deconstruction of ancillary magazine

nstruction of my Ancillary Maga Strap line shows what the magazine specialises in and caters for the audiences needs, ‘SKY’ and ‘VIRGIN.’ The reverse block white text on the red background stands out and draws the readers attention in. Masthead shows a simple font which is familiar to the reader which increases brand loyalty. The red goes with the colour scheme to sick in the audiences mind and the shadow effect makes it look high quality as it is conventional of ‘classy’ soap magazines. The main stars eyes are in the centre of the page and is holding eye contact with the camera to engage the audience with direct address. The scared/serious facial expressions used helps the audience to recognize the type of storyline. Simple colour scheme used of red, white and yellow helps to give this publication a high quality feel and doesn’t over power the page unlike ‘trashy’ soap magazines. The main 3 colours are used throughout to make this magazine memorable and encourage brand loyalty. The alliterated caption anchors onto the main dominant image to help the audience to understand the storyline and emotions portrayed. The features are placed around the main image keeping in with the colour scheme. The canted feature in the corner is conventional of a ‘classy’ magazine.

Upload: alexcherry3

Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Deconstruction of ancillary magazine

Deconstruction of my Ancillary MagazineStrap line shows what the magazine specialises in and caters for the audiences needs, ‘SKY’ and ‘VIRGIN.’ The reverse block white text on the red background stands out and draws the readers attention in.

Masthead shows a simple font which is familiar to the reader which increases brand loyalty. The red goes with the colour scheme to sick in the audiences mind and the shadow effect makes it look high quality as it is conventional of ‘classy’ soap magazines. The main stars eyes are in the

centre of the page and is holding eye contact with the camera to engage the audience with direct address. The scared/serious facial expressions used helps the audience to recognize the type of storyline.

Simple colour scheme used of red, white and yellow helps to give this publication a high quality feel and doesn’t over power the page unlike ‘trashy’ soap magazines. The main 3 colours are used throughout to make this magazine memorable and encourage brand loyalty.

The alliterated caption anchors onto the main dominant image to help the audience to understand the storyline and emotions portrayed. The features are placed around the main image keeping in with the colour

scheme. The canted feature in the corner is conventional of a ‘classy’ magazine.