel 5 6RD

    C yr1 in personnel

    an& 6RD area1

    Finance Manger 'ommerce gra&uate 'A+I'>A #" years in an

    accounts &ivision1

    A EJecutive 9ra&uate in Science1 Degree or &iploma

    in 'hemical or Foo&


    years uality

    control +assurance

    (unction o( a (oo& or

    relate& in&ustry1



    #"W! 2ith ITI


    Degree in


    /mechanical or


    ! years in a

    pro&uction or


    (unction in relate&


  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola


    uality Assurance


    9ra&uate in Science1 Degree or &iploma

    in 'hemical or Foo&


    % years uality

    control +assurance

    (unction o( a (oo& or

    relate& in&ustry1

    9eneral Duty


    #"W! pass 9ra&uate ! years in a relate&


    Mareting EJecutive 9ra&uate in any


    Diploma in



    ! years in a similar


    Fitter #"W! 2ith ITI Fitter


    $ ! years in a relate&


    Turner #"W! 2ith ITI

    Turner certi(icate

    $ ! years in a relate&


    Electrician #"W! 2ith ITI



    $ ! years in a relate&


    oiler operator L certi(icate

    hol&er (or )oiler


    AL certi(icate

    hol&er (or )oiler


    ! years in a similar


    Utilities operator #"W! in Science

    2ith respective


    $ ! years in a similar


    Operator /9eneral0 #"W! in Science 9ra&uate in Science ! years in a similar


    ottle Inspector =iterate 2ith soun&


    #"W ! in Science $

    6elper =iterate $ $

    Accountant 'ommerce gra&uate 'A+I'>A < years in a similar

  • 8/13/2019 Training and Developme t Skill Gap Analysis Coca Cola



    Drivers =