analysis of kerrang music magazine

Analysis of Kerrang music magazine

Upload: sahrastyles

Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Analysis of Kerrang music magazine

The mast head is written in black and its bold, it clearly stand out. The font style is quite dramatic, it looks like a broken glass, it could suggest rebellion.

The main image takes over most of the page. The image is a mid shot of 5 people, and its like they’re looking straight at you asking you to buy the magazine.

Header: It’s its bold and yellow which could suggest that its important and it also appeals to the target audience.

Rule of thirds

The flasher clearly stands out and attracts the target audience because of it's bright and attractive colours.

The price and date are essential item and it used in every music magazine.

Analysis of contents page

The house style continues and ‘Kerrang’ Uses the same font but a different colour, this can strike the readers attention.

The layout of ‘Kerrang’ is pretty straight forward the content page is set like any other contents page. There are several images and the one large image is very dominate in the content. The images are numbered this can grab the readers attention. The content is very colourful and that is quite odd for a rock magazine, this can lure the reader.

This content page is quite different because you have a little message from the editor this can lure the target audiences.

Analysis of DPS

The layout of ‘Kerrang’ magazines DPS is more picture-led, because there are several pictures laid out across the page. The text is set out in three columns, the whole article is on one page. The images take most of the page in the magazine, this is a way of attracting the target audience. However, the text is bold and it’s a different font sizes and colours. This is quite usual because ‘Kerrang’ doesn’t normally use bright colours. The editor uses a quote to lure the target audience. Also the editor uses a stand first at the beginning of the article, this tells you a little bit about the article.

Additionally, the writer/editor uses a flasher to flash important information to the reader, this is a way of grabbing the readers attention.


• Kerrang is a music magazine which concentrates on the more punk rock genre, its target audience is 14-20 year

olds and of mainly a male readers.